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Everything posted by Elhanan

  1. Based on my experience thus far, as well as a little reading, I may not be able to complete the new Missions as I decline to use the Proton Torp devices; dislike the locking mechanics. Will have to wait to see if the repaired Lasers will be able to overcome the hurdle. As another poster wrote: If the only way to beat ANY hard mission is basically to have the best gear possible, study YouTube videos and then try and fail over and over, then I don't think it's pitched right.
  2. Be aware that the Class 7 Improved version of Laser/ Shield router device is not working properly; a known issue. Try the lesser version. And I just returned from a longer break, and have some major catching up to do.
  3. I actually believe that the metrics will support the current implementation, as it was enhanced during my break; not removed. And if we are lucky, the new Space Combat system will allow for both styles.
  4. No; I re-subbed for Space Combat primarily, as I loathe PvP and require breaks from my other solo games, which again includes SWTOR. Too bad people can accuse whatever they want without any validation of the truth....
  5. Perhaps you are correct, though I re-subbed for this primary reason. Space Combat allows for breaks from Skyrim, NWN, DA, ME, etc, as well as helps with income for SWTOR Class story continuation. If it makes no sense, I have no prior experience with any other like system, be it Flight sims or MMO's, and prefer this.
  6. Pretty much this. I run Space Missions daily, though I still do not have the gear to try the top quests quite yet. And while I have never been to a WZ or Op, I do realize that there may be some others that play here that might be interested in doing things differently then my own choices. Inconceivable, I know....
  7. Thanks for the tips! I recall in Beta that locating and getting in Cover could be problematic. Is this smoother now? I ask for the same reasons; poor Twitch skills.
  8. Based on my RL lack of Twitch skills, I find the best classes for me are the ones that require the least amt of movement (eg; Trooper Gunnery, BH Merc Arsenal). I already have high lvls in these, plus the Sith Sorcerer. While looking into the Origin stories of all the classes, I am wondering if the IA or Smuggler has such a Specialization available? While the Sniper sounds like it could be stationary, is this truly the case? Any other Classes or Specs that allow for less movement in combat? Live ones, that is....?
  9. Re-specialized; now has top Arsenal missiles. The remaining points will likely go to boost numbers or help Venting. As for the build, this is not min/ max here. I try and use the best gear I can loot and locate, but do not utilize the MMO Marketplace. Some of his current stats after the respec: STR 50 Pr 237 Aim 1098 Cun 100 End 868 WP 50 Exp 0 (all PvE) Health: 11180 AR: 3695 DR: 25.49% DC: 5.0% Pls be kind in your critiques....
  10. Thanks for the replies. I am a sub-optimal Player anyway; trying to relearn the lost muscle memory and recommended GUI Simon rotations for my solo characters. This one is a BH Merc Arsenal, and has avg gear; nothing special (do not use any of the universal markets), but I try and give my Companions the best gear available. It has been a year or so since I last subbed, so any of these updates were new to me. But as I had to complete a few of these Missions by avoiding all Gold encounters close to my lvl, it has me wondering if another NPC buff had occurred. One had happened before when Classes were re-balanced for PvP, and my 50th PvE Sorcerer began to die far more frequently for some time. I mention this because it was the same planet; sim Missions. Based on some tips, I may Respec to get a Top Tier ability now, and wait until later to make a better base for Venting heat. We will see when my connectivity problems have been fixed.
  11. Recently have returned to play again, and while I expected to be rusty at gameplay, after a few days I find myself wondering if the NPC's and encounters have been buffed somewhat. Perhaps I simply need to respec again, but my 50th is getting killed frequently on Corellia (?) Story Missions, esp against Force Users or Droids. Has the Difficulty increased? Patch notes that I have read, as well as Player feedback had me expecting Class changes to make them stronger; not only the opposition. Are there alternative locations available to gather needed lvls? In the past, I would fly Space Missions, but there are only a few that offer much XP at all for that lvl (of those I can complete; do not have Class 7 refits quite yet). Thanks for useful help!
  12. While I understand that Bioware wants folks to pay for more content, based on some past posts and comments, Space Combat was not as well received as some expected initially. Since the system has been revamped a little, and even more may be coming, allowing some more time to be seen may be in everyone's greater interest.
  13. And yet another example of why the Ignore function is so valuable here. Thanks Bioware!
  14. I noticed something tonight on one Republic escort Mission; a wall of rock appears with no way past that I could see. Where there used to be an alley, there is now what appears to be a solid wall. Of course, this is my second day back after being away for a long time, so I will watch a vid to see if things were changed before today.
  15. The game mech is only useful and alluring as the Player retains access. If a F2P Player only has less than an hour of screen time on a failed Mission, all they will see is that for a week. Some may purchase more time, but I am guessing more would be willing to pay if they actually were granted more time to see what is offered and rewarded; not just possible frustration. Just a suggestion; I have my sub mostly due to Space Combat.
  16. I was wondering if this could possibly be altered to perhaps 3 successful Missions. This would allow new Players or others like myself to see a few Missions fully, and not simply experience the frustration of repeated failure. I was not able to complete the chosen Mission; had been too long and needed refresher training. It might be even more frustrating for those with less experience. Now that I have my sub, I have completed some lesser Missions to train, but am still not up to speed on the one I initially selected; still repeated fails. Maybe if the F2P option were to allow a longer look at a few Missions up to perhaps three, this would encourage rather then discourage Players. One should allow a lure to remain in the water a while if one plans on catching fish or training newcomers; not simply end the week with only three casts. Pls expand the limit to three free fish. Thanks!
  17. I am willing to pay for a subscription to get unlimited Space Missions, and I do understand that F2P may have to be limited. But it appears that 3 Missions/ week is not enough for a new or returning Player to properly learn the movements and gain the knowledge necessary for play. While I was waiting to get my new sub card, I tried to refresh myself on the muscle memory and movements of a single mission. Long story short, due to escapes made for tired fingers and disconnects, my allotted F2P time lasted less than a single hour. And if I wanted more, I would have to either wait a week, or pay added fees for something I was planning to purchase anyway. If Bioware wishes the majority of Players to find the ship environments truly alluring, allowing one to find the experience as enjoyable might take more time before being charged for the experience, IMO. Thank you!
  18. Flashpoint = Storyline = a valid point for playing them, even solo as I have done. Have fun!
  19. Not experienced, but you could try exploring your Companion stories. I have only seen a few of the stories unfold myself, as I tend to utilize the same crew on Missions.
  20. I use the 'X 'hotkey animation when waiting my turn in line for spawns or like events. The only time when actually sitting is desired for me is when in a room full of chairs, and cannot use them. Really, it is no big deal for me.
  21. My plans were to look more into the various Companion stories for each of my three 50th PCs, as only a couple of them were revealed thus far. And I have also solo'd some FP for stories, but it could use some boost in reward for soing so; just story content fpr now. More story content for extant planets would be good, and I poersoanlly look forward to more Ship Combat missions.
  22. I reported a bug found during one Mission (one where you save three small bases under attack) when other non-Mission encounters become invulnerable. This affected beasts, Killiks, droids, etc; anything not in that Mission set. Sound familiar?
  23. Best: Alderaan - scenic, and allows for exploration. Voss is close, but the Bosses will kick your perspective far too quickly. Least favorite : Coruscant - my agoraphocic nature kicks in there more than anywhere else; a factor in choosing Sorcerer over Consular.
  24. It may be nice to have the Companions match the PC when wearing or hiding helms. My Trooper uses the function to sim military protocol indoors, and it seems a bit odd that the Companion is now the only one wearing their headgear. For some Companions this is not an issue; only on those that have altered appearances. Thanks!
  25. When objectivity appears to have been removed as early as the title, why bother reading? Next....
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