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Everything posted by TezMoney

  1. pretty sure that only effects sins and sorcs, ironically.
  2. I don't understand how a rep grind works against this? It adds another level of exclusivity as well as providing some gain for those who don't win much. Win/Loss ratio would be irrelevant if there was an ELO, nor would it attract any new players as it was like that before and it wasn't very popular. Also coms would do very little to attract players with one or multiple fully min/max'd toons, outside special items hence the rep vendor. I guess you could attract the undergeared with more coms, but after getting stomped a few times they'd most likely quit. Finally it's unrealistic to expect BW to put cool stuff on a vendor, and awards separate from the regular ranked rewards, for a re-occurring event. I liked your idea better when it was more of an actually event instead of just a short lived 8v8 ranked season.
  3. Interesting idea, but you couldn't really call it ranked since it doesn't effect anyone's ELO. Also triple coms is a bit overboard. If it's an event it should have rep like all the rest. Now if you needed comms to buy off this PVP rep vendor than maybe triple coms would be in order, but I think no more than double is necessary.
  4. If there ever was question if you had a fundamental misunderstanding on how other classes work, this thread sealed it. You even consider how this would effect PVE? Cheer up though. Mara changes incoming in 3.1.1
  5. This is what parse data is for. Your awareness is already called into question as you apparently never saw said player again the entire match. You don't think it's weird no one else in the WZ experienced this, or that you yourself only saw it the one time?
  6. I noticed dev's are planning to rework sent/mara in 3.1.1, I'd imagine if there was a plan to look at Mercs we would have gotten our own post, so if not 3.1.1... when? Or are there really no plans for significant changes until something like 3.1.x or 3.2?
  7. You know Hail of Bullets was buffed and Motor Volley was nerfed in 3.0, right?
  8. by class debuffs do you mean raid buffs? Cuz if you don't, then I think I see the issue. If you're talking about f'ing slows and stuff, that's a terrible term to use
  9. TezMoney

    Nisolo apologizes

    Man... you're rig must be really bad if the "Enter" key is broken
  10. Actually someone asked the community to post a match like this, despite it being anecdotal because he was convinced that it was literally impossible. Most told him it was stupid for the very reasons you stated.
  11. You realize bad players can BECOME good players, right?
  12. It's a waste cuz those comms could got to the marginal upgrade instead of going to an alt. Comms come so easy you're going to be capped eventually. What's the point of holding them, but hey I don't have 8 alts either You're really don't understand how that sentence was a point FOR min/max'ing 2nd tier or are you being obtuse?
  13. You know you can make it so only cleansable debuffs show on your raid frame right? To the op... I've cleansed it before, not sure if it might bug sometimes or you were just mistaken. Would need to seem some hard evidence like a parse or vid.
  14. I disagree. Depending how it's implemented it could certainly hurt pvp. Certainly adding 8's and then taking them away again would garner much backlash. The topic of this thread: solo q for 8's and group remains arena's is one such bad implementation.
  15. Yeah that's my point. Like I said, anecdotal I'm not adding it that fact, because it's inconsequential. Being in wz doesn't increase damage or improve DCD's. These same classes that are viable in warzones are also viable in group ranked. It's not the 8 extra players that makes them more viable, its the group mechanic that makes it less likely that they'll be singled out and global'd same, as arenas. WZ also obscure poor performance because they're not focused solely on killing and surviving, as well as players being able to return to the fight after dying. Bottom line, if were solo q ranked 8's, you'd still be fighing an uphill battle if the other team had certain AC's and your didn't.
  16. You're not sure if I'M serious What exactly are you going to use those coms for other than MORE gear, how the heck is that a waste by any definition? I've already min/max'd my main in 172's and farmed 5 pieces of Dark Reaver for an alt. Not including over got on that alt itself. It's ridiculously easy to gear up by just making sure you earn your ranked weakly and doing you the reg dailies.
  17. Yeah I was working under that assumption as well. Seems like a pretty big waist of coms, unless you never play ranked and ranked coms are that hard to come by.
  18. A lot of people don't like 4v4's because they suck at them (re: don't win often), once they realize how bad they are when stacked against 15 other better players they'll find a new excuse not to play ranked. I'm not saying there aren't people who genuinely feel that way, but that there are those who hide behind them to protect their pride. IDK about your server, but ranked WZ wasn't super popular on mine. Like 2 or 3 teams played regularly, many who wanted had guilds that lacked willing players or the proper AC's to participate. It can be argued it was more popular than arenas, but it can also be argued there were more quality pvp'ers back then too. Thing is, both teams play objectively in ranked. So it still boils down to class/role like arenas, just to a lesser extent. In fact, I would wager AC choice would play a larger role in who wins a solo ranked 8v8 than a group 4v4.
  19. I pretty much just electronet on cooldown, and rapid shot and rail shot when there is no need for heals. Everything else is too much of resource eater or not worth the cast to me. For better burst healing for one. For two, not every fight requires much movement.
  20. The way I see it is Jugg's are the easiest AC to tank with. PT's are the best for pure tanking. Sin's have the highest upside, but they take more work to play optimally than the other two (to put out great dps and protection).
  21. First off, did you check the Dark Reaver set to see if the stats are different? Second, for DOT specs crit doesn't have the diminishing returns people will often tout and you're under 400 crit rating. Lastly, don't give up your set bonuses, just replace unwanted mods and enhancements with individual ones that can be bought.
  22. It wouldn't increase solo q, it would slow it down by doubling the amount of players and the necessity for support classes. People would ***** even more with twice the odds of getting a bad or a troll not to mention multiples of said trolls on their team. Ranked WZ when played properly take about 3x as long a well played arena, again leading to longer q times. If they were going to bring them back it would only make sense for it to be group only.
  23. Pretty sure this is the MMO version of the answer to "What is good in life?"
  24. That's not going to turn a dps into a tank. Yes it's some nice raid utility, but it's not going to completely sway a WZ, not to mention they'd have to give up a dps-centric utility in order to get it. Utilities don't change your class or role, just gives you some perks that either fall under support, mobility, cc, or dps output. You say that as if every other AC doesn't have utilities that would be more beneficial in one map or another
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