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Everything posted by gluefoot

  1. I agree. Now, my proposal (I am half asleep, but deadbutt serious) is this: Make a temporary +2% to all Republic stats. Once server pops are equal on both sides, turn everything back to normal. Boom! You call it trolling, I call it aggravating innovation.
  2. Because surge depends on crit, which you would have to raise with another consumable.
  3. The only problem I am seeing is the talent that makes it so Hidden Strike/Shoot First knocks your target down. Because without that, Operatives can't do squat out of stealth. You can knock them back and snare them, then out dps them. And the overreaching problem is still (even though 50's have their own bracket, which I'm thankful for) the fact that level 10-49's are getting place in matches together. I don't care about stat buffs, talents that create snares and stuns out of decent damage abilities make a big difference. Expertise from gear also affects things as well.
  4. Slash does way more damage than Grav Round if we both have equal gear and are equal level. You could just use Enrage, then use Slash twice immediately. That's over 8000 damage compared to the 3000-4500 I could do in the same time. But this is about Tracer/Grav Round. Let's stick to that.
  5. Really? I haven't noticed that. I play trooper, so excuse me if I use references to both classes interchangeably.
  6. To all previous posts arguing against Tracer Missile spam: It is literally our only low-cost ability without a cooldown. you can spam Explosive Round 4-6 times, but it's not as good as Tracer/Grav Round anyway.
  7. You know, for playing a BH yourself, you sure don't know your skill tree. The 8 heat crit is for Unload.
  8. High Impact Bolt / Rail shot Heatseaker Missiles / Demo Round Those are the only four single-target dps abilities a Commando/Merc has. All the rest of those have a cooldown. So naturally in a one-on-one fight, we're going to use Grav Round/Tracer Missile.
  9. Actually, troopers only get a 4 second stun.
  10. I'm pretty sure he's talking specifically about Sorcerers.
  11. So when I look at the pvp gear and such, there is a level 34 cannon that gives plus 6 expertise through an enhancement. Is there any way to buy these enhancements? I can't find them on the GTN. Any help is appreciated.
  12. I'm biochem bioanalysis diplomacy right now but I plan on switching a gathering to Slicing once i've crafted some epics and things, and of course once it gets buffed slightly. Yeah, I kind of do think that biochem is op the way it is, but just the purples, which do cost a lot, considering you have to craft 16-20 items on your way to it. Then you actually have to get the epic resources to craft it. So not a mega-nerf, but I am on board with making the other professions more attractive.
  13. you already said that.... And you are indeed wrong. Commendations aren't hurting the economy, just your false sense of internet pride. Think about it. If commendations were gimped, and everyone was forced to get the good items from the GTN, then suppliers would see the higher demand and mark up their prices. Higher prices means less money going into the GTN because more and more people don't want to spend as much money for the gear on the GTN. So what you are proposing would essentially create desparation for good gear. Suppliers would be discouraged, buyers would all have hoover purses after buying one piece of gear, and the GTN will be barren.
  14. If it is a pure dps build, then it should have three points in Field Training instead of Soldier's Endurance.
  15. How about instead of PvP brackets, first make it so the queues group people together who are closer in level (no larger than a 3-5 range). I honestly would not mind waiting 5-10 minutes longer in a queue so I wouldn't get my but kicked by a sorcerer who has his talents twice as far as mine and better pvp gear, etc.
  16. Ever heard of something called a "guild", mate? Let's take a journey while I show you...
  17. Right.... Am I reading this wrong, or am I on something?
  18. Charged barrel is based off how many times you use Grav Round
  19. The problem I've been having is just higher-level-than-me Warriors and Assassins spamming the "queue warzone" button. Get shocked, tenacity is on cooldown, Oh look, assassin brought sniper with him...
  20. The problem is that the alacrity talent increases your alacrity by a percent, which means you have to have alacrity in the first place. None of the end-game pvp gear has alacrity for Gunnery Commandos.
  21. Still can't find it... I have the iOS app for my iPod Touch 3G, with iOS 4.2 Any help would be appreciated
  22. Every time I launch the mobile SWTOR Security Key app, It automatically prompts me to enter my security key. I can't do anything else until I've entered it, but I don't even know what it is! I have tried re-installing the app, but that doesn't do anything. UPDATE: I entered a random code, but now it won't let me enter the letters on my Activation Code (is that the same as the Registration Code?)
  23. Is there any way to buy/sell schematics? I have seen them, but don't know how to do it. Also, I have 7 Ord Mantell commendations and I want to turn a profit. Can I sell them or something?
  24. The main point to me of rolling on a PvP server is this said challenge /bring it on
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