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Everything posted by gluefoot

  1. This discussion came up before release. It's not based off of real life, get over it.
  2. Why not just make it so you can't use a pull while in a safe zone? Or if you are on the opposite side of the safe zone "fence" then they are inelligible?
  3. Or they could just make set customizations, like with companions. You could only equip one if you had the full set on. *sips lemonade*
  4. Stun is on a 1 min cooldown, and the other has a 2 sec cast time, in which most cases people have already casted. You have to be at least 8 meters away to use the aoe knockback, and you need to be within 4 meters to use the (talented) rocket punch. Also those abilities don't put a cooldown when they interrupt. Then it might as well be a 4s stun. Then what's the purpose of the 15s armor debuff???
  5. You can actually maked CB better with weapon damage, but Grav only gets better with aim.
  6. It stacks at 4%. Try reading next time.
  7. Um, Zero Investment? Grav/Tracer requires 11 points into the skill tree. So unless you consider 11 points "free" I would consider re-thinking your argument.
  8. First responder is trash if you are dps. As well as Weapons Calibrations. Alacrity is a healer stat, and you don't get any in endgame dps commando gear. So put it into something else.
  9. Also another thing to be considered is that Full Auto can be pushed back but Unload cannot. That is something that needs attention. Can we please hear from BW on this? I am not blaming them for anything, I just think this got overlooked in the code and needs to be re-examined. If it is working as intended, then please tell us so Bioware! Thank you.
  10. While the OP might not mean this, this is how i feel: I have seen critical issues discussed in balance (no, not an operative nerf), specifically, Full Auto vs. Unload & Mortar Volley vs. Death From Above. I hate to bring it up, but since this particular topic has been brought up, BW seems silent. I personally want this to be addressed, I don't even need a reason. It's not just 11:30 on maintenence. It generally seems quiet. If any of you have seen SR or SOMEONE from Bioware make a comment on this, please PM me the link. Thank you.
  11. This. I think that Field Aid should count as an interupt when targeting an enemy.
  12. I would like to hear from Bioware about their progress on the differences between Full Auto and Unload, etc. Thank you, signing off.
  13. If you are on my server I'm looking for a group to do the Prophecy of the Five flashpoint with. Reply and please put your class and spec and level if you want to join. I am a level 38 DPS commando.
  14. If I may make a quote from Moneyball, except in terms of Community Interaction: "There's the rich teams, the poor teams, then there's fifty feat of crap, and then there's us." This has been my point of view. Please do not flag this as innapropriate. I don't believe I should be censored for my opinion of BW community interaction at this point.
  15. Come to the SWTOR Forums. Seriously, you guys are all raging, not positive feedback whatsoever. I'm not saying don't state your opinion, just please do so in a positive manner. And don't be so one-sided with things. At least do some research before you rage about how someone spams Tracer/Grav Round or how Operatives/Scoundrels are OP and never consider the repercussions. LISTEN to other peoples' opinions, and you will be all the more better for it. Thank you if you actually read and understood this full post. -gluefoot
  16. They do use it. I use Full Auto a lot with CoF procs. People just only see Grav Round. And What do you people mean, we can take down people with 3 shots? It takes 5 from me just to put a dent in anyone!
  17. Frankly, I'll stop reading this post now. You'll eternally rage at Tracer Missile, not even knowing why. OUR ENTIRE SKILL BUILD IS BUILT AROUND IT. You want us NOT to use our core skill? Try running without legs, eating without a mouth. Try it, I dare you. I don't enjoy spamming Grav Round. It gets REALLY ANNOYING. Yes, I do want BW to put something in place of it. But it will take a while to do, and they obviously don't see the problem. If you guys are hating on Grav/Tracer because you're getting killed by it, please QQ in an insane asylum. It turns Commandos/Mercs into human turrets. You can use all the CT grenades and aoe's you want, while we are helpless.
  18. The argument that "Oh you only have one ability to use you are so unskillful" is absurd. It's like telling someone who can only eat beans (they would die if they ate anything else): "Just eat chocolate for ONCE omgzzz!!!"
  19. Your math seems to be off. If they have to reach the core on a timer equal to the time it took the other faction to get it, then they should have lost ten seconds before the match ended. I sense a bias in the force.
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