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Everything posted by SVTCarnage

  1. The biggest question is, why would someone running a pre-made complain about solo q'ers? My advice would be to find better teammates. You q with 4 decent players you shouldn't have problems with a solo q'er. HAHA
  2. Not currently playing now at the moment, but am going to play again 5.0.
  3. He actually took the time to hit on what your after on paper, undying rage is the answer for electronet on a cd for cd basis vs a merc. Duels is everything when it comes to class vs class, that's how you get good. You can brake down any fight cd for cd. Sorcerers vs Marauder 1. Predation for Force Push root, always assume they are spec'd for this. 3. Mad Dash for Phasewalk 4. Saber Ward and Intimidating Roar up after Force Barrier 5. Choke Polarity Shift etc etc Its general rules, it will make you better in all aspects of PvP. Duels helps you class vs class. If your beating sorcerers as a Carnage Marauder (Carnage for sure..) and not following those guide lines the sorcerer isn't good. You also should try Annihilation. I would never duel a good merc or sorcerer as a Carnage marauder if I wanted to win the duel. Not that I am saying I like Anni more, Carnage is my favorite spec in the entire game, but I know what its good for, and what its just ok at in a comparison to Annihilation.
  4. Oh, your entire thread is you being sarcastic? Holy****, you got me for sure then, because I did not catch it. You seemed legit asking how to deal with Electronet as a Marauder. Pretty sure I took that you have trouble beating Juggernauts/Guardians as well as a Marauder. Probably the best troll thread I have ever seen, because you totally fooled me. I want a refund on the time I spent writing my first reply, and this one.
  5. Get on the The Harbinger if your on US. Get on The Red Eclipse if your EU. Contact/search/find certain players that can duel you while in Discord, Skype, TS, Vent, or etc (ideally). Or just find mercenary and juggernaut/guardian players to duel in general that are ideally experienced. You need to learn, and practice fighting the classes in duels. It will make fighting them in reg's easier. You will just know what to do. You will want to learn to conserve your Predation, Leap and Mad Dash vs a ranged class with a good player behind it. Then its just going to come down to cd for cd. However if you practice duels you will learn cd for cd for fights, and what to do and what not to do, this will just make fighting players in reg's much easier. A experienced player is going to tell you everything you did wrong in a duel, and you will learn, then you just practice.
  6. My PC can handle very high, but I wouldn't play a warzone on Very High, personally.
  7. Yes, Darth Maul is 10x cooler then Kylo Ren, agreed 100%
  8. Every class and spec is easy, pick the one you want to play, its a Star Wars video game. There are lightsabers, and Twi'lek's in the game. No idea who's girlfriend this is but would you not? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9d/16/ea/9d16eadd6e8675af6a10d7d4f1c22947.jpg Tell me you wouldn't.. Yeah anyway best dps class is the class that is more fun to play, always.
  9. Mercs are already bad to the bone. I can't make up my mind which class to main in 5.0, I only have time for one in 5.0.
  10. People aren't raising enough hell to get a duel section connected to the fleet, or anything remotely cool like that done. I can't even get proper hot keys for 4v4's, so if I even do play 5.0 its going to again just be logging on to do warzone's and maybe duel here & there, which rarely ever occurs. Lately I spend more time posting on these forums (on my phone) then I do actually playing when I am at my PC. I'm too busy for 5.0, it has to be worth my time, the changes to my favorite class is awesome but everything else about 5.0, yuck.
  11. It's a match up thing, and how good the players are, not anything I can argue with there. However I think Annihilation is better vs Sorcerers in a duel. Anyway far as the video, I like 1v2s, in WoW it's far easier and happens far more often even in battlegrounds, and especially solo Qing 2v2 arena. In Swtor it's more rare for the reasons I hit on. So to see two or three (I think three?) 1v2s in a single Montage without a health orb, both players attacking, full hp, no other player interruption is rare footage. If the players were good geared players there wouldn't be a 1v2, I'd be a semi 1v2 (one player half hp, or kill one player and then run away from 2nd player) at best.
  12. Alright let's play game, you guys link me a swtor montage. I am not watching a entire warzone, and or a 4v4 game with a dps with no focus, or incapable of switching for interrupts. So take note of that. You link anyone's montage, I will find things wrong with it. Also good luck 1v2ing two good players, when you do that please link that here. Make sure you know what a 1v2 is as half hp players or health orbs don't count. Oh and yeah make sure you consider these two players good. Remember because that matters to you. Then lastly, Carnage is not the best 1v1 mara duel spec, Annihilation is. Thats coming from a fan of Carnage.
  13. I have never in my life seen a video like this have more Dislikes then Likes (as of the time posting this). That is asinine. The guy spent a long time recording with Fraps to gather this footage. It is so difficult to get the type of quality 1v2's this guy grabbed in a warzone, a lot of variables get in the way, a lot of player interruption from both sides, etc. With no world PvP its a pain in the ***. The music is good, and the gameplay is great. Give this person your support, and a sub as he's new to Youtube so he will want to make more.
  14. Who is disliking this video? This is probably the best montage I have seen in swtor in awhile. @Haters: https://cdn.meme.am/instances/61818104.jpg People start Liking the video, that is ridiculous for this type of video to have more dislikes, I have never even seen that before, what is wrong with people?
  15. SVTCarnage


    4's? The OP sounded like he was talking about Warzons. Then you just kind of hit on what I said toward the end of your post, so. Regardless yep that is all you do, glad I could help. No one should stress about Healer+Tank solo Qing any PvP. Especially Solo Rank which is a Ranked Skirmish.
  16. SVTCarnage


    Anything you Q'd solo for you shouldn't stress about. Be happy But yes a L2P issue. Not that it's pointed at you, but players in general.
  17. SVTCarnage


    Don't attack Guard, swap targets (to anyone), kick(interrupt), cc, hit buttons. Swap back, don't spread dps, sync with other dps even if they are not attacking who you want to be attacking. Don't ever be dpsing someone at full health while two or three other dps are hitting other people. Then your always going to have people PvEing in warzone's, that is always fun, and people do it almost every warzone. What is PvEing a warzone? Spamming AoE over, and over, and over, and over, again. Instead of just syncing dps with another dps to take down a target, they are spamming AoE doing nothing, and interrupting IR & CM's on healers across the galaxy.
  18. Annihilation and Fury are better then Carnage for beating a Sorcerer, and Annihilation over all in my opinion is the best all around marauder spec. The title of the thread is "Best Burst Spec Jugg or Mara?", of course it goes into more detail, but the answer to the thread is Carnage Marauder. Carnage has the best burst, but some are getting burst and what spec is the best over all in PvP mixed up. Not pointing that finger at you necessarily, but just whoever is participating in the thread in general.
  19. So since I've been away we got walls of text, and some guy bragging about beating Carnage Marauders as a Sorcerer or a Assassin, on my phone but that all sounds about right, very proud of ya. So back to answering the OP, again play whatever you want. You won't get any consistent opinions.
  20. SVTCarnage


    Blizzard won't even add this awesome amazing feature, so Bioware definitely not. The problem is this idea is too amazing, the more amazing a idea is the less likely it will happen in this game.
  21. Agreed, Rage/Fury out burst Carnage all day, no contest. Finally someone talking sense up in here. I didn't even know Carnage was known for burst. Siiiiike!
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