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Everything posted by Bizwolf

  1. We have a gap closer. Speced it will stop them for 2 seconds. That's a gap closer. Good, not really but it is one. It's still a good class but there's something wrong when HS averages less than 2k and BS hits almost 4k. BS is the hardest hitting ability now which is weird but whatever. The best thing we could get and it's the very best thing is shadow step on a 20 meter with a 1 minute CD. I would actually log in.
  2. Those companies I'm sure didn't experience a month at 50 and done with the game. Those numbers have to be from the leveling experience which no other mmo is as good as.
  3. Far from an exploit as any team, even a pug can do it.
  4. Big credits like a million? Sure, take them, they just collect dust.
  5. The Swiftsure. 258 Empire Fleet- 175 Dromund Kaas 194 Republic Fleet- 122 on Cor Just added those because that's basically the starter zones after 10
  6. It works good. It's just some don't work and they're suppose to by design. I feel if all went against resolve, we would be good to go for sure.
  7. I bind mine and it works fine. The report button is the \.
  8. We're not kidding, that's not a lot. It may seem like it but it's not.
  9. In order to keep up with today's players you have to do one thing. You have to introduce at least 2 new raids and 4 new FP's every two months. That still won't work though because they will only offer Columi and Rakata. Well, everyone is in that pretty much so they have to give new gear. Well, they can't because then everything in the game will be too easy, so they have to up the level cap. Well, they can't because it's waiting for the expansion. Well, they can't wait that long because no one will be here. So there's a huge problem. I think with each new raid out, there's a new tier of gear. Up the stats by 4 on each thing is all. Warzones, simple, upon entering a warzone, you are put in the best pvp gear. Everyone is equal and if you win, you are better or your team is laid out better. Open up the world completely. If I can sneak on the RF, let me so I can kill people. Make a huge quest line that opens up the world to no phasing and no restrictions. It would turn into the lag fest that is/was Illum (the Fleet that is) but at least it gives you something to do. With as creative as these guys are, I'm shocked they did it this way and couldn't see that people would beat an MMO for the first time ever.
  10. I'm waiting for 1.2 and then decide. I've logged in 2 times in 2 weeks because I beat the game. So at least with 1.2 there's something new to do.
  11. This game is pretty balanced. That's why BM's never thought something was over the top OP back when people cried nerfs to operatives and so on. Now people are seeing what we've said for over a month now. That's why when people scream nerf so early it's pointless. Wait, adapt, and you will see. The CC in the game is the only thing that is over the top. Everything that stops your character should effect resolve and we would be good to go.
  12. So just take it out of the game? It's been nerfed to almost pointless.
  13. On his screen he's up, on yours he's down. Same goes when my roommates race to SOA from the speeder and all of us think we win because on our screens we do, but theirs, they do. But during the animation of getting up they can still cast things.
  14. Bizwolf

    Way too much CC!?

    So easy to fix. Make resolve work for everything that stops your character from your control...done. Too many things don't effect resolve.
  15. This happens all the time with me. I used to have my stuns mapped there and interrupts but after failing so many times, I put them to a key. Since 2 of my buttons work as ctrl+something the most annoying one was hitting my interrupt and it was ctrl+c and my character panel would pop up. I just changed it to c after that and took off the char panel from coming up. Very hit and miss.
  16. Nope, it's not and I don't care what they say. Doing BT or any FP running alts through, this always happens. If I take my OP, operative stuff drops a lot so what we did was this. Friend rolled an OP, I ran him through on mine, and he got everything in two runs. Ran a sorc alt after and OP stuff dropped again. Got on my sorc and ran him through and all sorc drops happened. And in the later FP's all BH stuff drops, doesn't matter the class running you through.
  17. We are still good but barely any Op's gave the change a chance and they re rolled. So now, you just don't see them as much anymore. You still get the "nerfs didn't hurt you did they" type things in general while in a match but we get a lot more laughs because on some people, it can take 3 minutes to kill them. It was a great change to new players, great change because they never stood a chance. It's becoming a horrible change as people get closer and closer gear wise. In a month people will have threads of "Buff OP's, they are laughable" Those threads might have already started...
  18. Tera is terable at least that should be the nickname. Maybe Terabad. GW2, don't know, not my thing but could be better. This game doesn't have much going for it right now since there's nothing to do so maybe you're right after all.
  19. AV but on a smaller scale with 16. Edit: Actually, 24 would be better.
  20. Nothing happens. People that unsub are still in the system therefore he will always be guildmaster. Your only option is to reform. I wish people that unsubbed would be auto kicked. But then I would have 4 members versus 40. But that's okay!
  21. On my main it was just under 4 days played. On my alt it was 3 days, 2 hours but got ran through 46-50 in less than 5 hours. A hard core player can do that in a 5-7 day period. A person like me that works from home can do it in two weeks and if I decided to take a week off, it would be one. Then to gear my alt it took a week.
  22. To be at cap and done with everything in WoW at launch, up to this point, 2 months in, was almost impossible. Hardcores maybe but I didn't hit 60 forever. People were everywhere, world pvp was everywhere, things to do were everywhere. This game is stream line. To level to 50 takes a week if trying and 2 if not. Like I've said before. This is the first mmo that I have beat. There's nothing left to do. And it's not being hardcore, it's just the game is too simple and too short. I bought 3 months thinking there was no way to be done with everything but I was wrong. I spent more time on this game prior to release then when playing which is bad.
  23. 1 week into 50 is the worst thing because you are done and beat the game up to this point. I've never beat an mmo, but I've beat this one.
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