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Everything posted by Campaigner

  1. Couldn't the Sith Empire win, take over, and eventually fall and be reborn as a Republic? I thought that possibility was the whole point of supporting the Sith faction in this game. No nation lasts forever. If the only time the Republic falls is in GL's movie then the whole point of this game's story is fairly pointless.
  2. They're seriously only keeping one NA PvP East server (The Fatman)?? Maybe it's losing a lot of pop from people going back to their mains now?
  3. People complaining about things they don't have the patience or ability to research and understand? Yeah that's pretty common in this world.
  4. Practice is currently the only available mode...
  5. If they're nerfing our burst again (albeit indirectly) could they at least reduce the cd on explosive probe? A 30 second wait for a decent in-combat rotation is annoying. In competetive play getting out of combat for hidden strike is likely going to be few and far between if you're actually playing the objective and making yourself useful.
  6. They intended to do so at launch but simply didn't have the time.
  7. Well if this were common to operative only I would have noticed (I'm a concealment OP). Also the stun you're talking about is common to the agent class, so snipers have it too (DERP). The perma stun can occur after getting either the electricity stun (agent, bh, inquisitor) or the dazed stun (consular, etc). Not long ago I was fighting republic on the Civil War warzone and I got perma stunned in the middle of combat and was just kinda wobbling while looking up at the sky. Not sure how many classes have that stun animation on the republic... but I notice when it happens.
  8. Yes it was fixed a long time ago and it was an exploit, not a hack. No hardware or software changes were required to replicate it.
  9. Open world PvP and an open world hub would be nice. But everything is so segmented and detached, it takes like 5 trips just to get from planet A to B.
  10. I don't think any class should be nerfed (except operatives cuz they haz teams) but saying all PTs have is DPS is kinda BS. Utility pull and taunts alone make them more than just "DPS and thats it."
  11. I believe the more important issue is that operatives still have stuns. This means that, theoretically, a team of said operatives would be capable of stunlocking a player and eventually result in an unsub for that reason alone. The only rational thing left to do is nerf concealment operatives yet again. Then buff PT and rage jugg damage to make up for the game's overall loss in killing power.
  12. If you want to L2P make a video of you failing so we can /lol and throw you tips.
  13. Why blow away WoW in it's weaker category (PvP) when you can focus on "story" and only deliver a fraction of the content the much older PvE game has?
  14. Who needs fun, repeatable endgame content like PvP when you can give your customers "story" and have them all unsub once they finish the book? I've admired this genius since the day I joined this website. Just 4 months after launch, all the casuals finished their "story," and PvP is still a joke (Illum & no rated)... I wonder why the servers might possibly be thinning? Maybe PvP keeps people around AFTER they're done with story? Go figure!!
  15. Are concealment operatives considered OP on servers without good pyro powertechs, tankDPS assassins and marauders? So slow... add some really good pyro powertechs in and you'll see how their damage trumps operative anyday. The ONLY plus concealment operative has is the element of surprise, which a truly good, alert PvPer would expect and be prepared for in a warzone anyways.
  16. And the Sith were always so good to eachother too. They would never fight to the death, no.
  17. It never fails to amuse me in MMOs when someone picks the stationary nuke spec and complains about being destroyed by melee dps.
  18. So... when both sides have good heals and tanks what kills people if not burst damagers assisting on targets?? If burst damage isn't meaningful in competetive PvP, as you say, then what kind of damage is? Make your side of the argument.
  19. Operative hybrid won't be killing a healer solo. Ever. You can put dots on as many people as you want and call it "damage" but burst is all that matters in competetive pvp.
  20. I've seen this happen to a pyro bh on the leader board. Said he hit for over 8k on one hit when it was just lumping railshot together with a delayed explosive and a dot tick.
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