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Everything posted by ripster

  1. The first part, is basically it. No matter how much people against this think it has something to do with breaking the laws of MMOs, it is all about development resources. Post NGE SWG and it didn't break anything. The second part, well if enough people push for it, it can keep players around longer.
  2. And? Restrictions are still there. I am not going to compare the two because each game is different enough that they need to handle restrictions differently. For example, you have to buy the Riding Skill in LotRO with Turbine Points but SWTOR only restricts the level at which you can get trained (which is just the same level it was for subscribers at launch). Also, this argument took place long ago when Turbine said they were going F2P and people came up with Freemium and Hybrid, but by now F2P for Western MMOs has been in general use for this model, even if it shouldn't have been.
  3. I don;t know which side of the proposal this would support (pro or con) but if these were made castable then F2P players with only two bars would have less access to them (it is easier to hit 'i' and right click something in your three rows of inventory then to open the abilities window and find it). While it may not apply to many of these items, as they are bound to character and e-mailed to each new character on the account at creation, there are similar items in the Cartel Market that right now don't bind at all. While I know we can't trade 'bound' pets, vehicles or emotes, I'd rather these be left so I can trade them between alts or even sell them if I get bored of them.
  4. It is 5 per character total, not per day. Having to fight back through mobs will only help F2P make up for the XP penalty though. As for the equipment license and the credit cap, it helps stimulate the economy with all the blue items that will be in high demand.
  5. http://buy.swtor.com/en is where they say you will be able to buy CC. They have also mentioned points cards being available in stores but that will probably depend on your region. That is about all the info we have I think.
  6. Yeah, Legacy would be cool if it would allow access to all of your characters. Would be cool to access my other characters inventory. Would be even cooler to access my other characters crew skills. There are probably a lot of people who would actually go through leveling all the classes if the Legacy system made it feel more connected. Even unlocking character specific perks requires mailing the credits to the alt.
  7. I've had better luck in the last week or so but I've also been going out of my way to fight everything I see. Also, I've been doing level 50 PvP and dailies for a long time and just started to level up one of my alts. If they are doing this to persuade F2P to buy the license, I won't complain about the increase in purples, but I think that license is aimed at end game purple gear, or at least it is not worth paying 1200-2700 CC just to equip the odd purple item while leveling.
  8. I don't even know why they are bothering with increasing the level cap. Everyone will play through the new content and be level 55 when they finish. This is not some old school grind game where you move from zone to zone as you out level them, you just follow the story and you can't just skip ahead. Even if you did skip the side quests, oh well, you just miss out on the loot, credits and story. All increasing the level cap does is make them need to add things (i.e., abilities, talent tree) to make each new level reward something.
  9. What they do instead is have the intermediate tier, Preferred Status. There are different ways they could do something like that, but it is effectively a way of getting people to 'buy a box' after playing a 'trial'.
  10. I can see it, free players logging in during the early morning hours, while unsuspecting paying players sleep, and never log out, laughing and singing while spamming "OCCUPY SWTOR!"
  11. The price on these has to match two uses: 1) Subscribers who want to spend real cash to unlock the Legacy perk. 2) F2Pers who want even 'normal' access to the races other than human, cyborg and zabrak. I don't know what the right price is, but I think this kind of unlock should be account wide. As it seems to be now, being tied to the Legacy of the character that uses the unlock, it would only be for the server that Legacy is on (unless Legacy become an account wide thing).
  12. I don't know if you are getting hung up on semantics or are referring to the original design of the SWG professions, but the NGE revamp of SWG replaced the old skill based system with a class system, though still used the term professions. The original system allowed you to drop skills and then spend time gaining XP to train other skills while the NGE system literally allowed you to talk to an NPC to change your level 90 smuggler to a level 90 jedi. DC Universe Online, again unless you are talking semantics, requires you to pick a power set and a weapon skill. Neither can be changed in the game (but you can train additional weapon skills). When they added the new Light power set they let people abandon their old power to use that one instead. They then added the Earth power but instead of giving everyone a token to switch to it as well they just made a general power respec token available in the SOE Cash Marketplace.
  13. DC Universe Online. Even better, Star Wars Galaxies let you switch your class for free.
  14. Yes to all of them, especially Advanced Class changes. Don't care what the so-called experts want to label it, but other games allow to change class entirely. "Even WoW doesn't allow it" is so funny, because I didn't know everyone thought this game needed to be more like WoW.
  15. I won't say that absolutely nothing in the Cartel Market would not have been added to the game if it never went F2P, but a lot of the stuff being done is being done only because it can be sold. It is not like we have seen a huge stream of new items every month and all of a sudden it stopped. At the same time, there is probably more stuff in the game than the typical person could ever acquire and there certainly are items that people can not get anymore. I'd be more worried about if my $15 a month bought enough enjoyment without even looking at the Market then worry about what people paying way more than that are getting.
  16. SWTOR will have that, for the same reason DCUO does, to get F2P players to pay for new content. This is actually pretty good because it means that company is keeping up with adding to the game instead of just relying on subscribers who don't cancel because of the hope of more content or are just waiting for the next expansion.
  17. I'd like the characters in my Legacy to be a little more involved with each other but I can't remember their names most of the time. I know I could write them down or something, but I'd just lose the paper. It is just a QoL thing, but it would have a big impact on how I could play the game. To add, some other ideas might be to also be able to toggle the drop down for guild members, friends or even previous recipients.
  18. Some info has been discussed here
  19. There have been statements made by EA/BW that suggest there may still be expansion style content that even subscribers would have to pay for, such as an entirely new planet and level cap increase.
  20. I have seen this (or a similar date) twice now, where did it come from?
  21. You didn't come to any conclusion. You started at the conclusion and justified it with a faulty assertion: that EA/BW is smart. Now I'm not saying that the people doing the work don't know what they are doing, I am sure they are smart and smart people change their minds all the time. Just because they came to an initial conclusion, or at least presented this based on some conclusion, does not mean that it is the only or the best conclusion. I'm not saying I am right either, but for the sake of discussion I just pointed out how BoC could discourage people from making further purchases, especially purchases that are the cost of one months game time.
  22. Not at all. In most cases people won't be using the same armor for multiple characters due to the hassle of swapping mods and/or mailing the gear back and forth. Where they will use it for multiple characters is when they see a new set of armor they want to buy for the character who the first armor was bought for originally. Knowing that the $12 they spent is going to sit in their cargo hold even if they have another character on that server it would suit is something that can lead a person to decide they don't really need that new suit on the market. To me, it is adding value which encourages further purchases.
  23. Each of those categories has a footnote which states you need to have a paid subscription at the time of F2P launch to receive the coins.
  24. I think there is some sort of Law that applies when half the people wonder what the point of a subscription is and the other half wonder why they won't be able to play the same without one. To people complaining this is old news, not everyone lives on the forums and fan sites, for many this is NEWS.
  25. There is an entire forum devoted to this topic if you really want to find out.
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