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Everything posted by vortexdr

  1. Yeah i noticed that too smash is extremely unreliable. Honestly needs to get fixed seeing its one of our core abilities.
  2. Must play a sorc. Meh my class got nerfed into oblivion im going to make sure to QQ as much a possible so that BH and sorc get hit next. After-all its fair after you all came to forums to get our one trick pony nerfed.
  3. WOW that helmet is atrocious... seriously...lol BW how about you give people stuff that looks like that while they level. Rift did this as well and a ton of armor looked like crap same story here ...geez
  4. Still Eve has a lot more content then SWTOR can ever hope for... Why? Simple.. its totally different and its a sandbox. EVE is not restricted to such lame things as good and evil. The players run the game. Then again Eve has very much stagnated these days. I'm in PL so top of the food chain and its getting boring. But still there have been other games that had the right idea. Take a look at Shadowbane. Hardcore pvp at its finest with a death penalty that matters and once again an end-game that is controlled by players. What people dont realize though is that SWTOR's model does sell. Hardcore PVPERS very much the minority. The vast majority of people could never deal with a real death penatly or losing allt heir work ina few hours. Seriously... dont compare EVE to this game... not even in the same league. Here people cry because an op killed them. (they dont lose ****) if they run into a cap in EVE...they lose it all...
  5. No there is no LFG system ****. Seriously you people defending the lack of a LFG system need to be shot. Yes its my idea of a good time to sit in Imperial fleet for 30+ minutes while looking for group. Why not have a global *********** channel so I can quest and spam. Even that would be better then the BS they are using. Ohh joy I can flag myself LFG...lol ancient way to find groups and people defend it. Id be willing to bet they will lose ~25% of subs because people want to play the *********** game and not in somewhere spamming /1 LFG "insert random flashpoint'
  6. Meh its always the same with mmo forums. People are so fast to jump to conclusions rather then thinking about things. This just stagnates PVP when its two organized pre-mades fighting each other. Do you honestly believe that 2-3 kills during a 15 minute game is fun? He isnt saying remove it. he is simply saying something needs to be toned down, either high ranked healer or guard/tanks.
  7. QFT. SOmethign will eventually be done about it im sure. Just depends how long it takes. now that they are removing a lot of burst via OP nerf the situation will just get worse.
  8. Funny how this turns around huh? Ya all got your way whining and getting ops nerfed now its sorc and bh time to get hit with the nerf bat....enjoy...
  9. See this is the problem with this forum and you idiots postign false info...70% where the **** do you come up with these numbers...ahh ffs the mmo community has always been pathetic.
  10. What does that mean in english... Are you saying say a Razor Naga can enable mouse over casting? If not then this is the same as selecting player via left click and pressing a button on your keyboard...
  11. Honestly in general i agree. I love interrupting grav round tracer missile in pvp and then /laugh. Id say about 80% of all bh's/troopers i fight they just stand there not knowing what to do. Thing is a lot of classes only get 1 real interupt which locks out for 4 sec but is on a 10+ sec cooldown Thing is once you start stacking alacrity hardcore it gets annoying. Worst thing though skill required. And in PVE it just isnt fair when you have a viable 1 button dps class when compared to say my jugg who has to use 10+ buttons to be viable. Even my op has to use way more buttons.
  12. Translated: My premade wants to keep going against pugs so i can farm without any opposition 80% of the time.
  13. vortexdr

    How to mark in WZ

    Ohhhh rly? Hmm seeing no one ever passes lead that be helpful...which social vendor? Or just any?
  14. Is it pretty much unplayable if each side has like 30+ people? Seriously i get like 5FPS and turning details doesn't make a difference at all? Is the net code really that sketchy? I don't even want to get into the fact that you have to tag a target to get credit for the kill quest meaning healers and single target dps classes get screwed. I'm melee...i pretty much run around spawning my **** aoe that hits 5 targets and then tag peep with my 30m gun...cmon seriously? Then again its too laggy to melee anyway. I hit 50 post the ilum change so dunno how it was before but big fights just totally unplayable. Small skirmishes fine but due to the way the daily/weekly are set up it doesn't encourage small scale pvp and large scale pvp just doesn't work. IS something being done about this? Or some client side optimizations so its not a friggin slideshow? And no...its not my pc...
  15. vortexdr

    Warzone Daily Bug

    I can confirm the huttbal winning by 6 bug. Often bugs things. Only other real wins i noticed that didnt count was alderaan where we won due to game ending to not enough players and didnt get credit.
  16. No its not, geez you people unbelievable. Half the posts in here say you dont even gain valor for turret kills.
  17. Anyone know where the RD-04B Sharpshooter Jacket is from?
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