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Everything posted by Revanchis

  1. Quinn wasn't even that bad. Zevran tries to kill you and Isabella started a huge war that engulfed a whole city. Those are much worse betrayals, and also the reason I dislike them.
  2. Except OGR flirts are already in group conversations. So I guess you'll just have to deal.
  3. Without companions this story wouldn't have nearly the same amount of story or real attachment to our characters. It would have failed to draw any of Bioware's old crowd. In which case what would be the point of having Bioware make an MMO,
  4. I agree with the negative sentiment. It would work much better with a more contained single player game, kind of like what they did in DA2.
  5. This game isn't easier than most of Bioware's singleplayer games. You're forgetting that those games have difficulty options.
  6. I meant the create a companion feature would make a bunch of empty companions with no personality to them. Kind of like the crew from STO.
  7. I mean the story portion to the game and the narrative in general make a significant portion of the game, not just the romances. If it didn't have the draw of Bioware storytelling it wouldn't be nearly as popular. While I can't speak for everyone I can say that I wouldn't have even considered the game if it weren't a KotOR sequel developed by Bioware. The fact that it was an MMO kept me out of the game for a while, but eventually I did play and enjoy.
  8. It makes a significant portion of TOR. It may not be as good as a proper RPG, but without it I doubt I would have even tried this game. I had a fervent dislike of MMOs.
  9. Because there's no option to remove any other content. The "other side" is just going to have to do what everyone else does for features they don't like, like myself and PVP, ignore it and don't use it. How hard is it to just not click the flirt. (That was a rhetorical question. Don't answer it.) It's not the end of the world, just ignore it and before you know it the conversation is over. When the discussion is about making it so that gays don't exist in their world then the discussion is ******** and needs to be tossed out. We don't have a racial toggle and we don't need an SGR toggle.
  10. Well, then maybe they should work on making raids more fun instead of trying to have more incentives. People play Civilization for hours at a time, myself included, but it doesn't offer anything.
  11. Except there's nothing there for the people who enjoy the stories and the acting of the current romances. Bioware are excellent character writers, there's no way an RP'ed relationship is going to come close to that. RP'ing is best left to PnP games.
  12. Actually you do get mail about it after a while. Not sure about the specifics, but there is a message sent to you about it.
  13. Not to mention a companion like that would have no personality or story to them.
  14. From what I've read Zenith seems interesting, and Tharan is supposed to be funny. It's mostly being stuck with Qyzen I don't like, and only getting Nadia (the companion I'm looking forward to) really late. I'll probably end up running with Tharan until I get Nadia. He seems like he won't be too bad. You never know how people will match up to what's been read though. I thought Xalek would actually be worth a damn.
  15. I'm not looking forward to play a Consular. It looks like the only interesting companion, you get on Belsavis.
  16. Id' say games can be enjoyable all on their own. Back in high school we played TF2 like everyday, always on Dustbowl. This was the Xbox version and was before any of the updates. So we weren't working towards any goals, just enjoying the game by itself. A good game can stand on it's own without a goal to reach, because if the game isn't fun by itself then why are you playing. I don't understand that whole mentality. If raiding isn't fun and you wouldn't do it if there was no gear, then why even do it in the first place.
  17. Quite possibly the best of the companions for the SI. Had Talos been a romance option I would have seriously considered it. He just has so much pep and personality, unlike boring "action man" Andronikos.
  18. Bluh, if we could eliminate anyone I hope it's Xalek. That dude is so boring, even the droid is a more interesting companion than him, at least it says something.
  19. In that particular case I was talking about games in general. Rewards don't drive people exclusively, and I think MMO players forget that.
  20. Who said anything about being carried, the number one reason I want to fight the bosses is because they're fun to kill. That's the whole point of the game, not gearing but having fun. If the game isn't fun in and of itself then it's pointless.
  21. I want more companions that can speak basic. You can't tell much about their personality when they re speaking some alien language, because you lose all of the tone of what they're saying.
  22. If there were no levels or rewards but the story was good I guarantee people would play it.
  23. For the Imperial side I'd like to see either Temple, Ashara or Talos.
  24. Hopefully there's more than one NPC for SGRs for each gender. Like 4 at least.
  25. I don't need for companions, not without asking if everyone is fine with it. I don't see why it makes more sense to grind dailies for weeks to get implants when I could just take a few minutes to fight the bosses. I also enjoy fighting the bosses, while dailies are boring grind. There's no way in hell I would join a guild and/or do Ops. Haha, no. Dailies are also mind-numbingly boring. I don't particularly need them for credits or anything, not unless I want to stockpile huge sums of credits.
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