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Everything posted by LeComte

  1. No offense, but what the heck do you think the point of a "greed" roll is...basicly by rolling greed you are telling your group that you are rolling for the purpose of selling it, giving it to companion etc... a "need" roll will always outrank a "greed" roll no matter how high that greed roll is...if you want to pass on everything you aren't going to use, that's your business...but you can't expect everyone in your group to not greed on items they don't specificly need.
  2. This is an absoloutly stupid thing to have a timer on to begin with...oh crap I'm stuck...why the F should we have to wait to have it fixxed?
  3. You're right...MMOs shouldn't have any "group content" the entire multiplayer game should be spoon fed to the casual solo player.
  4. Whatever...perhaps you should just go look it up. hardly worth the fight. hi <--------<< hmmmm...what color is this listed as then? look at the quote genius.
  5. I'm thinking it looks like magenta...which is a "pink" not a "purple" : http://www.google.com/imgres?q=the+color+magenta&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=843&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=GIAyxUROKJRHnM:&imgrefurl=http://photoartsmonthly.com/blog/2009/12/09/who-owns-the-color-magenta/&docid=wSMR68RKUjFHsM&imgurl=http://www.photoartsmonthly.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/magenta-swatch.jpg&w=800&h=800&ei=0oAIT6H8MOKWiQKU7sjECQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=178&vpy=173&dur=1108&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=156&ty=150&sig=116305303661984157795&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0
  6. I'd much rather have dyes, than a simple armor matching...then maybe we could have Jedi that are just wearing a various shade of "poo robes" within reason of course...not looking for neon clowns either.
  7. So many companies interested in licensing the engine? like?...*crickets* Let's see...we have this game...we have Faxion which died in smoking ruins never really getting off the ground, one other (as of yet) unannounced project...that may or may not get finished, a few vaporware/freeware quility titles. Yep beating down the door. Look like I said, I enjoy the game, happily bought a 6 month sub to go with a collector's edition, I don't have regrets...but I also am aware the game isn't perfect, and many of those problems are from a bad engine, they could have made a better choice, and picked something more versitile, that's all
  8. Said it before and I'll say it again...there is a very good reason the Hero engine was never used before (including the game it was designed for). It was never a very good product. I am having a good time playing the game, but I would say a good portion of the game problems, and lack of customization can be laid at the feet of a decision to use this engine, rather that purchasing the rights to something better. They had a huge budget to work with...More of that budget should have been spent on giving the game a more solid backbone.
  9. For the same reason the OP felt it neccessary to post on a forum to a game he already decided to quit...like we all give a damn if he goes away.
  10. The big thing I'm missing is the point of this thread.
  11. How about NO! that would just look rediculous!
  12. Jedi Knight and Jedi Consulars share a ship too...that's life...carry on smartly...or as smartly as you're capable.
  13. you do realize that even with the said buffs you do not have, even remotely the same abilities as someone at 50, and end up with a severe disadvantage compared to someone with a natively +30 level advantage. unless you honestly believe that bumping up a persons HP and the damage done by there 2-4 attacks and 1 buff puts people at comparative levels as someone with 10+ attacks, multiple buffs, and skill tree bonuses. No...the OP is right on here...they really need level brackets to make them enjoyable.
  14. If you're so darn sick of hearing about WoW, then why make another darned thread about it, that will do absoloutly nothing except spawn another damn discussion about it that we don't want to hear.
  15. Why do people feel the need to say things like "this isn't a troll post" or "this isn't a troll thread"? guilty conscience?...it's kinda like saying things like no offence, then what follows is usually offensive, or no disrespect, and what follows is generally disrepectful. This game is "playable" right now...just because the feature you want isn't here yet doesn't change that. P.S. MMOs are never "finished products" until they shut down forever. SWG is a finished MMO...you can bet there will never be any more changes made to it.
  16. Wow, a company performs server maintenance at time when the have staffing on site to perform that maintenance...it's just a damn shame that they work around the timeframe of the zone they are based out of.
  17. I do very much enjoy what they have in the game so far...it's a solid base for a themepark MMO...I would have really like to see some effort put into making the game more of a hybrid, with a bunch more sandbox elements to compliment what they currently have. I would have love to actually have exploration in the game, because honestly once you go to every "quest hub" there is nothing left on the map to "explore"...Datacrons ≠ exploration... the are a mildly distracting first person jump challenge. There are still lots of things I really hope they add to the game, and as they expand going forward...I hope they take things like exploration into consideration as they add their new quest hubs, warzones, flashpoints, and operations...don't place them right on top of each other to fill up the map...let us go find some things on our own rather than being drug everywhere by the nose. ship customization would have been nice to see, also an appearence tab would have been nice, why put a bunch of worthless social gear in the game and then make it pointless to wear it because you have to sacrifice you good stuff to have that appearence.
  18. It fell to page 3 because it wasn't that interesting. This game doesn't get compared all that often to SWG, because frankly the games couldn't be much more different than they are...thankfully. the name "Star Wars" and them both belonging to the MMO genre is about the only similarities they share.
  19. I believe that's the point. why they have no dual spec, they don't want people bouncing back and forth on a whim...have to say I agree with them.
  20. ummm...yes raid frames can be freely moved and locked down where ever you want them to be. You just need to unlock the window first with the little icon that looks like 4 little people attached to that window.
  21. Isn't Taris on the section of the map at the top of the map...not the bottom one by Hoth and Tatooine? (seat of the empire) http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/galaxy-map
  22. How are you holding the 3rd one? and don't forget to wash it when you are done...:rod_tongue_g:
  23. you can activate operation panes and drag the healthbars right net to your hotbars if you want. under options > UI
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