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Everything posted by lokdron

  1. Problem is when you accept his offer in chapter 8 afterwards his son notes his power is actually "weaker" than it was. So I don't think he is trying to turn you into a vessel I dunno I just get the feeling there is something more to it. I honestly think he is being straight up with you THE ONLY person he has ever been straight up with hence why when you call him a manipulate egg head. The game always notes he is amused or something I saw it as well just think I am manipulating you, you are doing what I want anyway sort of thing. Now why I took the power? From realistic standpoint I took his offer because honestly those kids are beeping OP. His son wrecked the jedi, sith, republic and empire. He was also trained by the zakuul knights who's doctrine was also created by the OP emperor. Plus he was ALSO trained by the scions as well lets not forget he is the son of the god dam emperor. Hell the man blocks most of the crazy lighting in chapter 8 the same lightning which can kill people in the general vicinity. Don't get me started on vaylin she moved furniture around in the womb and is ripping off blast doors with ease. Being a non force user and refusing him? Just seems down right silly in my opinion and currently? I have to say in the force they are stronger than the force using PC faaaar stronger. I would even put out a limb to even say senya is possibly stronger than you at the moment. Now that I know the light side option you get stabbed like a pleb in chapter 8 if you refuse I feel that's what should happen in the context of the narrative and what we have seen of the kids. Now If my body gets destroyed by the power trying to take down the kids? Sorry lana I feel its small price to pay compared to freeing the galaxy.
  2. Dunno man he is still pretty dark sided plus the sith eyes as well.
  3. Honestly I would say any force user would work in my opinion its the non force users is what I am having issue with.
  4. Updated the post to include possible addition of the veins affecting the whole body.
  5. Here is the realistic reason the problem is the non force users because they can't animate the whole scenes for each of the classes since it would cost too much money. Plus lets not forget the force users have the own things in each of the story. So to save money they just did a non force user scene and a force user one for each when you are fighting him. Since it would just cost too much money to acknowledge each of the force using classes feats which I feel still pales in comparison compared to the power of the kids. From a story standpoint when you do take the power he actually blocks yes BLOCKS most of the lighting with the force I was like ARE YOU BEEPING KIDDING ME! HOW STRONG ARE THEY! Mind you the energy was also killing everyone in the general vicinity as well and all it did is push him off an edge. In my opinion from a story standpoint I have to say the kids are stronger than the the force using PC. I would even dare say possibly senya might actually be stronger than you. Now story? Do note that Arcann was trained by the Zakuul knights who's fighting doctrine and style was created by the emperor. Plus he was also trained by the scions this information is under his ultimate defense buff when you are fighting him. Oh and he is the son of a force user who can well... eat planets and death holds no meaning over him. Plus him and his brother also wrecked both the jedi, sith, republic and empire soo in my opinion in this stage of the story in my honest opinion? He outmatches you now don't get me started on Vaylin she is something else.
  6. What I found interesting was when Koth, Lana and senya were aruging saying "you don't know him like I do!". Yes the scene was meant to be humorous but I think it was quite serious as well. Does anyone TRULY know Valkorion? I think the only person he is ever being rather straight up with is the PC. Oh and I do think he is a plot device for non force users as well so they can involve themselves in the force stuff like ghosts etc. Since normal people can't see them.
  7. I would actually be quite annoyed if they did that, what should happen is that they should update the dark side corruption eyes. Perhaps using vaylins or Lana's assets for the eyes I think I will edit my first post to clearly state what I want to see.
  8. Honestly I viewed it as him on one of his body hop escapades during the times when he becomes solitary. Now in my opinion I don't think he is trying to make you into his vessel considering at the end if you use his power his son notes his power is actually weaker. He gain's approval if you are inquisitive, look forward and not to the past and when you accept his help. If you call him manipulative he does not lose approval they just note he is amused. Honestly I think he is being straight up with you in his conversations since he notes that you are the only person he has taken interest in save senya. Plus Vaylin notes that their dad has a new favorite. What I do feel he is doing he is grooming you into something and its still not clear what his intentions are.
  9. The force users I this expansion are pure monsters especially the kids they were trained by the emperors Knights and scions plus they are his children it's the non force users where I have to suspend my belief if you don't take the dark choices when it comes to "that guy".
  10. Thanks for the support can't let the thread die like many have in the past.
  11. Shameful bump sorry mods for doing this but I feel strongly for this issue since everything got a graphic update and yet you choose not to update the eyes. While all the new npcs got proper eyes.
  12. Yup, at first I was like ah playing a non force user is okay before release but after playing the story all the way? Nope the only way you can justify anything is your connection to "that guy" is the only reason why its happening and that's their excuse. I am in the camp that the story fits force users more imo. Considering the Opness of the kids I have to throw my suspension of belief out of the window of wondering how a non force user will take them on. If you don't take "those" options with "that guy".
  13. One thing I also don't understand why they went with red eyes in the first place. Looking back during pre release I recall dark side corruption may not have been in the game in the start and it seems going by all the interviews they added it because people kept asking. Now bioware I am asking you now please go back to the eyes give use the proper ones red eyes look bleh. Plus I feel a slight tinge of annoyance looking at the new npcs and lana having proper sith eyes and yet no one thought to go hey? Maybe we should update the dark side corruption properly? Please bioware can you do this?
  14. I know its dumb I was quite excited to get Pierce on my inquisitor he talked about getting some wins against the republic. I thought I was going to go around to the different planets smacking republic in the face then I saw the pvp quest.... I just face palmed. Right play pvp to unlock a pve companion WHAT! SERIOUSLY. *sigh* Qyzen fes quest is also silly the fact that you can never complete or it will be extremely difficult since many people are trying to hunt the same creatures.
  15. Yeah problem is they keep killing the interesting empire characters all the bloody time. They keep doing it I have no idea why and its getting annoying that she keeps being untouched for some reason.
  16. Still quite annoyed that "SHE" is still bloody alive I smell the favoritism bioware I expected her to be either dead or fallen to the dark side but nope seems she is invincible while all the interesting empire characters keep getting killed off. That's the only low point of the expansion for me.
  17. Honestly I think Dark V should be akin to Darth Malgus in terms of look so I say they Should keep the veins and paleness just change the eyes to the correct format of the yellow eye with the red ring. I don't understand how they got everything else right about dark side corruption and screw up on the eyes. Oh and purebloods should not have it on in the first place and they should at least give the red eye ring considering its called sith eyes for a reason and they are a dark side "race".
  18. Looking at Lana, the emperor, the prince and Vaylin is well... quite troubling because you know they have proper sith eyes. Is it so hard to give it to the player characters? Instead of the current red non-canon pure red and the the pure yellow/orange eyes without the red ring? Please? Pretty please? Can this topic get a bit of support? I mean this is a good oppurtinity to finally fix it since I assume you have a lot of the assets already considering you gave Zash and Malgus proper sith eyes. PLEASE bioware consider changing this. Been waiting since release and watching the new npcs is jarring compared to the player character who is dark side. edit: What I want to see if bioware does it. 1. Update the sith pureblood eyes to actually have the red ring for their character creation options since the eyes are a part of their race. Along with the various shades of yellow/orange. 2.Update the player character dark side corruption FROM 1 TO 5 to have the sith eye detail quality of say like lana's or vaylins or even malgus. Get rid current ones and replace them with proper sith eyes here are some examples. edit: I would get some in game images for lana and vaylin since they are really high quality ones but unfortunately I finished the story. So I had to use these images from possibly an old build bioware showed on twitch anyway they still look better than the current ones plus the stream quality was not that high. Lana Lana example 2 Vaylin example Darth Malgus Darth Malgus in game. Heck even zash has them! Spoiler warning for those who has not played the SI story. I am going to say this I got really annoyed when I saw this when I played the story many moons ago considering my SI yellow eyes lacked the detail and red ring of zash's eyes. Zash Example 3. The turning pale effect and and the veins is alright as it currently is. Yet still things can be done to improve it for example making the veins spread all over the PC's body if it is possible. (Props to Karkais for the suggestion) 4. Keep the glow in low light area's it looks bloody awesome watching Lana's new eyes glow somewhat in dark areas then I see my PC red glowing non canon eyes then I get sad again. 5. One of the most important DO NOT PUT IT ON THE CM. Bioware you said you want this expansion to be about choices and consequences. So people have to roll with the corruption they get because of their decisions. If you put it on the CM I will be upset. Update the dark side corruption please this is what the topic is about. Oh and bioware if you do this? PLEASE I beg you don't copy and paste the zabarak ones just... please don't looking at the new dark side npcs I know you can do dark side corruption justice. The point is now in the new expansion since you are spending plenty of time around the new detailed npcs and seeing the corruption compared to the player character in my opinion the PC's looks terrible. I feel since we have just started the new expansion this is the right time to actually get this changed/updated. I hope you take this into consideration bioware. PS Mods PLEASE don't add this to the suggestion section because I feel all that would happen is the topic being buried under all the others. Last time we tried it in that section? Nothing happened not even one post by the community manager rep. Since this is a new expansion I feel the PC is in need of some form of a graphical update in ANY capacity considering the new npcs that are highly detailed. Now I want this to be taken seriously until a response is given no one should have to put up with poor quality/non canon eyes when all the new dark side npcs are displaying the CORRECT eye type.
  19. I have a strange feeling its going to backfire on him if this is his intention.
  20. Xalek is really buggy right now I allowed him to kill the miners and he told me he is no longer an apprentice but a lord and he said he will kneel before me as he should and then I told him to kneel and come along. Went back to the force leader and she said Xalek has joined the alliance. Open contact lists and he is not there? What? The quest is really buggy and I think bioware needs to sort it out plus the steps not working correctly.
  21. Yeah when I saw that happen it made slamming the dark side option even more good.
  22. Yeah I kinda get the feeling that he is either grooming you into his replacement or vessel. After thinking about it more I simply don't know what he is up to anymore what I do know is that he likes me a lot lol.
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