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Everything posted by Santium

  1. The way the Camera Keeps trying to spin back behind me- Fantastic Feature -
  2. Well you could open a Ticket then wait for a week for a reply from the Droid Telling you try using /Stuck Or give up playing and come back in a few months to see if they can make this game work
  3. Well we have Rakghouls( Scourge ) coming in the next patch, so maybe Death Knights?
  4. Wow Biowars are making An MMO. I cant wait- When will it be released?
  5. I think these pointless - Walk through Corridor - then into Drop ship - are there for a Reason, like after the loading Screen, something is going on in the background - like Data Caching/Rendering Etc - And adding a small dull But playable Area- As in Walk from point A-B then enter landing ship are need- Because they all seem to be the same - Because I can see any other reason for adding them-
  6. And this is going up against - how many other Sub's MMO - Erm Rift- Eve - maybe DCUO which is now FTP and Wow So its the Best MMO you have played out of the 3 that are available - And what competition does ToR have there is nothing else out to play ..
  7. Made me chuckle £150 for a broken game- Well that's incorrect - Broken would mean it could be fixed. the game is the way it is, Because that's all they can do- Well apart from giving us Zombies - We all like Zombies Right?
  8. Wow is a Great game and the king of MMO's It just got a little stale -
  9. Watching people Talk, then go kill 10 Mobs then 30 mobs then 3 special mobs then return, and watch people talk again. Rinse Repeat Great fun ..
  10. its not an Auction House- there is no Bidding- its just buy and sell - but I do agree- To a point. But I can See the Guild Bank Wiping out most peoples Credits Lets see the first Tab being a Million Credits. 2nd - 2 million then 4 then 8 - or even higher
  11. I cant believe any new MMO product would have such a Feature - I always thought - Precision, timing and position - where all key - But How can this be when the Camera Keeps trying to spin back around behind me.. In all honest the Camera is awful, It never stay where I leave it- I move from one place to another and have to keep zooming in or out - Its seems to have a mind of its own, and when I do Zoom out its just keeps zooming or if I zoom in its keeps zooming in until I'm in FPmode Please biowars play some MMO or even play your own MMO -
  12. Are these Station we use to get the Shuttle down - needed due to stuff going on behind the scenes from the loading screen, like Caching/Still building the world Etc
  13. No way- I don't believe that - Maybe EA is doing some kind of insure Job, Make an over price game- then say it Crashed and burnt then claim all their money back -
  14. If you think about it - Just for ***** and Giggles- if you removed all the Voice over scenes and had Quest texts boxes like wow I think the game would be over in like 2 hours- But i know what you mean all the padding to drag out the game- Talk to ships console thing- Garza. she ask you to come to Coru and speak in person - then back the the ship - all padding
  15. Rancid Reply from the ever so Freindly Tor Website... OT : I feel you pain...all the waiting, all the hype, then then having to pay them for an unfinished- Linear - single player game on rails - We have had HM Bosses Evade halfway through a fight then reset - WYSIWYG -
  16. Nope you don't needed these options, Because in a year time you will be playing alone..
  17. People say they will come back when things are things are fixed.. Some major Bugs and problems i've heard have been there since early beta. And with the sectioned off feel of planets, with -for me long loading screens.. I dont think they can fix these problems, if they could why are they bring in new contents--
  18. The airlocks IMO are some kind of pre caching data thing imo. After you load the Planet/zone you enter these airlock and sometime take a shuttle down, I bet they cant remove them because stuff is still being loaded/Extract/cached in the background etc for the world
  19. Are you a Donkey? you don't compare new products with old ones - Wow is all of the Expansions -Not Vanilla. So what ever comes out has to compete with that or match it at least if someone makes a new car they don't have it go up against The model T ford.. I am amazing you can clothe yourself
  20. I agree, they seemed like an after thought imo, There's no real reason to go back to places you have already cleared, Not like in wow I was always going back to old zones because i had changed my mind on my profession - or some New quest made us go back- and many other reasons.. Also some are really bugged, some cant be completed due to body size, I've gotten stuck on rocks and died for no reason, been shot into space with a MSSG thing then die- Did they not even test them... Ive played flash games that were more fun and better made then Getting DataDrons
  21. Thats like Comparing a Phone made in the early 90's to an iphone- ToR being the phone made i n the 90's
  22. Being fooled into buying Tor thinking it was an MMO..
  23. So We can get Peggle - Then people can have something they can actually play
  24. little bit like this ^ also The game feels so disconnected and Static- even with people on vent the game just felt lonely and manufactured - I can see it was made with a World builder type Game package and not written from scratch.. And inventing something new these day's is the holy grail - Everything is a copy of a copy- Just ToR missed out the Bits all MMO IMO should copy- The little things To me are the most important things- Not Amazing Graphics, Not Massive Worlds -
  25. Agree So much -- Make all Companions usable at the same time- Reduce the sizes of the planets but half and the hardness of all FP/OP/HC and this would have been of the best Solo games ever made
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