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Everything posted by MetallicaRulez

  1. That last Hammer Station boss is quite easy. Don't stand in grenades like a bad, use your knockbacks on the adds to knock them off the balcony (instakill ftw), make sure your tank doesn't get knocked off the balcony himself... tank n spank. If you're having trouble with it, it's likely you need to level up some or you need to stop standing in grenades like a bad. This game is far from difficult. I've seen some mildly challenging class quest sections, but nothing I would even consider "hard", much less "too hard". Flashpoint bosses among the 4 or 5 different FPs I've done have been a total joke.
  2. Gunnery is the classic turret spec. If I can be stationary and cast on people (and spot heal), I am an unstoppable death machine. If I get focused, I'm severely crippled. That's just how it works. If you don't like that style of gameplay, well, this AC might not be for you.
  3. If you have Cybertech, M1-4X is actually the best companion for Commandos. Without Cybertech he takes WAY more damage than he should, and it's really pointless to try to use him over Elara Dorne. I just prefer having a companion do all the healing while I do all the damage. I do plenty of DPS and can take quite a beating by myself, so having Jorgan or a tank really isn't necessary. I'm not even sure it's possible to solo some of the things I've solo'd without using Elara. When geared she's quite the potent little pocket healer.
  4. Unfortunately you rarely get to make use of her Biochem/Analysis bonuses, since she's the only useful combat companion you get the entire game.
  5. I assure you this isn't the case. While Commando healing was nerfed considerably (and is due for a buff now), Commando DPS is just as good as it was in beta. Commando is still the best AoE class and one of (if not the) highest single-target DPS classes. It's not a class that can be played poorly and see success. If you mismanage your ammo regeneration, you WILL die. As I've said multiple times, the penalty for going below ammo regen thresholds is huge. I've been solo'ing Heroic 2s and random world champions (90k+ health at level 40) the entire time I've been leveling. I haven't seen anyone else able to solo those champions without significant effort. I can do it without popping my 20min cooldown or a medpac usually. TL:DR Strategy: Elara Dorne in healing stance Grav Round to 5 stacks Full Auto on cooldown High Impact Bolt at 5-stacks of Charged Barrel DO NOT go below 7ish ammo Simple as that.
  6. Don't use tank companions right now. They are horribly underpowered in the survivability department. I've had no troubles at all on my Gunnery Commando. Currently L41, been using Elara Dorne the whole game. Spam Grav Round, use Full Auto on cooldown (Cryo Grenade beforehand gives you the 3rd tick), High Impact Bolt at 5-stack, and DO NOT go below 50% ammo under any circumstances. I suspect that's your problem. If you get to low ammo, you are totally screwed unless Reload is available. The ammo regen at low ammo levels is extremely punishing, to the point that I think it needs to be buffed honestly.
  7. Disagree. Trooper/Bounty Hunter have the most complicated resource system. You can completely gimp yourself in long encounters if you don't manage your ammo/heat properly. The way the regen works is VERY punishing if you make a mistake or go too hard too fast. I actually expect regen at low ammo/high heat levels to be buffed, because it is FAR too punishing right now.
  8. This is why you log in at 10:30 AM and don't log out again until midnight.
  9. Jedi Sage for Republic and Bounty Hunter of either AC for Empire. You want a combination of a tank/dps and heals as quickly as possible. Sage can heal and their first companion is a tank. BH can tank or DPS and their first companion is a healer. Any class is fine though. It's not like one is WAY better than the other, it's really only the early game where there's an obvious advantage for classes with good starter companions like Mako and Qyzen Fess. While the Commando is AMAZING for soloing random groups of weak enemies because they have such ridiculous AoE damage, they really struggle with ranged Elites until L18+. Aric Jorgan is easily the worst starting companion in the game. I guess if you go Medic, it's super easy, but it would also be extremely slow. My main is a Commando, currently level 19.
  10. Yea... I knew when they only got through 4 days of pre-order invites that there wouldn't be nearly enough people for 100+ servers. I think the bottleneck here is how quickly they can enable early access for each account, not how many poeple their servers can handle. At least, I hope that's the problem. Otherwise I have to assume the people at BioWare are idiots. It's already ridiculous that they're only doing 5 waves of invites today. Do they have to leave early to beat the traffic or what? It's only 2 PM at their HQ.
  11. By not running maintenance on all servers at once, and by splitting login servers between regions. The North American WoW servers have maintenance Tuesdays, and only 3-5 million players are from NA anyways. Europe has it's own set of servers and runs maintenance on Wednesdays. Same deal with China. Different set of servers. NO game can handle 5 million people logging in at once. Not even WoW. That's why they run maintenance in the morning on a weekday, even if everyone waiting on servers logs in immediately, it's only several hundred thousand people who aren't at work/school trying to log in... not all 9.5 million players they have.
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