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Everything posted by Bizwolf

  1. I'm not making an alt just because I think with my legacy level it will give me sprint at level 1. Going through that process at least 5 times now without it, I can't take it anymore.
  2. Let people switch sides! when it gets to balance, cut er off!
  3. Tons of threads obviously about nerf every class except sniper/gunslinger. Which, in the right hands are as tough as anything out there fyi. To me, this games balance is the best I've been a part of. As an Operative BM I did feel OP against everything out there except when going up against any class in the same gear or better than me. Now since the nerfs to the class it's tough but still 1v1 against the same geared player, it's going to be close, super close. Which is good. As a Sorcerer I don't feel OP at all. I've done the spec that everyone says needs nerfing and I just don't see it. Sure, if you leave me alone to do my thing, I'll get 500k damage but not if you pressure me. I could suck for sure but when focused on I eat dirt. As a healer I can't heal through 4 people like most say. A good Operative/Marauder will eat me for lunch. I think with this class, it comes down to the numbers. There's so many, they seem OP but that's the only reason. 1v1, they aren't a big deal. My buddy that's decked assassin says everything seems balanced. Marauder friend thinks the same too. So when people yell for nerfs, are you yelling because of the gear gap between you and them or are some of you full champion or full BM's still having huge problems with a certain class? And I'm not talking about that "one" guy that's the best on the server. I'm talking about in general.
  4. I was in a WZ today and we sent one to get snow and the rest middle. They took grass and when I looked, we had 6 healers middle, one dps. We all healed eachother, died once and no one capped the center until they had 100 points left. It was hilarious. They could have took the sides so easy but they just wanted to kill healers I guess. Not one healer had less than 250k healing at the end. Our dps guy hit 900k damage lol.
  5. The phasing should be done from this point on. Open everything to one single planet. Well, it's basically one planet these days anyway but what's the point on Illum this morning in having 36 in Illum (2) and 3 people in Illum (4)? And there was no option to go to 1 and 3. Made no sense.
  6. Searched but couldn't find a thread like this. Mind you I searched for 15 seconds. Sitting at 23 1/2 and it seems the only way it goes up fast is leveling another alt all over. I'm guessing the average is 15 or so and the most has to be up in the 30's or maybe even 40's by now.
  7. There's no class that sticks out like Frost mages or Druid healers in this game. Feral Druids were brutal for awhile as well but they were crap for years so they deserved it. Sorcerer hybrid that everyone complains about are not that bad especially in a 3v3 setting. If you had 2 Operatives, that person would die in 1.5 seconds. 2v1 in WoW was different, you had classes that could with stand being beat on for awhile. This game, not so much. I feel this game is pretty balanced up at BM level. Nothing really stands out. A good player of any class can beat another player. They don't have to give better gear for rewards, just give different gear looks with the same stats. Give crystals, give mounts. It would be nice to get gear that's a little better than BM but only by +4 in every stat kind of like it is now.
  8. You close threads and point people to threads that make no sense and have nothing to do with their post. You close threads that talk about Swtor but include a comparison and call it off-topic. You only close threads, never answer them. Yes you have the developer tracker or whatever but there's only a handful of answers. Yes you have the q&a that "you" pick the questions to answer as lame as that is. Don't play WoW anymore but at least they came into a thread and answered or at least they came in not acting like a robot. They would joke around, you would see that there's a post by them. This forum, you are stealthers. An answer in a post made by an admin is easy to do in vbulletin as you guys know, so try it out sometime.
  9. This is the first game I've played and stayed with for more than a week other than AC1 and WoW. In AC I had no idea about player base, nor did I care. It was just awesome regardless of people. It always had enough people it seemed but looking back at the numbers, they were horrible compared to today's standards. But, we had I think 6 servers so it seemed packed all the time. WoW was huge at the beginning on my server. World pvp was insane from Auberdine to the town below it. Then of course SS vs TM. Then came the TV adds and it blew up to the point I couldn't move on IF or fly in. Our guild went from 60 to 300+ in 2 weeks and stayed that way until last year. This game, we had our initial 6 people of the bat and added like 20 more leveling. 2 weeks in we had 40 real players. After the queues got out of hand, we lost 5 because the time they could play, no one wanted to wait two hours to log in. Then came the first month. Most quit and the most we have on is 6-7 and that's for raids. That last two weeks, everyone gets geared and now the most that logs in is 3. 40 to 3 in one month. So, the other games it picked up and this game it died. Why? It's the content. It's too easy and there isn't enough. There might be enough if it was harder but it's not. There's no lead up to anything. For me to make an alt, and gear it out to be able to run HM Op's in a two week time frame is stupid. Sure, I played a lot but my point is it's too easy to do anything thus making you bored quick. No idea why I typed all of that but population isn't growing on my server. It's the most populated one in the game but anyone from mine that says it's not losing players is lying.
  10. Most of the guild took a break. We haven't done anything for a little over two weeks. Out of 40 members, real members, the average 3 are on now. Some just quit, some said they are waiting for 1.2. We'll see but if 1.2 doesn't help, the game is pretty much done for most. People still leveling, no, but people that have done everything thus far, won't come back unless it's good.
  11. I think it's simple. You allow server transfers and you allow faction changes. If a server you're looking to join is Empire heavy, you can only pick republic. If I had the choice it would be not transferring because my server has the most people but I would go republic in a split second and so would everyone in my guild. Wait, they all quit but if this happened they might come back.
  12. It's fixed Tuesday but damn they are on a roll with it tonight.
  13. Alexa is horrible at rankings when they are +100,000 but below that, they are a good indicator. http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/swtor.com# You will see huge traffic to the site on days something happened. Beta, release, 1.1, and so on but you can see it's declining every day Then for kicks, do battle.net and you will see steady which is kind of shocking but that's what you want, not swtor's graph. Swtor will jump up on 1.2 again but you can tell it's going down and they need to act pretty fast.
  14. If you want to know what I do tomorrow, just hit refresh and look at my same post.
  15. Did the three wins on my Operative, finished the weekly. Did the three wins on my Sorcerer, finished the weekly. Logged on my BH which is 21 and looked around and said nah. Logged.
  16. Lets just say if it's the beginning of march or first week, maybe the 2nd, they will save the game. If it's April, they will lose a ton of people...a ton.
  17. I agree with everything but your balance part. The only people that have to be brought up to speed are Snipers/Gunslingers. Operatives need a little love and their healing tree needs a little too. Then again, I've seen godlike snipers and operative healers that are unreal but they are rare. I won't cancel but I will cancel if 1.2 doesn't turn out good that's for sure. They need to give purpose to keep playing the game. I'm not grinding for a title in pvp so 62 or whatever I'm at is fine. Don't need gear from pvp nor pve. FP's are pointless after your first week of clearing them. Operations are pointless after 2 weeks because you have everything. There needs to be more. Adding a Operation and a Flashpoint are a nice addition but we have the gear already. Sure, we will go through it for the newness but it needs to be hard and drop something nothing else does. Make it give the same stats but different looks. I know a lot of republic that want out of that ugly gear. And I want out of my ugly chest piece on my sorc with shoulders being over the top dumb. Give mounts (2 person ones), color crystals, dye changes, and all that kind of stuff, not boring Columi/Rakata.
  18. If they wait, they will have only people like you. You could be one of those rare breeds that are fully decked in BM/Rakata with nothing to do but still love the game but most aren't. If you're not that, you are a freshy.
  19. Really? Come out with the patch as fast as you can so that more players don't leave sums it up. And, it's true.
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