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Everything posted by Viraxis

  1. IF this is what is going to be done with OPS then WZ and GSF will have to continue to do 250% cxp just to keep up with how fast you can get gear in ops. I can spend an entire Saturday pvp'ing and maybe get 1 drop. If I spent an entire Saturday running Ops I am going to have 2 to 3 pieces. Either keep pvp boosted or give out pvp gear again. w
  2. All the boost is going to do is make people even more frustrated that opening more boxes faster and not getting squat in it.
  3. The people who reported it should get a reward.
  4. You only agree 100% with this because you already got screwed and lost it due to the transfer.
  5. Words cannot express how dumbfounded I am about this decision. I could have maybe understood it if this info was known when the event started. The fact that you are just now letting us know this information is just god awful stupid. I for one would have spent that time doing other more constructive things even in game than waste my time going for some items. I was already upset about having achievements in the tracker that could no longer be obtained, but to have an entire section that took me months to achieve simply wiped is a major slap in the face. You guys need to fix this or you will have pissed off your most loyal base.
  6. You can forget about the classic empire vs republic battles. It takes twice as much resources to build 2 stories than it does 1. They are all about the money and generic story telling now. There is virtually no difference between republic and empire now.
  7. 16 is the magic number. This allows you to have 1 of each advanced classes. A LOT of people have 1 of each. They should have gave every account type 8 more slots FOR FREE in order to participate in the event. The fact that they set a high limit and then make people who have played for years have to PURCHASE additional slots just to complete all objectives in the event is absolutely ridiculous. Of all the money grabs and gafs the SWTOR have made, this one takes the cake in my book!
  8. There is no financial incentive for them to tell you earlier than they have to that it will never be a priority. If it was and people were leaving, they would be the first to get out there and say "Hey we are looking hard at group content and will be rolling things out <insert date here>.". Since they will not give a straight answer, this means they have nothing positive to say and the truth would only drive more away earlier. If they can get a few more months or more of sub time from people, they are going to do that.
  9. It was very easy to accumulate LOTS of parcels. You just had 1 person working with you throwing snowballs at each other then clicking it off so you could throw again. The more people you had in on it the faster the parcels accumulated. I still think its dumb mainly because who cares if someone got lots parcels. It isn't like they could buy game changing stuff with it.
  10. It was boring and redundant. The dark side options were definitely more entertaining. I guess I was expecting something a little longer and a little more difficult.
  11. If you were to look at the game engine as it stands now, you would most likely never be able to tell it was based originally off the Hero engine. They started with the Hero engine base when development started and modified it greatly even before the original SWTOR release. Since then, there has been so much added and changed.
  12. If they don't change the drop rate, people will continue to complain. If they do up the chance, then all the people who previously bought hypercrates will still be ************ that they should get compensation. The packs and crates are nothing more than gambling with worse odds than if you would go to Vegas. They have never tried to hide this fact. The whining is no more different than addicted gamblers screaming the games are fixed.
  13. I believe most of the outrage is coming from them overhyping the meager things they announced. It will not save subscriptions. Very few people will sub for 6 months just to get to play HK-55 for 15 or 20 minutes. People aren't going to stay subbed on the 1st of every month just to get to play the story 2 days early. They need to reward longer term subscribers. The longer you stay subscribed, the better the rewards. That is much more likely to keep someone around when they are deciding to cancel a sub while they go try out another game.
  14. I must have missed something. When was it ever said that January would be when the new stories would roll out? I don't recall them ever saying it in any of the streams and I haven't seen it in print for myself.
  15. No pretty much the definition of MMO is "Massively" Multiplayer Online. Disney Infinity does not qualify as Massively Multiplayer.
  16. For the love of God, can you please comment on the future of PvP other than "a new season has started"? Is there anything in the works? Will we see anything in the next couple of months. The subscriptions that you are bleeding now are NOT the people that will be enticed to stay by these rewards you listed here. It is the people fed up with being left in the dark about a timeline for new pvp content and to some degree operations. The people that are giddy about the rewards are the loyal followers that aren't going anywhere and will stay and play regardless of how bad or stale things get because it has Star Wars as a brand.
  17. Isn't it obvious? Subscribers get the upcoming chapters. The lead write posted in saying he was excited. Drew Karpyshyn has now chimed in who is a leading Star Wars genre author who happened to work for BW back in the day and wrote a lot of KOTOR. Isn't it obvious that the announcement will simply be that Drew Karpyshyn is joining the story team and will be writing future story chapters for SWToR? That is my best guess.
  18. No need for sarcasm or negative comments. Lets keep this thread positive and helpful regardless of which side of the fence you are on with the nerf.
  19. Thats a loaded question. What is your gear level? What is your skill level? What class?
  20. You are correct that the 3rd reactor room is the hardest fight in the entire Star Forge. The end boss fight is a cake walk compared to it. You must must must use CC and interrupts on the big guys while you burn down the easier targets or you get overwhelmed.
  21. Your question I believe is based on the belief that BW changed the companions because some people complained things were too easy. They changed them because their metrics showed it was too easy. They have targets they want for things. They will tweak until they meet those targets. I do believe they did nerf too hard. I will not be surprised if they give a little power back to them as they hone in on their targets.
  22. I have updated my original post. ON the boss fights as a DPS, i have found it much easier to actually do the fight with the companion as DPS as well. Their DPS is much much better than what little heals they can provide. Fights go much quicker to where a medpac, heroic moment, unity and any off heals if available are plenty enough.
  23. Operations and even back in the day, it definitely was expected that in order to be successful in the harder content you had to have better gear. You don't use even the starter raid gear and then expect to go into a NiM ops and survive. I think where BW really made a mistake was to tie part of the story chain to a series of HM FP . It should be imo achievable doing the SOLO version of them even if it takes more runs.
  24. Had a brain fart or something when initially typing. Thanks for pointing it out. It has been corrected.
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