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Everything posted by Elhanan

  1. It can happen. I personally have tinnitus; artillery likely being a factor in this constant hiss of an environment. And have heard of a young Lt that lost both eardrums when he called for fire while being on the wrong end of the guns.
  2. I will not go into the politics of this discussion per the ToS, and many that serve currently also cannot as it might violate their current oaths. But my service was over 30 yrs ago, so little indoctrination should be extant, and was a fairly poor example of a soldier; joined up as the youngest recruit locally, and Basic & AIT were my first occasions to be away from home for the largest wake-up call of my life. However, looking back I joined to serve my country, made E-6, saw future officers as enlisted men in my section, saw some fellow gamers join my old unit and serve proudly during more current times of war. As for service to others, one of the better examples I have witnessed was an active serviceman that was home on leave, shopping for victims of Katrina. He was acquiring the same kinds of materials that were requested for men like himself serving actively overseas. And this man and his brother were using their own time to distribute these goods to those victims even while two of their own family homes had been destroyed, and everyone was now living together in a third. Simply put, our men and woman in service try and do just that; serve, placing others above themselves. Perhaps not all achieve such examples - I certainly fell short of this standard - but they apparently volunteer for it. Should they be given special recognition? Perhaps not, but as one that is proud of my time in and what these servicemen do for me now, I freely volunteer to give it.
  3. Perhaps, but believe I have solved my connection issues. Plus it happened twice: once for cargo and another time for Inventory as I was still uncertain at the time.
  4. I recommend adding the same number of sources from the opposite POV to your data pool. At the least, one gains an insight to how the others think; at the most, one realizes that they have not heard the entire story. After a few days following Katrina storm coverage, I gave the same tip to some folks that were watching the same programming and sites for current information. I told them they were missing out on reported acts of heroism, and even some humor being reported elsewhere; it was not all about looting, fault blaming, or only New Orleans. Never thought I would reach the age where I would be disgusted by the media more then politicians.
  5. Soldiers do not usually send themselves on missions; generally takes orders issued from civilian authorities. And the only shame I feel is when folks of this mind-set are somehow placed in those offices. As for childish games, cannot help but smirk a little at such criticism coming from someone posting on a MMO forum.....
  6. Quite certain; have already spent Cartel coins on Ship items. I used the option on the bar to the far left.
  7. Mal Reynolds of the Firefly series starring Nathan Fillion; created by Joss Whedon. This plus Serenity comprises my fave series in my humble collection. Highly recommended!
  8. Patton and Mal Reynolds; Shiny! "'Course, that ain't exactly plan A."
  9. It may be possible to get extra Cargo and Inventory space for no charge; uncertain. I did not notice a loss of credits when I added an extra Bay or Inventory slot for one character. Already sent a ticket, but wished to report here, too. FYI P.S. No hurry.....
  10. Serious alternatives to completing Missions, esp Space Missions which appear to rely on specific equipment to finish. If one is pushed into a single course of action, it is possible that such a quest needs to be redesigned.
  11. USNG for seven years. Pride.
  12. Though I am Techless, reducing Shadow preferences as well as some other Graphic settings helps my performance generally.
  13. When Darth Jerk appeared on Corellia yesterday, I thought of this thread.... My Trooper had already died once attempting to enter one area, raised by Med Droid, and then battled the remaining foes to find some Darth toon that jumped in the area, or appearing from stealth to steal the contents of one of those spawning lockers. If they had appeared as a target, I would have gleefully continued firing my rotations. Or if my eyes had not failed me, I would have declared the loot thief's ID in Chat. But since that did not occur, I simply waited in place for the next 5 minutes or so for them to move on to other places, and hoping they fell into the secreted crater nearby that housed a 50th Guardian droid. Silver lining: they missed the Slicing safe on the other side of a wall, and I was able to return 15 min later to recover the next spawned locker without having any respawned opponents. And thankfully, most like Players du Jerk were probably examining the new planet, FP, WZ, Op, etc that came with the latest patch, and that they are not so commonly seen on my server thus far.
  14. Sad to read this. Learning the new Missions was already difficult, but this makes the needed lessons a miss for me. As I have no current plans to install Proton Torps again, these Missions are far too much work to be entertaining.
  15. Far be it from me to compete for that title, as I simply prefer wheat or whole grains as a rule. While I do love some of the blends with seasonings, cheeses, and the like, they are often too overwhelming for common consumption; much prefer a simple white or Italian than these fancier loaves. Pumpernickel is right out. As for more seasonal fare..... oh! Dread Masters! nevermind.... Beware the Four Loaf Cleaver; used only cause I knead the dough!
  16. Maybe not, but if and when it becomes harassment, it will be reported; let Bioware control the outcome then. And this is a major reason why I do prefer solo games, and avoid m/p products, as do many, many others.
  17. Only speaking for myself, but I play without Chat activated; do not really know how to use it. I do not Emote, chat, etc; simply sit my character down until the prior player is completed. As far as helping, my recommendation is to limit things to buffs; not aiding another Player vs opponents and Boss fights unless asked. The idea is for every character story to immerse themselves that they are the main character, hero, etc; not the other guy that shows up in time and slays the dragon, Arch-demon, or the like.
  18. I can all but guarantee that a group of such self-focused individual will not survive a major test of fire, let alone be considered true friends. Dingo's hunt in packs too, but seemingly turn on their own when one becomes injured. Personally; prefer those that strive for a higher standard.
  19. It is simple; too simple. MMO's are just games, and actions reflect character, as well as having consequence. Being out for one's self may lead to having that as the only choice one has for overall group play.
  20. As someone that intends to play solo, I find the Heroic +2 instances fine for my use. And while greater Heroic areas or FP's are indeed skipped due to toughness, if I am interested in the storyline, I can play them at a greater level if possible; sacrificing the XP and loot for the tale being told. No change is really necessary, though if greater rewards were implemented, that would be great.
  21. If you happen to read again, it is mentioned that repeated actions of this might constitute harassment, which is indeed Griefing, I believe. Comprehension is recommended.....
  22. Depends on the game and environment. Here, I would say it should be layered with both PvE and PvP in mind. Sadly, I believe the PvE players such as myself suffer the nerfing effect of things when PvP balance is addressed, as well as suffering the NPC buffs that can occur for the same reasons. It feels like someone sliding the Difficulty upward on your game without informed consent; not always the best experience possible.
  23. I dislike such actions, but also am aware that this can sometimes occur accidently. I almost rushed in yesterday for a glowing pod of goodies before I realized a group of Players were in battle right around the corner. A stray shot warned me of their presence; left the loot for them to grab. But if such annoyances persist, recommend taking a small break for the area to clear of these Players. And if it continues to occur, fill out a report of Harassment, as Griefing has no valid place on MMO's.
  24. Am curious at to the PvE materials that may be included; have only seen PvP things advertised.
  25. If SWTOR wants to give me an added day to play; fine. But I am not going to demand anything for the long patch time; not feeling that entitled currently. Having worked in CS for 25+ yes has somewhat tired me of such behavior.
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