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Everything posted by Sowwy

  1. There is your theory and then, there is what really happens. How many people have opened how many bags and maybe have 1 or 2 pieces ? I'm one of them and its not a fun experience.
  2. Regardless, hitting 50 isn't the solution. Expertise is the culprit more than levels. If you think otherwise, you haven't dealt with well geared players.
  3. Its the same situation on our server. I think bioware is failing to understand that this has become more than a nuisance, it literally breaks the game for me. I don't like the pve, so I sub for the pvp. Since my pvp experience has become a miserable exercise, then I have no reason to sub. I've already cancelled. You can tack fresh 50's on that list. I just dinged a couple of days ago, and while i live a little longer, its not even close to leveling the playing ground.
  4. I've canceled my subscription . PvP is the driving reason to play for me and while they've come very close to a great pvp system, what bioware has done poorly is game-breaking. People are blaming the level disparity as the problem, but I don't thats a correct diagnosis, a lvl 50 in greens can be beaten by a well played lvl 30 - i know, I was doing as I'm sure many of you were. The culprit is expertise + stims, they make for a terrify monster. But here's the catch that pains me the most. If you're not winning, your collection of commendations moves at a crawl so because you can't gear, the opposing faction's gain is accelerated. On my server, there's a hardcore pvp guild (repub, I'm empire) and since its a low pop server the chances for matching against them are pretty good, better than good, you get at least a couple of them nearly every game. They were early access players so as of now, most are fully champion geared and they steamroll my faction in their premade within minutes. Voidstar won in less than 2 minutes, huttball lost in less than 5. As they've geared, I've noticed skill becoming less important. Sages and troopers stand spamming 1 and hitting my powertech for 3k +. He's dead within seconds and their ability to play their class has nothing to do with the results because the numbers are doing all the work Even the little expertise I have shows a significant boost to dmg done and a reduction to dmg taken. I have the boots and the lvl 46 pvp gun, those 2 items + a stim boost my pvp stats to 17%. So I ask myself, what the heck does a full set provide? We never win. This is not hyperbole, I haven't been able to get my 3 wins for the daily in 3 days, currently 2 / 3. How am I ever to catch up with them ? The answer, I simply won't. Expertise should obviously progress our characters, otherwise there would be no point to it, but should it make them virtually indestructible? I don't think so. I know the cats out of the bag, but expertise really should have been introduced a few weeks after the game's release. The few games I get an equal team to play against, pvp is a blast so in this regard bioware nailed it. But the current gear progression system is asymmetrical to say the least, and it far too heavily favors the early access pvpers. The entire implementation has been atrocious and myopic and as a result, I'm cancelling my account and discouraging anyone I know from purchasing the game. I'm not being petty, this is called voting with my wallet. And before you think that its too early to react in such a way, we're not talking about massive content updates like raids. We're talking about giving people slower to hit 50 a chance to compete in pvp. With the 50's only bracket averagely geared players like myself will be even more disadvantaged because my chances of drawing someone other than the mega-geared dream team is lowered even more. My poor bounty hunter is effectively stunted without massive time investment and a little luck. They'd have to make some big changes to win my faith back. If you're a pve player, good on you, I'm sure you're having a great time but if you're into pvp like myself, things ain't so good. edit for clarification and typos
  5. You sound like a politician. Why don't address the issues. You're player base deserve more respect than that. For instance, expertise geared 50s are ruining pvp for everyone else. What are you plans for this? And how long do you expect people to tolerate being farmed? PvP is my driving force for this game. But as it stands right now, the experience is being crippled by the power levelers. I'm not paying you so that they can have a good time. Figure it out. You're still very much in the probationary phase.
  6. Hardly, Warhammer had a good face but virtually nothing else. Bad comparison.
  7. Who cares, they wanted to be the first - grats their special. Now they can wait for the rest of us to catch up. Not true, a team of 50s in apex gear always win. Lvl 50's sans massive expertise can be beaten.
  8. I'd like to know how BW prioritizes pvp. The warzones were at first a major hook for me, but the 50's in battlegear are completely ruining the experience. I don't mind losing, but I have a major problem being so outgunned we're literally stuck outside our respawn due to the MASSIVE damage. Its not even about skill, character stats are calling these shots and there's nothing that can be done. I hate to say, but Im tempted to unsub for now. I love swtor, and pvp was a significant part of it. And I don't feel like paying so I can further sacrifice my time at the feet of the hardcore pvp'ers that have already, or nearly, reached the apex for the characters. I may let them fix it and come back in a few months.
  9. Its not the levels that will cause problems, its the level 50 battlegear. I've pvp'd a rediculous amount since early release and after lvl 20, the disparity between an averagely geared 50 isn't so great. You can definitively be an effective member of the team. But once battle gear comes into the picture, forget about it. I've been playing the same repubs since the start, and they were very good, but beatable even at 50. Recently however, there is a drastic increase to the damage they do and an equally drastic decrease in damage they take. Same people, same level disparity (me in my 30s then at 50), but two different experiences. The obvious conclusion is they finally earned their gear. At this point, there's nothing anyone not similarly geared can, not even other level 50s make a much of a dent. Its the gear gear gear, scaling some classes too well.
  10. I concur, nerf sages/sorcs. The combination of massive CC, heals, dps and survivability is too much. How any reasonable person can conclude differently boggles me. The have possess far more strengths than weaknesses. I know people are complaining a lot about operatives, but that imo can be mitigated. The clothies, not so much. You can't escape the snare, if you get close your knocked back, often rooted. If you get first strike its absorbed, if you manage to get them down they can heal rather quickly. I don't think its so much a problem in earlier levels. But in my experience, the class seems to scale too well at 50, with appropriate gear.
  11. They're over powered. But its a gamble to roll to profit from their current state, since its likely to change. I doubt they've done unnoticed by BW.
  12. I've pvp'd on a sin, operative and powertech. Without a doubt, sages/sorcs are the hardest class to kill bar none. They need a nerf. I'm not sure how BW failed to see this coming.
  13. If you're not doing well at pvp, don't blame the class. Logically, since we're both playing AP powertech then we should both be having a similar pvp experience, but this isn't the case. I feel capable for player v player combat. I often at the top of the boards in kills as well as damage. But this isn't the case for you when it could be. Why? Now, whether or not its lack luster we can debate, but its certainly capable of doing well pvp.
  14. This is really the best to time to tackle group tanking though. So many groups are going into the FP just as blind as you. Most people are still learning the class. Being that we're the first wave of players, everyone is on a learning curve. There will never be a better time to learn tanking than now.
  15. I'm not a bro and I seem to be doing better than you - I'm not the one complaining. Besides, you make contradictory statements. You're not worth talking to further.
  16. I don't think we need such narrow brackets to be honest. It would take longer to assemble a game and it doesn't help much. At lvls 30 my operative and sin both have the tools to do quit well against 50s. perhaps 1-20 and 20-50 I love the pvp in this game. It feels like a fight as opposed to other game's tissue paper wars. I like hutball, but I do think it gets drawn too much. I love the other two warzones. Barrier is necessary. Its the penalty for death, besides it doesn't take long. Lets not be dramatic about things. Everyone is NOT equal. Stats are adjusted to a base level, skills, gaer and talents are not given. A lvl 10 may show 11k health, but thats all he gets. I mostly disagree with you. Your post is visceral, not practical. Apply at least a little critical thinking .
  17. Actually, I started using ranged again recently, level 26 operative. I still mostly melee with her, but snipe+probe pack impressive burst damage, even in PVP. Its great during hutball especially with the varying and awkward levels. I was glad to see the range still scaling and I hope it continues to do so, very useful
  18. No, it would destroy community and reduce people to stats. We don't need another toxic place like WoW. I hope bioware is prudent with the systems they implement. Life provides enough consequences, games are distractions from them. WoW's player base borders on the sociopathic because blizzard supports features that give reasons for players to discriminate and people have turned ugly, vulgar and unforgiving. This isn't a job, we don't need metrics determining a player's value.
  19. I agree with the above posters, I'm enjoying pvp immensely. Which is a new thing for me.
  20. The career and jogging are where I place my efforts to progress, swtor is where I go to have fun. You'll make that distinction eventually. The damager meter in itself is harmless, but the unfortunate reality is that they become a metric to gage peoples worth, which is wrong no matter how you spin it. If people were more mature that wouldn't be the case, but they're not and so we end up with a WoW community. And who here can honestly defend that cesspool of social dysfunction.
  21. I see a concern towards the instancing of worlds to thin local populations. First I appreciate this, I was dreading the newbie rush competing for mobs and quest pops, but it wasn't an issue. Second, YOU CAN TRANSFER BETWEEN INSTANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF GROUPING. So, your list of potential adventurers for heroics is not limited to your immediate surroundings. once grouped, look at the lower right hand corner of the world map, there will be a pull down tab. Your group members icons will show the instance if different than yours when you hover your mouse over it. Simply use the drop down tab to jump over to the appropriate instance. If you already know this, then ignore me. But I get the impression many people don't.
  22. Just a drama queen folks, nothing to see here.
  23. Not 2 days ago I was in a wz on my assassin and I met a commando, more than that - this was veritable Rambo of swtor. At first I thought him an easy target, but i was wrong, in fact, we all were. Explosions, flames, hellfire, and mayhem. He was defiant, unwavering, but he wasn't immobile, he just didn't care how many came. Truth be told, he wanted more and we obliged him and we paid for it. My team and I were failing to get the message - this was a beast to be left alone. This is not hyperbole, this gleaming white gatling gun in heavy armor just stood like a boulder and laid waste to my entire team. I rolled a trooper the next day.
  24. We're officially sucked in for the long haul. My partner and I are fighting over the pc, actually.
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