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Everything posted by JPryde

  1. A little late for such a step, now, five years down the road. It might have worked from the start, but then again, each MMO does have a story to play, even if it is badly written or skipped by 90% of the players. I faintly remember the people who rushed to lvl 50 in headstart and were then complaining that noone was there to play with them, as most people were enjoying the story and took their time with leveling. Players who just want to play KOTOR3 can do so. They can play it 8 times even, with all 8 base classes and they do not even need to pay for it. There is absolutely no need to play anything remotely group related in the whole story part of SWTOR, so the "pure" singleplayer-enthusiasts are getting what they want... for free. Also I have not seen any kind of MMO, where there was not also a singleplayer aspect, even if only to do some repetitive tasks after getting to max level. Crafting was last a group effort in EQ2 before the massive overhaul, where different crafting skills actually depended on the products of other crafting skills. It was removed, cause the players did not want to depend on other players. So, to reverse your question... Why do seperate single and multiplayer? The only thing I would love to see seperated are PvP and PvE balancing, so that my mostly PvE-centered experience would no longer suffer by changes made due to PvP-balancing. But apart from raiding, I am doing a lot of solo activities, including the whole story of all base classes (or at least rep and imp since the class does not make a difference anymore). I wouldn't like it, if I had to play 2 games for the same experience.
  2. Das liegt wohl sehr stark an der Klasse die man spielt. Ich hab Kap 9 auf Veteran durch und der mit großen Abstand schwierigste Kampf für meinen Schatten-Tank war der Kampf geggen das Genoharadan-Trio... dabei wurde der Kampf allerdings hauptsächlich dadurch erschwert, das die strunzdoofe Sith-Imperatorin ständig freiwillig in die Todeszone gelaufen ist. Der Rancor hingegen war dann wieder gefühlt leicht und der "große Endkampf" fühlte sich kein bischen anders an, als im Story Mode. Alles in allem bin ich vom VM der Kapitel sehr enttäuscht. Es gibt keinerlei zusätzliche Mechanik, lediglich mehr HP und mehr Schaden. Wenn das dann mit dem Meister-Mode so weitergeführt wird, ist das einfach nur enttäuschend. Wobei ja sowieso bei Bioware anscheinend jemand sitzt, der sich dachte "Sprungtruppen sind Spaß... also sind ganz viele Sprungtruppen ganz viel Spaß... noch mehr Sprungtruppen sind noch mehr Spaß!"... und das mir ja kein Stealther auf die Idee kommt, sich zu tarnen, nein, wir zwingen den Spieler hunderte von hilflosen Trash-Mobs zu töten, weil das ja so vieeeeellll Spaß macht.
  3. Actually... No, they don't. Of course that is just your opinion against mine, but from a marketing perspective, timed promotions are a reasonable tool and why should they destroy these tools, cause some people believe, that they do not need to meet requirements for a certain reward? By the way, by the very same line of arguing, I could also ask to be given the rewards of the DvL event of 100%... okay, I did not meet the requirements, but I was subscribed, so by your logic, I 'deserve' it. Obviously I also deserve all ranked PvP rewards, even though I never played a single ranked match... after all I was subscribed, who cares, that I did not meet the requirements? You get the logic behind it? Some things got requirements, and if you do not meet them, you do not get the reward. What exactly the requirements were and why exactly you were not meeting them, is of no importance.
  4. So after digging out a 4 year old thread, what is your suggestion as to how to clearly establish rules, what is stealing from a guild and what is "rightfully taking your part of the contribution before leaving" ? Besides, I find your comparison of a game with rape victims to be "misleading" at best.
  5. What really makes 4-DD FPs hard, is that those 4 DD are pulling 5 groups at the same time and all four are blaming the other three for not activating kolto stations or for having pulled to many mobs. And in the rare occasion that the 4 DD are actually working together, it is very likely that at least one of them got basic healing skills. If they choose not to utilize their skills and not utilize the medic stations provided, then they are meant to have a real hard time.
  6. Same like every DD complaining about no Healer or Tank queuing for veteran stuff... only two advanced classes out of 8 got no chance to be either healer or tank themselves, so if you intentionally do stick adamantly to your DD role, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
  7. The way I "learned" about this bug, was that I was doing the Uprising and the group had agreed to not use the exploit by intentionally staying out of LOS of the sith-idiot and not send a stealther up who would then stealth out of fight, after engaging the dumb-guy (that was how I thought the exploit was working). So we came to the fight and I was still busy disassembling the robots at the bottom of the stairs, I was not around any corner and two of the group went upstairs and did NOT engage the bosses, they just stood there... and the boss still engaged them and still threw his lightsaber at me and still died, all while I was still disassembling the droids... and you know how fast the enemy corpses vanish! So, without having a chance to avoid it and without intentionally triggering it, how are we supposed to avoid the exploit, if it is so easy to happen? Is it also considered to be an exploit, that you can avoid at least 2 groups of mobs? I would guess it is intended that you kill them... The only way to not be exploiting Fractured would be to not run it at all... and while the uprising farming is extremely boring (even in a time, where repeating boring stuff seems to be the best way to gain rewards), I do as many Fractured in the rare times that the light side wins on my server. Other times I do GSF, which seems to be the only way to get CXP without falling asleep out of boredom.
  8. The ONLY chance to get such subscriber rewards out of actually fulfilling the subscriber requirements would be by means of cartel market for a hefty price (way beyond 1000 CC per reward). If ANY subscription reward were ever made available to be gathered by any kind of in game activity, even if it would take Average Joe a month or longer to do, would automatically disable any marketing effect on any future subscriber rewards, and that will obviously never happen.
  9. Is there maybe any kind of way to keep dumbmaster Acina from willingly entering melee range, when she is supposed to be a healer? I have spent a fortune on the Chapter 2 final fight by now, just because this freaking idiot of a sith will always deliberately walk into the flamethrower range of the boss. If she would have as much brain as a wump rat, she would stay at the range of 20m and the fight would be easy. Absolutely idiotic to make the "tough" fight, by making the only companion I am allowed to use for it act like a moron. This is by far the most stupid fight in the whole game, by forcing the player to depend on badly programmed AI.
  10. @1: What do you mean by bringing in more legendary items? The one thing that SWTOR got an abundance of is different visuals for items, inclusing iconic legendary items of key characters. @2: Why would you want to auto attack at all? The majority of players is using the basic attack as nothing but a filler for when all real skills are on cooldown or when the enemy is almost dead anyway. @3: Nope, sorry. I like to target enemies out of range... besides there are so many different ranges for skills, e.g. a knight/warrior type can leap some 20m or something, so obviously that would be minimum target range, but the most damage skills are only 4m in range. @4: Some missions require you to target the corpse, so being unable to target a corpse would automatically break those missions. I agree on the bugfixing
  11. No game designer would ever make such a drastic change to the core basics of the game after 5 years. That alone is enough reason to ditch this idea, as the work vs risk calculation simply is horrible. Also the playerbase is used to the current system and there might be a minority, who actually would prefer a non-targeted system, but as a healer I am happy to only need to click the groupmember in the list, not aim my heal at them. As a tank, I want to be able to target the most dangerous mob and hold their aggro primarily while still affecting all mobs with my AOE skills, as a DD I want to be able to kill the healer in the background without a dozen mobs (or in PvP other players) getting in the way. And my primary reason against this suggestion: Bunnyhopping in PvP. Nothing was ever as ridiculous and silly as trying to break LOS by constantly circling around your target like a snail on speed... which would obviously become instantly mandatory with this change.
  12. How exactly were you betrayed as in something that was promised to you, was not given to you? You did not qualify for the reward, so you do not get it, quite simple. Would you also call it a betrayal, that I am not getting the 100% DvL rewards, simply because I did not make 100% of the achievements.. and I was fully subscribed during that time. With the logic of "was subscriber before, so I should get it all", you can easily demand to get everything at all times. Same for the 5th aniversary gift.. It is given to all people there were subscribed for THE WHOLE time. I was subsribed as founder and am still subscribed, but I took two breaks in between... And I am not complaining, as I am not qwualified for the reward, simple as that. (besides, the shroud of memory story is hardly worth a fuzz)
  13. I just came home from viewing Rogue One... Best money investment I did lately (including my subscription for SWTOR!!). Tomorrow I got my companies xmas party and I consider not attenting it, to instead watch the movie again. Luckily there is only a single stinking Wookiee in the movie, and it dies The 2:15h were over so fast, I could hardly believe it. No JarJar Binks moments, no silly love story forced in. Love it!
  14. But that is a few thousand years after the current timeline. Do you want to get frozen in carbonite again for that time? Also as soon as we get into the movie area, the game would need to follow their content... such as the rule of two and the destroying of Alderaan, Order 66, etc... StarWars is big enough for decades of gaming without ever needing to touch the movie era and the movie era is just not suited for hundreds of force users walking around.
  15. And what is your suggestion after this rant? (Besides my Shadow Tank is pretty happy with the changes. I miss Phase Walk too, but it was hardly a key ability. I can still throw pebbles at enemies, so I am not sure, if that is only for tanks and not for DD anymore.)
  16. Ich persönlich hasse Konsolen und insbesondere die auf Game-Controller abgestimmte Steuerung, insbesondere dann, wenn PC Spiele so designed werden, das sie auch auf Konsolen vermarktet werden können. Mein Lieblingsbeispiel dafür ist Fallout 4... wo man bei FO3 noch eine ganze Reihe von Gesprächsoptionen hatte, wurde es für FO4 aufgrund von Kosolero-Beschränktheit auf max. 4 Optionen reduziert, die durch den einen vier-wege-schalter gewählt werden können. Bloß nicht zu kompliziert... bloß nicht zu viele Optionen. Bei SWTOR benutze ich zwar nicht 30 verschiedene Skills in einer Rotation, aber ich benötige dennoch weit mehr als 10 Skills insgesamt um meinen Char effektiv zu spielen. Das weiter zu vereinfachen halte ich auf jeden Fall für einen Schritt in die falsche Richtung, denn einfach ist eben nicht immer besser. Es gibt einfach Spieler, die mit Gamepads nichts anfangen können und es wird noch eine ganze Weile dauern, bis wir ausgestorben sind... und dann wird die nächste Generation direkt in 3D spielen und auch nicht mehr auf Konsolen. Hatte ich erwähnt, das ich Konsolen hasse? Fast so sehr wie Wookiee!
  17. Funny... from the characters you listed, only two are dead in my story (Valkorion & Veylin).. All the others live still, although I of course see, that because they could be dead, they cannot play a major role in any upcoming story. However there is no need for old (and dull) characters, there is room for new enemies at all times. In fact I am pretty happy that the blue glowy is kicked from my mind finally, he was getting annoying in there. My perfect plot for the next story: Side with the Trandoshan hunter tribes and cleanse the planet Kashyyyk of the wookiee pest! (yes, I hate wookiee!)
  18. Back in the good old days of StarWars, we were sitting around a bonfire made from a shot down rebel fighter and were burning Ewoks and Wookiee in the fire. Today we are supposed to act like clowns.
  19. And roughly 0.00001 sec later, you are hit by the next snowball. I am with the OP on this and I will evade the fleet for as best as I can till the event is over. I would love to be able to buy such a grinch shield or heated armor plating, that would prevent the snowflake buff from being applied and maybe disable the snowball cannon for 20 seconds only. There is a cure for the rakhghul disease, it cannot be more difficult to create a protection against snowballs.
  20. Been here from open beta and have never written or received a mail from out of my legacy, guild or system... other than credit sellers, which I would not want to get. So obviously in support of this idea!
  21. 51 CL, 3 set items... unfortunately it was the boots all three times On my twink: gaining lvl 70+1 CL by completing a chapter -> instant set item I wouldn't mind the rarity of set items, but I really hate the duplicates (especially since I can already craft better mods and enhancements than the 230 stuff)
  22. In that case, being a headstarter is also an unfair advantage and reaching 70 today is an unfair advantage to reaching 70 tomorrow or in a week. There will always be time differences between players and anything that only influences time, but not other values is simply not buy to win.
  23. A CXP Booster is a substitute for having more time in game.. and noone is crying about other players having more time, or is there? There is no chance to get anything from these boosters, that you cannot get with time too. So it is not pay to win. People cry P2W all the time, but pay to win is getting an actual gameplay advantage, that can NOT be gained without investing money. Buying another skill point would be pay to win. Buying a combat booster, that is 0.005% better than the best bio-stims/boosts, would be pay to win. Buying a CXP-boost is not pay to win.
  24. The system is supposed to make winning streaks harder the longer they take and benefit the loosing side in terms of winning the next round. So, if Bioware did program the system as they claimed and if LS is winning all the time on your server, then it should get more and more easiert for DS to get a win... ... or you just get to T3-M4, where my Guildies claim, that LS never wins (my 15 LS points claim otherwise) Also you do not even need to win to get DS points. Even DS1 is enough for getting dark points. Collect your CXP packages and as soon as DS1 is reached, use them all to make 1-3 CL and you get that much DS points.
  25. Well, I wasn't goping in detail... I was meaning to strip them of ALL rewards they got since start of KotET. Blueprints, Mats, items beyond lvl 228, comp gifts... make them bleed. And I do not care, if the exploiters loose stuff, that they did not even get by an exploit. Make them feel an actual punishment, as abusing that bug is quite obviously an exploit. There is no grey zone and noone can claim, that "if it is possible, it is meant to be this way". By the absolute same logic, you could drive you car at 200km/h through a city... cause.. the car can do it and rules do not count for you...
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