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Everything posted by juanni

  1. Or perhaps they could "see the truth" by playing it? You seem very bitter btw. Couldn't you go and do something you enjoy?
  2. I told him to give me a call if he had any more work. Nearly all my employers are unlikeable, but a job's a job. P.S. He force-choked Mako, but to be fair I had just killed nearly a hundred of his goons. Also, I don't like her very much anyway.
  3. I find it disappointing that you spelled Rakghoul wrong
  4. SWTOR could be made by baby-eating mass-murderers for all I care.
  5. I would like to second this. I'd really like to be able to watch my class story and my choices again. Perhaps this should be possible via your ship's holo-terminal?
  6. Your legacy name isn't necessarily a surname. Legacies seem to cover all of the most important people within your character's sphere of influence, not just their family members. There are many threads already on this issue, you should probably check those out for a more in-depth explanation.
  7. It really annoyed me that I could not kill him (I didn't know when I started hunting him that he would be a companion of mine). He's the one stain on my Bounty Hunter's otherwise perfect record of jobs completed. *sigh*
  8. Since they have revealed the Legacy system, it kinda makes sense now because even your non-Force user can now use force powers they have inherited from their family.
  9. I don't know, not moving out of AOE sounds like your average non-healer MMO player Joking aside, if you want them to move out of it, click passive and they will. Annoying that you have to micro-manage, but oh well. Also, if you don't want them to break CC, turn off their AOE abilities perhaps?
  10. When it comes to their experiences playing a game, yes, because both of them are equally-valued consumers. Good effort on the over-the-top analogy though.
  11. Sounds like you are burned out on MMOs tbh. Take a break from them for a while, then come back and see if you feel the same. If you do, it's time to move onto another genre. I thought I was burned out on MMOs, turns out it was just WoW that I'd had enough of. To each their own.
  12. Stopped reading almost immediately. I don't care what your past experiences are and they in no way make your opinion more or less valid than someone else's. Also, needs more paragraphs to make it less wall-of-text.
  13. Quality, not quantity, is the important bit.
  14. Everyone in this thread seems overly pedantic and abusive towards the OP, but I shouldn't really be surprised since this is the internet after all. My first character that I got to 50 is a human Trooper and I'm reasonably happy with that choice. However, if given the chance to change his species then I would probably choose a Rattataki. Of course I could just make another Trooper and make them a Rattataki, but then I would be giving up many hours of gameplay for a cosmetic change, something that I'm not going to do. Certain other games (which I won't mention because the amount of venom people have towards one in particular is unreal) allow race/species changes. I don't think it would be that hard to implement. I'm sure many people would be happy to pay large amounts of credits to be able to change the species of their current characters. There are even in-game lore reasons that you could possibly do this (The Face Merchants quest on Coruscant being an example). For anyone that says the choices you make should matter, if that's the case then why can you hit escape to get out of conversations, etc?
  15. I'm still enjoying SWTOR and looking forward to patch 1.2, couldn't care less what people with short attention spans do.
  16. This thread is new and exciting... The devs have said (I think at the Guild Summit) that mini-games are something they will do when they need to "make a big splash".
  17. Good riddance to them. They can go and play something else and whine about lack of content there instead.
  18. I've not been on the forums recently, any chance you could link?
  19. Level 50 isn't boring. Also, is there a guide on how to spell datacron correctly?
  20. Take a deep breath and try again. Either that or ask someone to help you.
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