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Everything posted by Tiberians

  1. /shrug. I am not fussed tbh m8. at leats me latency/ping is a darn site lower on Dalborra.
  2. hiya, I certainly don't think your crying As i said in me post I did understand your frustration at having ya class nerfed, based on my experiences me me BH merc.
  3. hiya yes I bought it:) I bought it cause......well I could:) In my opinion it was worth it.
  4. Hi, There were several class that took a hit aka nerf with 1.2. I do understand your frustration at having ya BH nerfed. I certainly know I was upset with the changes made to me BH Merc (Healer). It did take me awhile to get used to the changes that were made to my class. I actually learned to play my class BH Merc (healer) better as a result of our 1.2 Nerf. In my opnion BW hit (nerfed) several classes for a couple reasons...one of which you have mentioned. already...pvp. The 2nd reason I belive the nerf happened was becasue.....maybe, just maybe BW wanted to make raids, HM's etc just that much harder for groups. GL, and thanks for ya post m8.
  5. haha:) I laughed when I read this:) brings back memories of the time I rolled through the tatoine "pvP' zone and killed a group of 4 40-44 Rebs on me Merc:) back then she was DPS, not the healer she is now. Then there was that other time when......lol's!
  6. I have both a Cybertech, and Armormech. I leveled up my Armormech on my 1st toon, then Cybertech on my 2nd toon. Both are very very handy Tradeskills to have. However so far (with having both at 400 skill) my cybertech is turning into an AH lover! He well loves selling stuff, and making trillons of creds by the bucket loads. I have found my Armormech is great for making armour for my ALts that I am leveling up...very very handy tbh.
  7. I was lucky enough to have time off work at launch. I spent way to much time playing in that 2 weeks....way way to much time playing. It definatly has taken me several months to find stuff in Tor that I am interested in doing. Seeing some of the up-coming changes that BW is introducing into the game soonish is friankly getting me excited:) I do like a lot of these changes, added content, and Customisation things we will be getting. The thing that gets me excited the most is the Legacy content, and how that will effect all my Alts. Good Stuff:)
  8. I am sorry to hear that you have been dissapointed/Bored with this game. I certainly know I was after my 1st 50....2 weeks after this game launched. I was like running round on my 1st 50 going....omg is this it? zzzz.....boring. Turned round and rolled another alt.....got him to 50.....hit a brick wall.....Boring! Took me awhile to find something in game that got me excited/motivated to log back in. I am working on leveling up several Alts, and generally working the AH to make me Trillon Credits, and PvPing in bewteen on my main. Works for me, and frankly keeps me interested in logging in. Hope ya find something....ya "niche" in this game that keeps ya interested in playing. If not....then Good Luck with whatever other game (if ya playing another MMO) ya playing.
  9. At game launch BW added a heap of servers to "cope" with the huge amount of people. Since then, there have been people leave or move to other servers, and as a result a lot of servers have "low" populations. It can take several months for servers populations to "settle" and even out....what with people leaving the game, or re-rolling on other servers to play with friends/Family etc etc. I am hoping eventually BW will bite the bullet and say "ok sever merges/Closures, are happening".... not because of Customers leaving...but because we have so many servers to choose from, and because as I have already stated....BW rolled out a lot of "new" server at launch to cope with the inital influx of people.
  10. I hope BW take space away from teh arcade game it is atm, and open it up...with diferant space zones. I would love for there to be SPace PvP, and some form of Ground to Space PvP, like the Atmospheric Flight in SWG. I do find space in this game a nice chance from the grind grind of ground combat....but gawd I wish BW Expand on it sometime in the future, and bring it "more in line' with planents....open, and give us the aility to explore Space sectors, do Space Quests, Space PvP, and be involved in some form of Ground to Space pvP.
  11. so many people need to relaise this. 2 month old game! Dunno WTH they expect.
  12. Hmprh well It seems i am in a similar boat as you. I am playing this MMo because a lotta friends from SWG are playing it:) For myself friends and the Community as a whole are what keep me tied into a Game.. I have often wandered over the last week or so what it is about Tor that keeps me interested. And honestly at this stage I don't have an answer.
  13. haha:) I read ya post nd went, this is Awesome:)
  14. Normally when I pay in the morning and afternoon its all Coffee! slaps writs, I need a drip full of me coffee to even function 1st thing in the morning:P after 6pm though its a beer or 2!
  15. hmprh! you Missed Boom! missile-tracer Boom! missile-tracer
  16. I read this and went...yeap this so applies to my Toons This is the story of my family in a Galaxy far from here. Pull up a pew, grab a drink and sit awhile, and listen to this tale I will tell you. My Story starts in a galaxy called Bria, on a planent called Tatooine, with a Lady called Shells Briana. She grew up in the backwaters of this planent, slinking a living in the major cantina's dancing and entertaining people with her Dances, and Music. Shells did'nt earn a lot....but it was enough for her to provide for herself, and her brother Tiberians. Tiberians was an apprentice Trader, and an expert Pilot. It would be a fair while before he mastered his craft, and started earning Millions of creds through his products. And believe me, he would one day become a very wealthy, respected, and well known Trader. Shells looked forward to this day, because she longed to be involved in the war against the Imperials, rather than being some small time Entertainer stuck on some backwater planent. More often than not Shells would listen to people's stories of the war, (while she entretained people), and dream of hunting down Imperials. People from all over the planent, and galaxy would be entralled at the entertainment she provided. It is I think a safe bet to say threy always went aways having a good night out. Shells did eventually leave the Entertainment Industry on Tatooine. Tiberians had masteted his trade, as a Shipwright, and was starting to earn a nice penny from selling his wares. The relief she felt as she fidgeted with her armour, and lifted up her Rifle was Immense. Finally after 1 year of training as a Bounthy Hunter, and millions of credits spent of getting her Equipment, she was ready to join the fight, and start Hunting Imperials! She was nervous....and sweating. She had been watching her Imperial target now for the best part of 20 minutes...waiting for the perfect oppurtunity to take him out. He was a commando....gawd a Commando! Of all People to have as a first Target! They were tough. It was like hittng a brick wall, while going full speed on a Speeder. This Imp (Bucket!) had a 1 million Bounty on his head....thats a lotta Creds. Must have hacked someone wealthy somewhere along the ways. It happened so quickly....one second he was talking to people...then Boom! Rebels poured in from outta no where attacking her target. Argh! this is it shells though, it is now or never. Into the fray she went, letting off all her abilities. "Target Killed! Bounty Collected" Shells laughed to herself, as the creds were transfered to her account. That Guy will no doubt clone, and be rather angry at having his Boutny Collected. Shells career as a Bounty Hunter had been Stella. Eventually she had started hunting both factions, collecting Bounties through out the galaxy. The Thrill of the Hunt, was as always what motivated her to contunue Hunting people. years later, and in a differant galaxy, on a Planent called Hutta, Shells daughter Equipped her Blaster Pistol, readed her gear, and made ready to follow in the footsteps oh her Mother, as a Bounty Hunter.
  17. hmprh! I had a brain fart and thought.....my next toons name would be Bob the Builder then Might Mouse and finally haha I dunno....maybe not!
  18. I have 2 lvl 50's, and several Alts that I am working on. Half ways through leveling up me 2nd toon, I hit a wall. For me my indifferance, and lack of Motivation was due to well several things: 1) Way, way to much sololing. Definatly felt like this game for me was a Solo MMO. I said to me Guildies the other day, that if I leveled up another Alt solo like I dd with 2 of my toons then I would most likely go jump of a mighty High Building and QQ Tor. It was painful soling 2 toons....absolutly painful....but at the end of the day I have myself to blame for that. 2) Bugs/Glitchs started bugging the snot outta me. But I can see that BW was working hard on reducing/Minimising, and fixing them. 3) Started feeling burnt out with the time I had spent on playing a Game.. 4) Space for me is/ was a dissapointment...but at the end of the day, I have found it Enjoyable to play. Makes a nice side-Show from the monotony of doing a trillon Quests. In my Opnion BW has done a pretty darn good job with this game.The story lines are great, as are the Class Quests and Companions. Anyways thats my 5 Cents worth.
  19. Yeap:) either they are paying for sub, or QQing more till their subs ends. Sigh! BW is doing a pretty darn good job with Bug/Glitch fixes, and so on.
  20. I love reaing posts like this! I am from New Zealand. The server for me goes down at 2100....thats 9pm. Server goes down, and I am like hmprh oh wells:) Time to go watch some TV. Laters all. Enjoy playing Tor.....haha Oh wait! Servers down ain't it? Drat! haha.
  21. The Briana Legacy! Last name Briana...in memory of my main combat Toon in SWG....Shells Briana.
  22. oh Good stuff! ty for this. I always wandered where me Phot's went as well!
  23. haha:) I alwyas laughed when I saw the Hitler U-Tube Star wars/Wow Clips. They were funny!
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