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Posts posted by VelvetSanity

  1. suit yourself. if you aren't going to research the mandos, thats your business. i can tell you that you are wrong about them though. so either you do your own research or you can play the ignorance card, whatever the case i got no interest in it.


    I’m referring to in-game. Bounty Hunter class story ties them to the Mandalorians. And in-game, bounty hunter is an imp class. Just like Smuggler is a rep class. When really, neither class would believably have strong enough ties to either faction to justify them going along with helping the factions beyond what’s in the class stories. :p

  2. Nothing in the original trilogy set Lando up? Hello? Millenium Falcon? Han won it from Lando in a game of sabbac (mentioned in ESB, plus Han and Lando’s greetings when they arrive on Bespin in ESB imply it). Clearly Han was simply better at it :D
  3. Hmm, my reactions...


    *play it on consular*

    “I’m done already? Awww...at least I’ve got Nadia back and found out what happened to Iresso”

    *wanders forums, sees messages about it being bugged, turns pale, jumps back on consular and checks companions*

    “Awwww, man! :(

  4. I’m guessing there’s no definitive list of all the class story missions and what order they happen in, chronologically...



    Inquisitor mission a

    Bounty hunter mission a

    Consular mission a

    Inquisitor mission b

    Trooper mission a



    I think it’d be really cool if there was, then I could make a full set of characters, one for each class, and play through the entire story in chronological order, switching characters as needed

  5. why focus on something that negative for? People recriminating on a daily basis, people getting wound up all the time. a flashpoint for a new war. I mean what would any of that solve?


    rather stick with the monsters we all know, the pubs and imps, give them a enemy and let them do what comes naturally, to create war. :D


    Mandalorians are allied with the empire...or have you forgotten about the ‘Mandalorian Enclave’ on Dromund Kaas that chapter 1 of the BH class story is focused around? :p

  6. More conversations with vanilla/original companions, comments about areas, etc.


    Companion mounts - either allow them to get a mount themselves, a mirror of our own, or better yet, give us special mounts where they can ride with us. In my case, I just want to listen every comment companions have to say about certain zones and such.


    And why special mounts where they ride with us aren't available yet is beyond me, I'd figure something like that would sell big on the Cartel Market.


    Glad to see that I’m not the only one annoyed by the fact that even though some of the vehicle mounts are quite visibly two-seaters (quite of few of those have been in the game since before rothc), our companions don’t ride with us.

  7. Odessen stronghold


    Either ‘Show dark side corruption’ option changed to a dropbox allowing you to pick between any Dark level you’ve attained on that character or else points earned based on the dark side/light side toggle next to the minimap don’t affect the character sheet scale/appearance


    Companions on your ship again (at least droid and romanced, better would be to add those plus 4-5 of player’s choice)


    Intertwined class stories again like chapters 1-4 (lvl 1 character creation through rothc) - would be a bit complicated to pull off, you’d need some sort of transition/interim arc to explain what non-kotfe/kotet characters were doing between the start of kotfe and the end of the traitor arc, with characters that haven’t started any of the kotfe/kotet/traitor content being given the choice of starting kotfe or following the transition/interim stories - could be an intertwined class-specific arc that’s unavailable to kotfe/kotet characters. You’d also have to do something about the companion mess we currently have


    All the screwy mess caused by Jedi Under Siege applying “default” choices regardless of whether or not you’ve completed all affected story arcs fixed

  8. i bet he wants a mount that cant be duplicated nor transferred, not many but some cant be.


    Like the CXP pack ones? Yeah, probably. Or else the tauntauns you have to work for on Hoth. They’re bound to legacy, but once activated on a character that’s it.

  9. The reasoning I saw back in the day (beta) is that it was initially intended. There's even an unusable Pazaak table in The Esseles Flashpoint on Pub side. But allegedly the game would have to be re-rated by the ESRB in the US and similar organizations internationally to include gambling.


    Can anyone say CASINO EVENT?


    Is Magic: the Gathering considered to be gambling? Pazaak (thanks for correcting the spelling, I thought it seemed off) would have more in common with that than with gambling.

  10. Enough people wanted to romance a darkside created monster who spent most of his time with you talking about eating you so....different strokes??? :confused:


    The difference is talk vs actions. Khem *talks* about it but never does it. Zash actually attempts it while outwardly being friendly and praising you (in reality just admiring your power and grooming you to make you complacent when it comes time to make the attempt) but *Khem* interferes and saves you, so...

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