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Everything posted by JPryde

  1. How would that be different from the already existing 4vs4 arena as part of the regular queued pvp ?
  2. Any droid with half a working self-esteem motivator would shoot you on the spot for implying that they were "counterparts" of wookiee. Even mouse droids are more functional than the furballs and even if they leak oil, they are less dirty. (yes, I do hate Wookiee with a passion.... best thing on empire side is that you can kill countless wookiee on Corellia)
  3. Ein einzelner Yoda ist etwas besonderes.... etwas ehrfürchtiges... etwas, das sogar die meisten nicht-StarWars-Nerds kennen.... Die Freigabe der Yoda-Rasse als spielbare Rasse würde Yoda allerdings zu einem alltags-Wesen machen und zusätzlich auch noch der unendlichen Verarschung von hunderten "lustigen" Spielern aussetzen, die dann mit Yoda den Schwabbeltanz aufführen, ihn in pinke Tänzerinnen-Outfits stecken und sich selbst und Yoda lächerlich machen würden. Die Mennscheit ist einfach nicht bereit für diese Verantwortung. (Da wäre es ja sogar besser die halbintelligenten Wookiee als spielbare Rasse zu machen. Jedenfalls kann man da nichts mehr kaputt machen)
  4. I still believe, Wookiee cannot ever be a playable species, cause all playable species need to be intelligent and sentient.... Wookiee are neither as far as I am concerned. Burn them all down. Destroy Kashyyyk instead of Alderaan and the republic and empire can exist in peaceful harmony.
  5. You can proove yourself worthy in ANY system, if you are performing better than the rest, while all have the same conditions.... and that is the case. And if you want to break LOS by getting in the back of the "caster", would you then at the same time also agree, that collision detection would need to be on? In my opinion, there is absolutely no skill involved in just running THROUGH your enemy, to get out of his sight. And running around the char takes time... do you believe that this is worth it? But I got to cite it again.. the matter was discussed three years ago. The core game mechanics were set in stone back then... your suggestion was also brought up in detail in that time... and it was dismissed. To my knowledge none of the reasons for the implemented system did change in those three years.
  6. I am not really sure, if we do play the same game. In PvE you are dead, if you do not move. There is hardly any boss, where you can just stand still throughout the fight and many if not all mechanics are dependent on being able to run in one direction while doing damage to another direction. With 3.0 about every class got an improved mobilty while doing damage or healing And to be honest, I never thought that pretending to be a crazy bunny hopping maniac on steroids would make a player any more skilful. In SWTOR your skill fokus is on using the right fighting skills in the right order and situation, be aware of your own buffs and procs, the enemies debuffs and defense skills and act accordingly. SWTOR is not an FPS and never wanted to be one. It was also designed from the start to include auto-face-target and your complaint was issued three years ago, discussed and dismissed. Nothing has changed from there.
  7. I don't really get the problem with inspecting. The people who take the inspection result as way to serious today would never accept a player in their group, who hides their eq, as they would automatically assume that they are "bad". The people who would accept people to hide their equipment from their view do already not inspect without a valid reason or do not care if they see far from optimal stats. I am not sure, what the benefit of being able to hide the stats would be... you wouldn't get in any more groups. Are there indeed people walking around, randomly inspecting people that aren't even in their group and ridiculing them about having bad stats? I doubt it... and if they do, they would still be doing it.
  8. Funny... as I can read his posts, I can safely say, that his reply was a lot less trolling than your OP and your replies. His remark was absolutely accurate both in the technical and logical aspect.
  9. Your suggestion ended with the first sentence in my view. Make reasonable requests without drama.
  10. Das Tänzer-Zeugs gibt's immer noch da, wo es das immer gab. Es ist allerdings keine Rüstung, wirkt nur so als ob.... Ist allerdings bestens geeignet, wenn man sich selbst lächerlich machen will. Ich empfehle dazu noch einen Namen, der mit X anfängt und endet. Wird allerdings auch gerne mit der "Energie" Rüstung kombiniert.
  11. 1. Getting rid of credit spammers, -sellers AND -buyers should be the ultimate reward already. If anyone needs cartel coins as reward for reporting those vermin, they are already part of the problem, not part of the solution. 2. Any method, that can automatically block a character can and will be abused. 3. Every dumbo with basic internet knowledge can setup a myriad of acounts, without leaving a trace of either mail or IP to their main char. if you take two people working together, it would be even more easy... heck, even the real credit sellers would report their accounts in circles, in oder to gain cartel coins, which they would turn into credits to sell. in short: this is not the solution you are looking for.
  12. You mean similar to the 4vs4 that are already in game?
  13. In the republic, everone, who is force senstive will be brought to the Jedi order to be educated in the Jedi arts... normally at earliest childhood. The Jedi order would take great care that noone evades their grasp... all to protect the infant of course on the empire side any force senstive would either be privilidged to become a warrior, or would need to try to survive the merciless education to become an inquisitor. Anyone trying to evade this fate would likely meet with early death. So... where do you see room for your non-jedi, non-sith FS person?
  14. Also ich zeige auf die Exploiter und auf die Entwickler. Natürlich, in einer perfekten Welt würde es keine Exploits geben, weil esja gar keine Fehler in die Life-Version des Spiels schaffen würden. Das ist aber blauäugig zu erwarten. Es wird niemals ein kommerzielles Programm geben, das komplexx UND fehlerfrei ist. Fehler die bekannt sind, sollten behoben werden, keine Frage. Das sollte auch in einem vernünftigen Zeitrahmen geschehen und ist natürlich von der Komplexität des Fehlers abhängig. ABER (Schriftgröße 72+) völlig egal, wie und warum ein Fehler im Spiel ist, es ergibt sich daraus niemals eine Rechtfertigung, dieses Fehler mutwillig auszunutzen. Manche Fehler nutzt man automatisch aus... ohne das man etwas aktiv dafür tut... wenn z.B. ein Boss durch einen Bug unter nicht nachvollziehbaren Umständen eine Killer-Fähigkeit nicht verwendet und der Kampf dadurch wesentlich leichter wird, erwartet wohl kaum jemand, das man daraufhin freiwillig /stuck eingibt und den Kampf absichtlich verliert. Andererseits ist es grenzwertig, wenn man danach so lange rumprobiert, bis man herausfindet, wie man diesen Zustand absichtlich herbeiführen kann, um es dann auszunutzen. Und in diesem Fall um den sich die ganze Sache dreht, war es ja noch eine Stufe stärker. Absolut niemand konnte diesen Fehler "rein zufällig" ausnutzen. Wirklich jeder, der es getan hat, hat völlig absichtlich eine Kiste gelootet, zu der er ganz offensichtlich nicht lootberechtigt war. Dazu musste er auch noch in eine Gruppe eintreten, mit der er die Ini nicht geraided hat und er musste durch die ganze freie Instanz durch. Das sind reichlich Punkte, an dem jedem Spieler, der einen IQ größer als ein Toastbrot hat, auffallen muss, das etwas nicht mit rechten Dingen zu ging. Wer es also ausgenutzt hat, hat das bewusst getan und jede Schuldzuweisung an Bioware oder irgendwelche Ausflüchte sind einfach nur billige Rechtfertigung, weil man nicht nur ein elendiger Cheater ist, sondern auch noch zu feige, es wenigstens zuzugeben.
  15. Words fail me in expressing how much I would hate that system you propose. I am more than happy, that turning around is NOT ANY ISSUE in fighting in SWTOR.
  16. Yeah, we should demand an additional mandatory popup for each 0 missing from 100 billion down.
  17. Well, your idea was laid out (in detail). The devs are able to read it. Many other players stated, that your solution would go way ahead of what is necessary and would even be a change for the worse for some players. If the ammount of players who see your proposed change as a change for the worse is larger than the ammount of players in favour of your idea, then it is the logical step not to implement your idea, no matter how convinced you are in its glorious usability. So with that in mind, we should stop this at this point, as you are not going to convince the "other people" and you obviously not even accept to step down only a fraction from what you see as the necessary measure. So how about, we now make new threads about the following problems (irony warning): 1- "Accidents" in reingineering important gear. 2- "Accidents" in overwriting better augments with older ones (do not let yourself be stopped by the warning message that is already in place... as it does not stay for 5 secs!!) 3- "Accidents" in selling expensive or even unique items. 4- "Accidents" with destroying expensive or even unique items (just a single popup is not enough protection!!)
  18. Well, I haven't been in the US army, but in the german army, the player would get at least arrested 3-4 times, if not shot (yes, in times of war, it is a usual penalty to just get shot, when you openly disobey your superiors). But then again, you also get an electronix expert, who tells you to cut the red wire on a bomb about to blow... and he does that, cause the red wire is showing such an agressive coloring... but the blue wire is twisted so viciously.... sorry, I wouldn't allow such an "electronic expert" to change a light bulb. The demolition expert of the squad wants to sell military equipment to the highest bidder.. in times of war. In my 12 years, I experienced a lot of "interesting people" in the army, but thankfully I never had to deal with such illustrous beings as the havoc squad
  19. Actually exploiters have the right to remain silent and leave as far as I am concerned. FALSE POSITIVES have the right to dispute the action taken, which is a different matter. However I am a bit unsure, how a case where you voluntarily need to enter an operation and actively loot a chest that you perfectly know is not your legitimate loot could ever be arguable. Also, the right to dispute is given by Bioware not by any law... and can be revoked just as easily.
  20. Do not expect any military logic in any of the trooper story. As a former soldier in RL, absolutely nothing in that story made sense for me, from the very start to its end.
  21. I am not in the least opposed to installing security. I am only opposed to not allow me the freedom to absolutely voluntarily turn this security feature off. I will promise you, that you will never ever see a complaint by me about having had an "accident" happen to me. And as I pointed out, the player who lost 6 million (the biggest loss to an accident that I ever heard off) does NOT ask for a mandatory irrevocable security as you ask for. He asks for a security measure which can be adjusted by any player as they deem fit.. And I wouldn't even mind, if that security would be set to "everything worth more than 100 credits" from the start, as long as I can turn it off or can set the treshhold so high that it will not affect my trades. You are trying to protect people who CAN protect themselves and do not want your protection. This is another statement I wish to challenge. I am raiding every day, I am not selling any crafts and I feel like credits are falling from the sky. There is absolutely no difficulty in gaining credits.
  22. That player, who lost the 6 Million does himself ask for an adjustable treshhold for another popup... which was more than once mentioned as a compromise in this thread, as it is the same as allowing it for players to turn their security voluntarily off. You however insist, that this would not be enough and that everyone regardless of ever having had any problems would in the future be required to abide by what you deem right... And THAT is the thing that produces the massive backfire you see in this thread.
  23. Good luck for you in convincing anyone that the "tradeoff" as you call it, is as necessary as you believe it is. Many people in this thread are not convinced that the tradeoff is necessary and as such your idea isn't necessary to be implemented. I do see, that you believe that your opinion is a universal truth, but at the end of the day your opinion is just that... an opinion. Calling an opinion a fact doesn't make it one and as you did dismiss all calls for data to back your claim as trolling, your facts are only claims... and the devs are unlikely to waste ressources on claims alone. Especially not as this thread shows, that there seems to be more than a little opposition to your idea.
  24. I dunno what bosses you are fighting... the bosses that I regularly encounter in operations require a group behaviour suited to the boss, be it add control, damage runs, positioning, object use, etc... and all boss mechanics got some kind of counter... the same way as the boss immunity provides a counter for him to be able to even do its thing... otherwise with 8 or even 16 stuns available, all boss fights would be "spank" (not even "tank and spank" anymore)
  25. Can you give any reason in support of your idea, other than "I like it!" and "others will like it!"? From what I see, this Alchemist stuff is some manga not even remotely connected with StarWars. in my opinion the StarWars universe is big enough with its own planets, species, lore and setting, that there simply is no need to import some other setting. It would also set a precedence, which I wouldn't like to see growing. If that one manga would be let in, we would then soon have pikachu mounts and one-piece smiles, adding more and more stuff, that will turn this galaxy more and more into a pool of wookiee-poodo. So call me a purist all you like... I am opposed to this idea.
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