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Everything posted by Dharkeon

  1. Usually running Warzones with 2\3 friends, most of the times. I am enjoying 1.2 more than I was enjoying before. I'm a 65valor Sniper with 4 pieces BM (had only 2 yesterday - chest + weapon), whilst having the rest full champion. I don't see myself burning people, but I see more dying overall; Which comes from the Healing nerfs. (And to be honest.. I'm quite happy with those. Before having 2\3 healers would mean a definite win, now one has to protect the healers if they want to win.) I do however listen to my Marauder friend having way too much of a laugh :S already told him to enjoy till the nerf hits town, lol..
  2. So you want to level up alts... but find yourself getting bored doing so. If only every other issue in life was as simple as this one: Don't level alts. PS: Check some of the videos of the Guild Meeting. I recall they saying something regarding this topic.
  3. You are underestimating Valor 55+ requirements.
  4. Yes, you are able to return to the starter planets.
  5. I wouldn't hold my breath in a 50m range if I were you. If they would increase us to 35\40m range I would see it as an extreme and god-send buff. More than this would bring quite some issues regarding balancing (at least so I think). While I'm actually against "removing cover-system", especially since I'm quite a fan of MM - I wouldn't really mind see a cooldown which would enable us to be able to shoot outside it. (Or even, without mentioning that "bad" game - add Stances. A PvP focused one allowing more mobility at the exchange of something..).
  6. Yeah - an awesome player does well on a sniper. Then again.. another\same awesome player does all that and a lil' more on something other than sniper. Snipers are not useless - but they are far from being balanced with the current possibilities available out there. (And no, haven't tested on 1.2, so commenting according to what is happening on the Live Version.)
  7. Plenty of Republic premade groups in EU Basilisk droid. I feel that random 50 Republic > 50 Empire on this server too.
  8. So you can wait in the fleet waiting for a queue to pop-up. Wait what. Regarding the OP; I'm still here. Enjoying me some lil' SWTOR. Active Guild, plenty of fun together as a group. If I'm not running group activities - I'm exploring an all new storyline in a different character.
  9. Makes sense to me. But yes, I understand; you want an easier game - even tho' SWTOR is hardly difficult. Last time I played WoW (bringing it up since it was one of your picks) it was pretty much this. Perhaps easier. While a LFG system (ps: We have a weak one. pss: improved one is coming~) does bring a nice utility - by joining a friendly, active Guild I manage to do content without spamming the fleet. It is coming as well. Outside of the game, but yeah, will let you "improve as a Player". I simply won't hear it in first person ingame when you feel the urge to flash your e-peen from doing 30 dps more than all the rest of the group. Agree that it might be annoying for hardcore guild leaders. Yet.. I'm sure they'll find a way, even if it's sending a copy of the log to the "big boss" . (assuming that is doable.) Maybe these "key" systems are taking longer to be applied because.. they have to be created first? Naa; I'm sure Bioware asked Blizzard for a copy of these already and are just mocking us by not pressing the Release-Now button. /Sarcasm Comments in blue'ish. This said - hope you find the game that suits your needs. Goodbye, as the title says.
  10. Valor 61 (weakling with barely any BM gear; unlucky so far) Sniper. Pure MM Specced (not quite as PvP optimal). I'm "struggling" against every of the more resilient targets, which sadly.. are pretty much everything but Sorcerers\Sages; Yes, I can count with my fingers the amount of Imperial Agents\Smugglers that I encounter during Warzones, so leaving those out of the equation. Sadly those Sorcerers\Sages are getting scarce in my server. Now it's mostly consisted of Assassins\Shadow tanks, Marauders\Sentinels and Mercenaries\Commandos with the occasional Powertech\Vanguard. Which is a shame.. I used to battle quite hard against Sorcerers\Sages back a while when I was less geared.. now that I tear them to pieces; they are nearly gone. PS: No. Not whining. I still end up in top5 and I have to laugh about it since most up there are AoE heroes; I'm mostly Single Target damage. - still... it does get frustrating to see all that damage so badly mitigated.
  11. I wouldn't really be surprised if there would be changes. Expecting slight nerf in survivability and your overall ability to solo. And -perhaps- a little tune down the annihilation specc and boosting\revamping others to be more attractive. Again - this is from a PvP stand point and from the pov of a sniper so plenty of info might be simple misconception of Warzones\dueling.
  12. I was expecting a Bioware game (which I knew from the very beginning that would be Themed-Park) and having played plenty of Bioware games before and knowing their methods of storytelling I foresaw exactly what I paid for. An awesome storyline with plenty of side quests implemented in a MMO environment. Could it be better? Obviously. Then again, it's a MMORPG, which means it will keep on being fixed and improved with time. (Until there is no profit left to be made.)
  13. Whilst I believe it will be for the good of the game in the long term - since catering to the usual casual player is, sadly, the way to go in the current MMOs - I will dearly miss facing a nice share of people that I've grown to know on these last months. Be it that awesome healer - that badarse tank - even that marauder\operative that wouldn't leave me alone if we'd face in a match. I will miss y'all.
  14. I wouldn't go as far as "Perfectly" - but yes, I'd say we manage to do our job. Having a dumb and\or badly geared enemy team helps a ton.
  15. An an Empire loyalist I found this quest and the entire ambient around it to be quite well made and I must send a bravo do Bioware for delivering it. The scene and the conversation in the end had so damn much feeling involved in it - I actually felt it in my skin. I hope there is a sequence\followup for this event - eventually.
  16. If you indeed roll Sniper - roll it for the Dot-Cull'n'Run Lethality spec. PvP Wise, and currently, the rest of the AC is just inferior than it. Sadly in my case; I rolled a Sniper to be just that, a Sniper. Therefore I'm "stuck" with MM and I have to work twice as much as the other classes to achieve similar results. Unluckily for me.. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  17. Not "correcting" at all - as you read my post you might notice I'm commenting on future possible Mounts - Mounts indeed as there is a slight chance that organic beasts being added as such. Can't quite call those Speeders, not even Vehicles.
  18. It's called Balancing Issue. If they'd fly at the same speed they do in the movies.. that'd be extreme. Pretty much the same reason why you don't have to re-roll every time you get killed. - Plus; They have to set the standards low so that possible future Mounts reach higher speeds.
  19. I must admit I'm quite fond of Kaliyo. I did go for Temple romance-wise, but Kaliyo will always have a sweet spot in my heart. Really enjoy her personality and it quite adds up to mine. I play as a terrible loyal Imperial so it's quite enjoyable to see our personalities clash. In the end.. it's just as she said back when we met.. I'll shoot high, she'll shoot low - we make an hell of a team.
  20. I got a so-so laptop, already couple years old - and a decent connection. My loading times are of about 15\20 secs, up to 30ish secs in some heavier planets. Worst than average game, but not as bad as some people seem to have.
  21. Sniper, fresh 50. Mostly sitting around 6-8; Depending on how good I'm allowed to perform. No gimmicks nor intentionally seeking medals. Playing for objectives, mostly.
  22. I honestly find it quite amusing when JackXPTO is pvping and then meets JohnXPTO and one already knows the other and what they are capable of. It does bring a nice personal vibe to the all experience of the battle. However having this said, I'm not really against PvP cross-server queues. I am against a cross server LFG\D system tho'. A bit hypocrite, yes, but that's where I find that the "community" takes a bigger blow and suffers when a Cross-Server system is implemented.
  23. Yes I do. PvP still needs TONS of work, but luckily the game is much more than it.
  24. Threads like these should just make Bioware implement deserter debuffs. A loss is a loss, with AFKers or Leavers - but this way those had to actually wait in between.
  25. Seeking a single target objective. Kill single\multiple targets. Collect single\multiple drops. Use single\multiple objects. Yup, I'd say they cover pretty much most of the MMORPGs type of quests. If you find them lacking.. what about some suggestions - what would you add in addition to those?
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