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Everything posted by Elhanan

  1. What plans are in the works for enhancing Companion AI, like being able to increase the distance between them and the Player?
  2. 1 - Pls allow me to place some distance between the Companion and myself (ie; Short; Medium; Long). 2 - Pls synch the full VO characters to the speech (ie; lips moving on proper NPC; correct person being shown). 3 - Pls allow the Player an option to view past decisions as a storyline re-run; may help when memory of events are distant and foggy. Thanks!
  3. I would switch to purple robes for Bernadette; first she is adorable, and then those are PURPLE robes! *whipcrack*
  4. Can only speak for myself in some like situations in beta testing, but I have not/ cannot figure out the Chat functions; simply tried to help in a like manner by healing others. Hope you have better luck in future crossed paths.
  5. Perhaps not an exact quote, but is a reason I chose this class from beta testing: Scientist: "You cannot destroy that system; it contains my entire life's work!!!" Sith Inquisitor: "Then it is a really bad day to be you...."
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