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Everything posted by Jiminison

  1. Toggle hood and maybe swimming or day and night cycles would be a good bandaid for 2.8 shrinkage problem.
  2. Need more vibrant colors everything looks overwhelmed by brown adding day and night cycles and maybe some weather patterns would help too.
  3. If it is a water based world please give us swimming , sitting (chairs) and hood or mask toggle. I have found swimming in some of the most low budget games that started out free (Korean,chinese) so If they can implement it on a game like wushu online they can put it here and make the planet big and not full of plateau's it would not hurt to implement a few planets with a more open world feel . I don't like to feel like I'm having my hand held everywhere I go ,open it up BW then open up space too. There is a lot of competition coming down the pipe and I want to play this game for a long time.
  4. Bw please find a way to make mind crush more friendly to shadows who spec 36 pts into kinetic for pvp. The only way I can use it successfully is when I pop resilience and it still gets interrupted by knock backs the only other way is if I am not seen by target but then that is a waste of my stealth ability is there any way you can give us a chance to proc an Instant or at least knock a second off casting it or even make it immune to knockback and interrupts after castling slowtime(anything just something) as of now it's a wasted ability. I really do not want to run a hybrid spec to pick the talent from the balance tree. And while you are at it maybe an overall dps boost to kinetic as well.
  5. If anything Kinetic could use a little more of a dps boost
  6. Are there any changes for pure tank in 2.8. I am the stubborn person who still plays all the way up the tank tree I cant let go of slowtime BW needs too show shadow and sin tanks a little love in the dps dept
  7. Christian faith based (I mean) in before trolls!
  8. Harbinger is a pve server right I my self prefer a pvp server in my case it's the only RPPVP server left so I would have a hard time leaving? Are there any Faith based guilds on Jungma pretty sure I know the answer to that? Anyway good luck guys I hope you guys prosper.
  9. This will be a pet I will use thanks BW!
  10. Not to get too political but this is what you get when Euros and some Americans think that we should or already think we are part of the European Union or worse a NWO mentality, We are not, nor should we ever be. Most Americans have European Ancestors or Ancestry from one of the other continents ( I am proud of mine - English and hispanic) but it stops there. BW should never cower down to international pressure. But I feel if the Subs from Europe met a certain number I am certain BW would accommodate your wants on Euro servers. Forgive me If I sound a little nationalist but I see it as a necessity to argue against small social issues like these because this is where decline of culture and a countries Identity starts. I live on the west coast I see it every day it's the little things that kill ( ya I was thinking of that bush song as well lol).
  11. Never seen this on Jung MA we just went at it for hours I really enjoyed it. Plenty of imp got a name on illum made it so much more personal and created a real "that's my enemy feel" . Now I barely know any imps I never hear pub players talk about particular imps unless there are imps on their pub alts (Zodd). It sucks there is no one on the enemy side I just want to go after now /sigh.
  12. I have solved this problem in other post. We should be given another Defensive stance that replaces self heals fo DR and depending on the fight we can switch or Let us have a talent in a low tier of tank tree that replaces DR with self heals not a great Idea but and Idea none the less. I much rather have an alternate healing stance for the tank tree. Bam! everyone happy!
  13. I agree this is about the original healing tank and these Guardian defenders are defending their self heals for the reason we are wanting ours back blizzard did this crap to the RET Paladin by Giving classes like DK and Warriors better healing mechanics and they defend self heals on the forums much like these Guardians do. It was bad enough when they took our self heals away but to give self heals to all the other Tank classes that also wear heavy armor on top of it this is Bull Crap this lack of honesty and obvious favoritism of other classes is why I wont play wow anymore seems this game wants to follow the same blueprint no thanks!. The next balance patch will be decision day for me as well, atleast when it comes to paying my Sub I hate being the I wont pay my sub guy but this is the only way we can voice our wants and it may matter. Constructive criticism does not.
  14. I tried to voice my opinion but pve'rs went on about how it's not fair to healers, sages specifically with self heals spikeness and I mentioned how this sucked for pvpers and in return was told by pve'ers once more that pvpers were basically niche players blah blah blah so yes some of us did for see this B.S.
  15. We had the defensive synergy and heals pre 2.0 they first cut def I think 50% then the next nerf patch they cut healing down and since then they have completely gutted healing for shadow so yes we did have what the other 2 tanks have now but it was considered op so logic says either put us back where our def and heals worked together pre 2.0 or bring the other tanks in line with us and Guardians have been topping over all damage in wz atleast on jungma and heal for large numbers so say what you want if it was op then for us then it is op now for troopers and knights.
  16. Kinetic needs a little more boost,actually doesn't our tank form penalize our dps like 5% if so maybe time to remove that penalty after you spec to top of tree.
  17. A fancy Display case for my lightsabers or an altar where I can sit my LS and the light saber floats above altar and an operational meditation room that gives a buff beneficial or not!
  18. All roles should be effective . I see a bunch of Min Max Dps just want to roll over everyone here. Coming from being heals and tank through the years aswell as Dps (paladin wow). This is the first game where being a tank is as important as any other role (pvp) . For me that should be the first step in pvp balance then you deal with the classes individually. So thumbs up for making all roles effective in pvp bioware ,please don't listen too people who are used to Dps being the only role that matters I remember when Pala tank was good in pvp and a Pala healer could 1 v 1 and win that doesn't happen anymore and is why I came here with hopes of a better experience. There is nothing worse than being a tank and not being able to do anything or being a healer who gets tunneled in seconds so all you DPS whiners need to revaluate your fighting style or roll heals or tank so you can appreciate your dps role. And Besides if DPS peeled for healers and people wouldn't cry when tanks could do decent damage. Abilities that create synergy between tank and heals would not be needed.
  19. Rift gives a good mix of housing goods through crafting, world drops and buying things from the rift store for their housing. I feel this is the best way to do it. Heck even make a new profession or atleast make sure all professions have special recipes or schematics for housing. Come on BW do it right.
  20. and this... The atmosphere around this planet could also be sand boxed so we can fight with our star fighters above the planet and a good start to have open space implemented on a small scale to see how it does, just slap some resource nodes some places to hide and make the only way to get there from our fleet with free flight creating blockades and open space pvp. Guilds would flourish as a side benefit because we would finally need each other.
  21. I posted this in a pvp thread a min ago its not pefect but if this game is going to be able to compete it needs people to come up with Ideas . I would like it if they made a giant planet full of rare end game resources and world bosses .As a lot of games are starting to do siege style pvp on a large map, star wars provides the perfect back story in the Empire strikes back Pubs in their snow speeders taking down At Ats pvp on the ground for base siege style battling . Control gives a buff too the whole fleet whether it be exp or stat buff for example. And a flashpoint only available too the side that has control. And put a massive cantina full of mini games and social activities make it neutral with the ability duel with out weapons especially since we already have bare fist fighting abilities maybe an arena where we can fight our companion and bet for credits . And finally player payed bounties with risk and reward for the hunter and the hunted all of this could work on a big enough planet. I know this is rough but I feel this is a good template to run off of. On a side note player housing could be implemented and maybe the ability to fly our star fighters in for docking on this planet.
  22. The atmosphere around this planet could also be sand boxed so we can fight with our star fighters above the planet and a good start to have open space implemented on a small scale to see how it does, just slap some resource nodes some places to hide and make the only way to get there from our fleet with free flight creating blockades and open space pvp. Guilds would flourish as a side benefit because we would finally need each other.
  23. I would like it if they made a giant planet full of rare end game resources and world bosses .As a lot of games are starting to do siege style pvp on a large map, star wars provides the perfect back story in the Empire strikes back Pubs in their snow speeders taking down At Ats pvp on the ground for base siege style battling . Control gives a buff too the whole fleet whether it be exp or stat buff for example. And a flashpoint only available too the side that has control. And put a massive cantina full of mini games and social activities make it neutral with the ability duel with out weapons especially since we already have bare fist fighting abilities maybe an arena where we can fight our companion and bet for credits . And finally player payed bounties with risk and reward for the hunter and the hunted all of this could work on a big enough planet. I know this is rough but I feel this is a good template to run off of. On a side note player housing could be implemented and maybe the ability to fly our star fighters in for docking on this planet.
  24. I had an epiphany if we could friend with people on other servers and temporarily transfer there this stuff could be squashed . This can be done on some games, one can wish !
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