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Everything posted by kcol

  1. Against. If they allow roots/snares to be affected by resolve, they(the Devs) need to cut the burst damage of 4 AC's by 2/3's.
  2. Sage bubble needs to be what it was pre 1.2....2 hits and it's gone is bs.
  3. Agreed. TTK needs to be doubled so stratagies can evolve and change. The current zergfest is boring. I think this is why people enjoy the 10-49 bracket so much. You can screw up and have time to recover. The 50's bracket doesn't allow for this, one missed keybind and you're done.
  4. I'm an average pvp'r. Not great, but not bad and know how to play the objectives. With that said and out of the way, Pugs in ranked have no place, period. We got a group together that was decently geared, BM with a few warhero thrown in. We got slaughtered. The groups that have been queing together have a HUGE advantage. It's not just the gear difference, I can kill WH augmented wearers with work. No this is complete dominance by a well oiled group of people with tactics, group comp, and voice chat that move and think as one. What stands out to me about these teams is that they focus the healers, the weak and then tanks and main dps. This alone stands in contrast to PUG's. It is this single minded thought process that makes the elite, elite. PUG's will never get this one rule down. Just my 2 cents out of 5 and now I'm left with 3
  5. Pyro Powertechs need a HUGE buff so this amount of QQ is warranted. Railshot should hit for atleast 10k damage and knock the player on the other side of the screen out for a minimum of 30 min.
  6. If you played a shadow priest in WoW, the 1.2 nerf was almost as bad as the nerf in Cata.....until you learn what to do. I hadn't played my sage since 1.2 hit and with 1.3 I thought I would try it. Amazing what a 2month break will do for your thought process. Although having one of most of the AC's available doesn't hurt either
  7. I will say that gearing after hitting 50 is rough, as I have a lev 50 Sent (my first), that I wanted to experience the story line and planet quests with. Didn't hop into a pvp match at all with it while leving. Learned real fast the hard way after dinging 50 that was the wrong move. So I shelved her until 1.2 hit. Purchased the recruit gear. Did no damage and died all the time. Now she's in BM gear with a couple of WH pieces. Was it fun? Yes and no. It was fun because I enjoy the pvp in this MMO. But at the same time, it took some of the enjoyment away I had playing that particular toon. This isn't a QQ post as this was totally preventable if I had pvp'd during leving, and was totally my fault for not thinking ahead. Now my next 3 50's where done to pvp perfection. I guess what I'm saying is that from launch, some people had a plan from the start to get all the pvp experience they could. Which means the gear came with it. They EARNED IT with all the benefits it affords them.
  8. 4 sin and 4 maras is all you need. guard the maras and maras run split spec rage and anni.
  9. It will be hard to balance classes that are not going to be represented in the ranked wz's.
  10. What I do on my sage is die in 5secs, respawn and run to the other side of map.
  11. I have a full BM geared pyro-powertech on the PTS I would be willing to log into to help test. Don't know if it would be helpful, but am willing to die for a good cause. Her name is Tactisha and should be logged in around 6:30pm cst.
  12. lol, I find it funny that 2 out of the three OP classes are ganging up on the poor powertech. Guess it's not enough that a juggs smash can hit 5 people for 6k damage, or sins can wail on people with 4.5k attacks and maras can hit a BM geared sage for 5k on almost every hit. Hate to tell ya, but powertech/vanguard are needed to level the playing field against the force abusers.
  13. Every class in the game has full resources after death except Guard/Jugg and Mara/Sent, get over it and L2P.
  14. Arenas are fine as long as they don't introduce any tier of gear. I could care less about arenas but if people want it, why limit their play. It isn't stopping me from enjoying the game.
  15. I have a low lev Mara, did 265k in a voidstar at lev 11. How overpowered is that? At lev 21 I still do 200k regularly.
  16. @OP: Only yours for making this poll.
  17. kcol

    Not exactly Arenas

    OK, I have to admit, these are the coolest ideas I have heard yet. Keep it up, maybe BW will listen.
  18. I would like to add that running with the huttball is bugged. It seems to allow you to run normally until in combat. Atleast that what I have noticed while carrying the ball.
  19. I'm not calling for a nerf of any class. I play a pyro powertech and know what the damage is they can do with or without aoe's. I do know that if you nerf certain tank/healing AC's for dps or healing respectively, that the tank build will be affected and I know for sure that dps was affected by the latter as I have a BM/WH geared sorc and I think it sux I can't play it the way I want to because of a bunch of nerf threads popped against sorc/sage. Now I have rolled a sniper for the legacy buff, and found I like how it plays and all see are nerf threads for those as well. Until people actually play an AC, they have no clue of the weakness that particular class has and no clue how to stop it. I believe that for every NERF THIS thread an account holder makes, one of their 50's should be nerfed to do the damage/healing of a lev 10.
  20. Well that call was heard and fell hard on sorcs/sage when 1.2 came out. What's the difference now? Oh wait, must be calls to nerf YOUR class.
  21. That's ok, I was in a voidstar where my whole team missed the force field go down at the start and got locked in while they were discussing strat. Needless to say, one guy jumping out and getting rolled by 8 didn't even slow them down. they had the bombs planted at the second set of doors before my team caught up. No hacks needed...lol
  22. kcol

    Limited attendance

    The sad thing is you can basically have 5 main pieces of BM gear at 50 if you pvp during leving and save your coms. You can get a sixth piece of main gear BM an hour and half after that by doing the daily and staying in 8 wz's. There is no excuse except that you didn't prepare for 50, or you believe this is a weapon based game and blow your coms on a WH weap that won't help until you get your BM gear. I chose to get the 6 pieces of BM gear on my pyrotech, filled the rest in with recruit and in less than a week I had full BM gear.
  23. kcol

    Undying Rage

    No kidding, the pally bubble lowered damage output by 50%.
  24. 25 vs 25 is doable and they could setup illum with a 16 man operation tuned to nightmare mode only and give classes a chance to farm a legendary weapon made from 20 different dropped pieces. That would give the incentive and reward to show up and win. Carrot on a stick.....new larger scale wz with a chance to farm a legenary and a new OP.
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