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Everything posted by Jiminison

  1. I have my Light saber forge and it does nothing I would love a short cinematic and maybe a small buff after using it. Months back I came up with an Idea of a holo statue that resembles the owner of the strong hold and it can wear your gear like a mannequin and it will also duel you making it something to do for people who want to visit your stronghold..it can be a droid if the halo statue thing doesn't work.. The stronghold does nothing .
  2. Right on Plaga!! Don't let the Pve Shadow/Assas Reps try to confuse you by acting like Pve is the same as pvp... I play a pure tank shadow I play a pure tank Guardian my guardian out heals anything my shadow ever did at any phase of this game and puts out more damage with lesser gear .He/she would be able to pull the wool over our eyes if most of us didn't have both classes so in this case experience trumps all their parses and statistics any number can be manipulated and pvp is just not stable enough for any of this mumbo jumbo to translate the same way. In my opinion the twins just want us to "trust" them (Nixon fingers) no matter what we see match after match with our own eyes. It appears more and more shadows are seeing through the sith they spit on here . We shall see what 3.0 brings but the people who want to shut down any opinion or Idea that gets posted in here need to be ignored or called out on their obvious bias toward all other tanks and classes because they sure are not helping the class they supposedly play as mains.
  3. This is rumor, so here we go ,smuggler operative is getting a shadow step ability in the future meaning they can teleport in back of their target and we will still have our situational teleport at least make phase walk a targetable teleport making it different from the smugs new teleport. And this wouldn't be me if I didn't complain about shadow (pure) tank pvp please up our damage output and def output. and if you wont up our damage tie mind crush into the tank tree where it can proc instant on chance we already hit 5% less when in tank so balance shouldn't complain , as it stands mind crush is barely used in my rotation if ever, or just plain scrap it and give us a damage ability special for speccing into pure tank we have been relegated to the role of assist we should be able widdle down any class even your flavor of the month err since launch classes. Im even getting pulled out of stealth by mauraders throwing double blades around my slow time doesn't effect players in force lift how the hell am I getting hit by abilities I am not even targeted by pulling me out of stealth followed by getting tunneled I am 20m infront of them in stealth they are targeting other people this is obvious my force wave doesn't even pull some one who stealths in front of me then why should a flying light sabers whos path I step into pull me out. every class should be able to 1v1 another class If I want to play rock, paper scissors I can do that for free I don't want that in the game I play online.
  4. Ban me I don't give 2 ***** ,you can go back I hardly ever curse in any of my post ,but I have had it....this was my escape and my hobby!, this last year has been anything but fun. Fix shadow assas tanks BW stop ignoring us damn it!
  5. Shut the eff up aelanis you and KBN have done nothing but keep us as a **** pvp tank for the last year ,year in a half ,, 8 days and my sub is up going to the other game that came out last week. Shadow tank cool downs are ******** compared to the other two specs. really a gcd between all out weak *** melee and force abilities by the time I set up my instant shadow strike the dec/mad assas has preformed from what I can tell twice as many offensive attacks we flat out do not have enough instant abilities thast proc and or piggy back off of other abilities we are gimped by the gcd more than any other ac out there purely a ****** design for pvp. slowtime is pure **** force breach is **** atleast for combat technique ..You win I am done with this ******** !... take your numbers , percentages and algorithms shove them up your ***.
  6. Or just put the good stuff way high in da trees especially crits , dots and damage passives. That way you still feel like you have a choice.
  7. Kinetic shadow is the only shadow who gets nerfed over and over and over or just plain not touched at all so don't roll one of those. But I have to agree it sickening to see the same specs getting buff after buff while others don't.
  8. I love watching guardian pull 100K healing in wz while I pull and average 20k maybe 25K the most I have seen lately from another shadow is 35K.. Even in our prime it was hard to pull 80k healing as a shadow yet Guardians pull way higher healing numbers and dps and some times protection numbers. We are strictly just a pve tanks now.
  9. If we were strong (pure Tank Shadow/*** )we would have much more representation in PVP. When a class is strong it will have a big following period. It is no mistake that shadow tanks were the most popular when we are at our best now you barely see anyone playing it in pvp.
  10. I love reading the numbers and percentages that the tool tips say that our defenses preform Giving KBN and Ali numbers to defend BW's lack of love for the Shadow/*** Tank to keep us strictly a pve tank and forsaking pvp. I would even argue Battle Readiness healing ends a second shorter than it says on the tool bar and resilience fails more than 5% of the time. The proof is in the game I hardly ever pvp beside another pure tank Shadow on my server. If we were as strong ON PAPER as you want to convince people here we would have much more rep in pvp. On another note BW needs to implement like Blizzard did a way to see gear and pvp/pve accomplishments so we can see exactly if half of you are as pro as you want us too think. In my opinion you are either hired to slap down any resistance from the public OR trying to keep Kinetic where its at so the other 2 specs aren't nerfed or changed at the sake of destroying the hybrid specs. You guys fight way to hard against your own classes very traitor like IMO.
  11. So its just coincidence that there are more Juggs, sorcs, and madness assasins, than any other Ac's... Not because they are fun but because they preform the best . With sents getting a buff next patch they will come out of the woodwork as well.. Its funny when people such as your self ignore what is right in front of you as far as representation and fotm being the mirror image it is..
  12. OK fair enough since 2 of the most popular classes and their mirrors are "Tank killers" and both of them tanky in their own right who are we good (shadow tanks) against and why the hell am I still playing this game ... No class(S) should be able to completely steam roll another class just because of the virtue you rolled them and it's awesome to know no matter how much grinding I do in boring *** wz certain classes will always have the upperhand i.e BH and apparently sent..... they also do very well against non tanks too, so why roll anything else. Man I am about fed up.
  13. The DR Mechanic is only worth an ish upon unstealthing. We were healing tanks so don't forget that point so to act like I am being ridiculous about the guardian comparison and I am a little miffed that being a healing tank is fine for them but not for us especially since that was our original design ...DR plain sucks atleast in it's current state and the fact I have to keep a floating rock belt up in my rotation is b.s another global cooldown I could be applying more damage instead.. I am full tank on my guardian and my shadow my guardian leaves my shadow in the dust in every column... and no! BH tanks shouldn't get to be tanks and tank killers bypassing every defence I have,really?.. I really hate the "well lets lay down and take it attitude because X class does what X class does . Every spec and class should have the same opportunity to beat any other spec class.. Sorcs and sages can top damage and heals in one wz so what is that ? "Just what those classes do!" so it's all good. I wont lay down and be a punk, I will keep voicing my cause to bring the Shadow and sin tanks in line with all tanks and dps should have a lot harder time beating us as they do now .... WE are falling behind we are not ok and it's B.S I have to argue with fellow shadows about this why the hell do you want to keep us mediocre?.
  14. So BW will keep buffing the other trees while completely ignoring the shadow tanks for PVP.. To Gear up I have to pay a monthly fee. Yet All the changes to Shadow and Sin Tanks have been to better the experience for the pve crowd which isn't forced to pay a monthly fee to compete. I have no doubt PVE imbalance is the reason Kinetic gets overlooked for any kind of buff Offensive or Defensive wise. BH tanks tear through my defenses so does inf and balance shadows now with sent getting more buffs they will tear through my defenses even faster too. When kinetic was too strong BW wasted no time in smashing it with-in two major patches yet they take their sweet time with with classes who AC's who have been dominating for the last year and a half... Im about done with this crap . Put our damage on par with the other tanks and our heals . My guardian heals for 100K most matches I am lucky to get 20K on my more geared shadow ***.
  15. Edit Report Post Quote A hologram or bot duplicate of self that you can copy your gear too so you can judge the best combination which you can examine from any view and it seconds as a dueling partner . Anyone you allow into strong hold can duel it if they want as well.
  16. A hologram or bot duplicate of self that you can copy your gear too so you can judge the best combination which you can examine from any view and it seconds as a dueling partner . Anyone you allow into strong hold can duel it if they want as well.
  17. The other 2 Shadow trees are leaving us in the dust and more viable... We need more defense or more damage out- put but preferably a little of BOTH Guardians and Troopers (and their mirrors are out preforming us in every aspect) even heals we are consulars right? at least number wise on wz recounts. I have heard Nada about our tanking tree and I am talking about pure tanks not that cheap Arse Hybrid spec people call a Tank. Infl and Bal. Have seen all the attention this year time to throw some love toward Kinetic.
  18. Everytime I want to get on here I have to go through the process of retrieving a onetime password and how the same computer I have used the last 2 years is not recognized cmon now it's annoying.
  19. We also need atleast one real sand box planet that is huge so on the down times of the game we are doing social activities with random spawns and world pvp zones with environments we can use too our advantages i.e structures with multiple chambers and are skyscraper sized, vegetation that gives a camouflauge buff while you hide in it we can hide in for sneak attacks ,trees we can scale (Endor) and rare mats for super rare end profession goodies. The bigger the planet the more organic the experience and time sink. And add swimming for goodness sake that we can explore fight in etc. And even siege style warfare with walkers and vehicles with cannons. And then open space with similar activities, Bam! this is one of the top mmo's to play or maybe the best for that matter.
  20. I think they just need to make them harder to do so the super guilds can't go through them so easy .. They need a raid that is near impossible to beat and put rewards that are just too shiny too pass up and use the psychology of a Pve'er to their advantage we as humans need a carrot on a stick and from what I can tell you guys beat anything they spit out way too fast even if they make flashpoints competitive and beatable they need that one raid you guys cant beat.
  21. Hi while we are these topics what is happening when I fight assassins and they are bamf'ing all all around me it appears they are glitching out but the environment around me is running fine including my abilities so I know its not lag and they seem to stay in stealth for a couple of seconds while they are doing this. As a shadow my self I have looked over all three trees and I don't seen anything on the trees that keeps them stealthed past their first attack. I may have overlooked something but I don't think so.
  22. I went on the BH forums after watching 3 BH just destroy 5 -55 pubs on tat over and over so I thought I'd go see what the attitude was on their forum first post was about how their survivability sucks and they get tunneled in arenas. I was beside my self at disbelief and at this rate they will probably get more tanky and hit harder. Some will say we do not need a dps boost while other PURE tanks are pumping out way more burst while having more consistent Def cooldowns . Aelanis will say we are fine( damage wise) but when you are being slowed ,stunned to no end and aoe taking you out of stealth your 10m abilities that hit like I threw a bucket of water at them I understand it ramps up but this game is about burst not to mention getting into melee range to do the one decent melee move that depends if you can hit them with lesser melee abilities first . On a side note force pull needs a root since that's our closer or slowtime needs to slow them more and needs to hit harder along with the rest of our abilities .
  23. You are on a pve server why is any pvp oriented person listening to you... We also world pvp which is a totally different animal . You seem to know about mechanics but seem clueless to the human element and spontaneity of pvp and not too mention cc. that makes stacks harder than it need be to get the full potential from so please stop throwing around the L2P card that you seem very liberal at throwing around in other post. You help keep us mediocre and have no qualms doing so consistently.
  24. This is For PURE SHADOW / ASSASSIN PVP BW Time to address us we either need better defense and more stream lined DEF Mechanic like Kinetic ward for instance this ability is annoying it needs to last longer or not exist . Give us a on demand heal since we are consulars or our old healing mechanism that works with DR or through another stance that can bypass DR but gives decent heals to counter the dr loss so we can have the choice or even a bubble which heals us like BH's have, it's awesome looking at heals in the 100K range from guardians (in WZ) while I am lucky to put out 20k in heals. It is no secret we need more damage output I am talking pure tanks not the op hybrids that were supposed to be brought into line. THIS IS FOR PURE SHADOW TANKS * Either improve kinetic ward (better up time ) or just scrap it * Better heals put us in line with other tanks * Better damage or atleast inline with the other tanks All of these can be wrapped up high in the tree out of Hybrids way Even if you do not agree with me Shadow PURE TANKS need better performance in PVP I can remember waiting for our AC video before launch I had already made up my mind and BW gives it too us finally a month or two before launch while the other classes were well represented with video a year or more. My point is I feet the shadow tank seems to be last inline for everything and nobody has seen a more nerfs compared too buff than the shadow/*** tank. Every patch I feel like I am falling behind because of all the buffs The dps and healing classes have received even trooper got a lot of attention in the last year while we just received nerfs and a slight damage boost that made no difference (was it even a full 1%).... Please stop sweeping us under the mat and my fellow shadows who want to shoot everything down I say you have helped keep us mediocre for way too long please go ruin another class or go Infl/balance and ruin those specs.
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