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Everything posted by Elhanan

  1. Signing up for patriotic reasons allows us to spend more time with those of a like mind, and avoid those that prefer to look down their noses and critique from the safety of a MMO forum.
  2. Am uncertain as to what is occurring on Makeb since I cannot look up on the screen during battles (have to focus on UI Simon rotations), but have been encountering some opponents that simply do not die. Perhaps they have huge Damage Resist or Regeneration, but in either case, they are surviving lengthy assaults that are capable of dropping Golds and Bosses. It is easier simply to be killed and use the stealth of Re-spawning to sneak past them and the Rancor close to them.
  3. It is what I expected, though I am disheartened that I will never see it in character. However, I am more saddened by having the current PvE Ship Combat rely on specific equipment, and since I choose not to use Proton Torpedoes, I will not get to use the newest Missions there either.
  4. One should not assume as to the priority of importance for someone else's game. For example, I could care less what occurs in WZ's or Op's as I avoid PvP. And I have a great deal of interest in anti-Griefing that is implemented in the game. I am certain that other opinion's vary. As far as sig's, some may bear importance while others may consider them silly. It is when one POV attempts to constrain the other which should be questioned. In this case, the OP was apparently interested in an area outside of their own experience, and other like questions arose from this. If one has no interest, then possibly the best course is to move along. Making opinions known invites responses which may not always be to the poster's choosing.
  5. Just my opinion, but I have read more embattled threads here over Ship Combat and End Game content.
  6. PvE only. Not only am I a poor challenge for an opponent due to several factors, but I dislike the more frequent encounters with Griefing that generally appear with PvP.
  7. Was not aware the mountain climber was placing their lives on the line for anyone other than themselves, unless one is speaking of Rescue ops. Folks that sign on to take risks for others are worthy of greater respect from me; not certain how others view it.
  8. Public safety (ie; police, firefighters, etc) should also have increased respect, but the assertion earlier also including teachers. And the point here is that all have reasons to be proud of their service; hence the several like answers to the OP. While it may be true that some Basic training is more challenging than others, as far as I am aware, all of them place a focus on service and the need for sacrifice.
  9. While it may not be expected of certain occupations, it may a requirement of all of them, as all had the same Basic training. A file clerk may be expected to place their lives on the line at the time, but it can happen when some aspire to grow in their fields (eg; Dwight Eisenhower).
  10. Not all; only some. I noticed that the Missions scaled upward as I increased lvls, and as opponents grew in power, the feeling of achieved greatness withered. Be it completed tales of Sorcerer, Trooper, or Bounty Hunter, any feeling of achievement was diminished by the frequency of difficulty and death. Bad enough that a major final laurel is ripped away a few minutes after finally getting it, but if every major (ie; Gold and/ or dual Silver) opponent requires several minutes of confrontation, or repeating these battles due to frequent death, then we as Players are simply no better than the vast majority of our foes; only have more re-spawns. And the next such battle is often a few feet away from the last. I know I am a poor Player; have no Twitch skills, have poor eye/ hand reflexes, and often resort to avoiding such challenges. But if leaving the major NPC's alive right outside the area where one challenges the boss sorta taints that final encounter, or it does for me. And I start dying a few meters from where I arrived, and have to fight the same fight for every step between Infirmaries. It gets repetitive. For myself, it was refreshing to get into some encounters that did not scale; where my AoE's would finish off crowds in a single volley, or drop a guard with a single round. I felt like the trip getting there meant more. But when every group or individual encounter requires several rotations of the UI like a Simon game, it takes away from the RPG experience. And I cannot tell the last time I actually looked away from the UI to watch the actual combat gameplay other than placing certain AoE's. Simply a suggestion to tone it down somewhat so that we can enjoy the mantles we fought so hard to gather; not having to see and test that everyone at the top has the same abilities.
  11. While I like a challenge, it is rather frustrating to have a 55th lvl PC suffering much the same way as some low lvls, Walk a few feet, unleash everything, refresh, repeat. This is occasionally altered by dying and re-spawning, so one gets the opportunity to see some of the same foes quite often. Tis a bit annoying. However, when I first hit 51+, there were some tasks available that were a few lvls lower than that; some were easy, and others remained challenging. This seemed to be more enjoyable, as one could feel somewhat heroic in the role instead of hitting the wall repeatedly. Pls consider having some of the end game materials remain 50th or so, and allow Players to enjoy their items and builds. Thanks!
  12. Possibly, but it kinda depends on the soldier, teacher, etc. And while teachers can place their lives on the line for others, it is not a requirement. Both of my parents were in education, but we are a bit more respectful of those that sign on to defend us with their lives at stake. P.S. My Mom hates it when I speak like Mal....
  13. While the latest info should please many that have been waiting for Free 3D Flight, it is disheartening to see that Space Combat is no longer for Players like myself.
  14. Enjoyed the series; not a fan of the film. A major reason I do not want mandatory inclusion into service is that it was a huge error for me at that young age; had no clue, and was far too immature to shoulder that responsibility well. As mentioned, this was my first time away from home solo, and was pretty much in shell shock until I returned home from AIT. Of course, Drill Instructors probably Fire For that Effect anyway. Military service is not for everyone, and I still hold that it should be filled with those that choose to serve. I likely should have waited 2-5 yrs; not jumped into that frozen pool of reality right after graduation. What was seen when I enlisted before graduation was only the tip of an iceberg, and brothers, that water is cold! I likely should have had a couple years of other employment before taking the service as my first job. As far as differences of opinion on the military, it probably can be seen in the films Platoon vs We Were Soldiers. The prior film reflects what was handed to us from the media all of those years, and the latter is more objective; a view from the eyes of a soldier, and is one of my favorite movies.
  15. I contend that it could be one option of several. Having HS grads learning to serve others could take place in a few different fields: Military, Hospitality and Service Industries, Charities, etc. My POV is that I have seem more examples of selfish behavior in the past 30 yrs, and that training in service to others should be something to consider in our youth besides wasting away in institutions of higher learning; either real or so-called colleges. I say that as someone that majored in Freshmen for a long, long time. It has been said a test of character can be seen in how someone treats the working staff, like in waitresses, clerks, etc. And in my opinion, the current social environment is not passing said tests very well. Perhaps they need the same kind of wake-up call I received.
  16. There is a reason I dislike stats; made to dance without context. Look at the area of conflict in these examples, and one can easily see a factor in the difference of numbers. And while Vietnam may have been smaller in conflict, the cost is always higher than the number of those that served (eg; families, country, monetary, political, etc). Plus current leaders do have loved ones in service; also volunteers, I believe.
  17. And the facts of history seem to disprove this idea, as there was such a force in Korea and Vietnam, plus the wars fought prior to the volunteer forces.
  18. Wars can start and be fought over some trivial notions, but it is often the civilian authorities making those rather questionable decisions, and they are not part of that force. I disagree, believing and hoping that the cost of WW2 should not reoccur.
  19. While those in the Military do work for it's citizens, it is doubtful that they take advice from one specific individual. If by some chance there are AD's playing SWTOR, I can all but guarantee that this is used while on downtime; not from some guard on patrol. Most servicemen that appear to play here are prior enrollees like myself. And for those on AD, keep your sense of humor; makes things so much more bearable.
  20. Just a guess, but some that had kin that served in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan might disagree, as well as those that take a different view of history. And personally, I rather support the idea of a volunteer force; much prefer the notion that those that serve chose to be there. Then again, I do think a 2 yr intro to life might aid a lot of people which could include Military service, work in the service industry, maintain an average GPA in college after HS, etc.
  21. Guess you may have missed the part where the US went over there for war; simply chose not to leave these places without trying to improve the situations. And I guess we all have standards of personal excellence. Be it reputable charities or Military service, I can find enough room to respect both. But one does not have to go far in any social circle to find examples of humanity that appear to be as dense as a Death Star. Be it in the military, civilian, or MMO forums, there are enough folks more than willing to display their ignorance on all sorts of matters. But the thing is, those in one group fight for the others to be able to live in that ignorance if they so choose, and that does seem to raise them a little IMO.
  22. The Military is probably not for everyone; neither are Police or Fire dept positions. Still, am rather glad that some choose them for careers.
  23. That could be the case here; took a major loss while swapping Mods and such today. At least, I hope this is the case, as if swapping mods is this expensive, could present even larger difficulties. Thanks for the head's up on this problem!
  24. There is actually a grain of truth in this: the major cause of eroding freedoms comes from ourselves and willingness to allow such freedoms be taken through apathy, IMO. That said, if one takes the time to read both sides of issues in our world today, they can see example after example of how skewed the above post seems to be. Eye-roll pls....
  25. As for SWTOR, thought some serving might enjoy this older vid. I have no idea if this Guild is still active, but this still gives me a cause to smile:
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