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Everything posted by MPagano

  1. MPagano

    CC Question

    There is, it's called resolve. 5 seconds of stun results in a full resolve bar which, in turn, provides 10 seconds of cc immunity. If your breaker is on CD, and you are stunned for 5 seconds, you will become immune to future stuns for 10 seconds. In a group situation (there's no reason to consider 1v1), you should never die within a 5 second stun from full HP. If you are, your group members are to blame.
  2. He wasn't referring to length in queue times. He was saying that people should be paired based on some metric related to performance, and this pairing would restrict the pool of players queued in each eschelon which could be alleviated by cross-server queueing. You are coming across as a lunatic.
  3. You couldn't be more off in your understanding of what we're trying to convey. We don't care if there's no gear. The only thing we want, is for stats to be the same amongst each class. So if a level 50 warrior pvps with 15k hp and 300 str, all warriors that pvp have those stats. We don't care about HMs or epics or whatever else. What we care about is that when we queue up for pvp, we're playing versus the player. As it stands now, the game rewards people simply for playing- not for winning. The more time you sit in warzones, the more stats you accrue and the more of a distinct advantage you have over a player who has spent less time. It shouldn't be like that. It's not fun, and it's not fair. Just because you spend 40 hours a week playing shouldn't mean that your character is now inherently better than mine. It's important to note that this isn't saying that you shouldn't be better from playing more. If you play 40 hours a week and you have become a better player at the keyboard then you should be better. However, the only advantage a player should have over another player in pvp should be skill and experience. The people who want gear discrepancy simply don't like the fact that I might be better than you even though I only play for half as much time as you do.
  4. This. The rest of these people like to threaten the pvp community that they will leave if there are no carrots to chase. Promise? I mean, I can't think of a better outcome than parsing the player-base such that people who queue for warzones do so for its own sake.
  5. MPagano


    http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Some-PVP-stats-info-you-might-find-useful Scroll down to the resolve section and read this. All the people that are complaining about resolve aren't really describing the mechanism as frustrating. Most people say things like "oh yeah, resolve works alright! NOT! I was killed in 10 seconds!" Well, what does that have to do with resolve? Resolve works. It's not because BW said it or anything else. It's because tons of us understand the mechanic and haven't experienced any buggy issues with it. Read that section I've linked above, then come back and post some numbers as to why it isn't working exactly the way described here. So far, no one has done that.
  6. I go days without logging into this game. I honestly don't even know when maintainence is. If you play this game so much that you are upset about anytime you can't play it, you are inevitably ignoring something more important in your life.
  7. THis isn't a bad idea. Or we could go the South Park route? Have a huge tank filled with some whales and beach balls which have concepts written on them like "buff operatives", "get rid of valor rank", "throw out ilum". These whales would drift around the tank, nudging various balls towards one of 2 pipes which would effectively be a "good idea" and "bad idea" pile. We throw out all the balls that end up in the bad idea pil and implement the good idea ones. That might actually be what they are doing right now, though. Has Gabe worked at Sea World in the past?
  8. Rage spec juggs are scary to players who can't comprehend that the entire class is designed around building procs up to unleash one potentially large aoe crit once in a while. It's like every other scenario in an MMO where a class is perceived as strong- those making the claims have been getting spanked by that class.
  9. They know what they want, but they also know that they can't say it unequivocally. What they want is to play players they can beat easily. Advocating gear discrepancies, prerequisites for competing based soley on time spent in the game, premades vs. PUGs...all these things are ludicrous notions to the individual seeking competition to distinguish themselves from the pack based on performance.
  10. MPagano


    Snares aren't part of the resolve mechanic. Full resolve takes 10 seconds to decay. I would say your comments are consistent with a working system. I'm not commenting as to whether or not it's a good system, I'm simply saying that your example here demonstrates that it's working as intended at this time.
  11. You'll have to define what you mean by "best". When I think of best, I think optimized. In other words, all major stats (endurance, expertise, class stat i.e. strength, power, w/e) are within a range where the returns gained from each stat is maximized. For example, full BM gear puts you at like 700 expertise. This is unnecessary. While you do accrue further benefits from more expertise, those benefits are severely attenuated as you move through the 500-600 range. Furthermore, endurance is a very important pvp stat for all classes. Full BM gear does not provide as much endurance as a carefully selected blend between BM and Rakata items. I play with a rank 76 merc from time to time. He has full BM, and switched out some pieces for rakata and gained 2k hp while only losing 0.8% expertise benefit. In short, full BM gear doesn't provide the most optimal blend of expertise, endurance, and primary stat.
  12. I'd also like to point out that you forgot to explain why you feel this would be a good idea. You say that you think it's "somewhat good" because it's easy to obtain? Can you elaborate on why you feel that a strict time sink prerequisite for competing in ranked warzones would enhance the quality of competition amongst players? And as I understand it, you don't need to compete in ranked to acquire war hero. Rather, war hero is the normalization of gear that the pvp community has requested. You will just buy war hero for credits, replacing all other pvp gear, and you will compete against others in the exact same gear. From there, rankings will arrange players based on performance against others. I assume there will be future gear tiers above warlord which become available based on ranking.
  13. I guess some people just can't tolerate the idea of individual ability levels differing. Why does there have to be any requirement to PvP? Is it really such a horrifying concept that someone who can't play 20 hours a week might still be competetive against someone who chooses to play 40 hours a week? You can make comments about casual players all you like. But there's no denying the fact that any call for a minimum requirement to compete is simply trying to reduce the number of people that you compete with. There's no reason to implement a minimum requirement. The ranking system will, by definition, tier the player-base in a way that has people of similar skill competing. Putting in some minimum requirement is simply an obstacle for those who can't meet the requirement. This is not analogous to having a minimum competency requirement. If it were, valor rank wouldn't be the deciding factor. We all realize that you've spent an inordinate amount of time playing this game, but that doesn't entitle you to entering into competition before anyone else. If you're better, whether it's innate ability or experience over time, you're better. There should be no reason to parse potential competitors just because they haven't played as long as you have. If they're better than you, they're better. You should be playing below them regardless of how much time you've sunk into the game.
  14. I love the epic drama of these communities. I saw a post that was multiple pages with a subject asking a question that couldn't possibly have longer than a 1 sentence answer. Behold! The most recent posts are discussing history being crafted by the victors and iconic figures such as Rosa Parks. It's hysterical.
  15. Maybe they could add a feature that automatically targets and attacks and loots the mobs when you're close enough. That way, you can completely avoid any need to read, think, interpret, evaluate, react, respond, comprehend, assess, analyze, synthesize, etc. That should improve questing significantly.
  16. If you play MMOs to PvP, and you feel that getting Battlemaster was an indication of anything then you might be stuck in an awkward niche of players who will never be satisfied with the design of games like TOR. The reason I say that is because I play MMOs to PvP, and I have many friends who are the same. Nothing about the current incarnation of valor ranks and gear tiers is related to performance in PvP. "PvP"ers in MMOs aren't concerned with gear progression. In particular, valor rank was simply a direct proportion of time spent. You didn't have to win or lose, you simply had to collect a certain number of medals, build valor up high enough from playing, and then purchase gear. No real PvP player I've spoken with is terribly concerned with replacing their battlemaster gear with an unrestricted gear set. Many of them welcome the idea because it will provide more people who can compete based on skill. More will be attracted to the game if they feel that they can improve themselves in a more engaging manner than spending X hours to equip so many items. People who are more PvE minded (concerned with gear progressions and other game mechanic-related improvements) and play PvP prefer the sort of valor system in place because they aren't as concerned with practicing PvP tactics as much as they are concerned with acquiring some virtual progression.
  17. While I do agree with some of your evaluations about the attitudes of players, I think you have overlooked the fact that people can only play the game that was designed by developers. In other words, those players are enabled by the game. When developers dumb down specs and stat allocations to the piont where you can min/max and that sort of optimization makes sense in the scheme of playing at end game, you can't fault individuals for following the rails which have been set before them. This is true in every single case. Players can only play the game as it was designed. TL;DR Don't hate the players, hate the game.
  18. This is more reason for some form of a combat log that allows a player to look at the numbers. Without raw data, there is no basis for a formal debate of this kind.
  19. What makes you think something is meant to be a certain way? This type of reasoning undoes itself. If you like how MMOs are now then you must owe thanks to the evolutionary process undertaken by the genre dating back to text MUDs decades ago (which I've played extensively). Do you like text MUDs? Do you like the changes in the MMO genre which has brought us to this game today? You can't appreciate any game in the genre today while condeming the very process that brought it about. And make no mistake, MMOs are evolving. Every form of media and art evolves. It's why there's rock and roll, 3d movies, and rollercoasters.
  20. You think that's why there's no world pvp in this game?
  21. MPagano

    Dear Bioware,

    Dear Bioware, Please make it so I'm not put into matchmaking with people who need to mark healers to play well. Please let me continue to play with friends so we can use our eyes ears and brains to evaluate threats on the battlefield and respond accordingly.
  22. Patch 1.2 will be the patch where gear no longer provides a distinct handicap for players who have spent the most time playing regardless of their skill level. Save your credits, spend your comms. We dont' know how much the gear will cost, but it will only cost credits. You don't have to spend hours upon hours grinding valor ranks just to be able to compete, but it wouldn't hurt to have some centurion/champion pieces equipped in case you don't have enough cash to purchase every piece of the new set at once.
  23. How many of you were attacking them? I just wonder what the other door looked like. Half of the defending team was at one door, and 75% of that group was healers. If the other door was tanks and healers, then at best they could hold you on defense but they shouldn't be able to take a node on offense without any dps. If the other door was more DPS classes, your team should be able to coordinate something against them with more success.
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