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Everything posted by CEAF

  1. I'm further surprised that he doesn't realize that this "10 extra energy" is using a TA that could have been used to generate 2K+ in actual resource free heals. It's not a good trade.
  2. The AoE healing imbalance between the classes should be the first thing addressed. This difference alone causes a big gap. For example, first boss of EV is vastly easier with Sorc healer. In fact on HM/NiM I think it's impossible to do it without one. Both Merc and Op AoE healing needs to become on par with the Sorc.
  3. Yeah, it's called CC. We do that too. Unfortunately, there are no medals for CC. Fact remains that heal guys have to play in a sub optimal manner wasting resources to pick up medals. In a competitive game as a healer there is no time for you doing anything other then healing or CC/assist because people will die otherwise. (and still die even with you trying)
  4. Hey look it's Tarren Mill! Seriously though I think Bioware will be forced to take some drastic action like removing Ilum entirely for a certain amount of time. The current situation is not cool for anybody.
  5. They clearly didn't think this one all the way through. You are punished for being anything other then DPS spec. Not cool.
  6. Ehhh, I understand the hesitation. On some (low pop) servers there is a low population of L50 players. These people are going to be upset (rightly so) when their queue times skyrocket post patch. What they could do is have two pools (50s and not 50s) going at the same time and if one pool is starved for a certain amount of time (say 3 mins) it will pull from the other but that kind of change takes time to test properly.
  7. People who think healing is strong in PvP I urge you to wait and see what happens when you get organized teams of geared players hitting each other. I don't think you will be crying about healing being too powerful.... Back on topic... Please add more granularity to the heal medals or add more specific heal medals like "x healing to a single target" or something similar in line with guarding people. If you think people will exploit it with life drain or whatever just make a proc that turns off counting for a period of time when a player activates a self damaging ability or stands in a damage zone (acid, fire) for more then 2 seconds. People who are specced 31 into a HEALING tree are not there to steal kills and waste resources on pitiful low damage attacks. Nobody wants to be forced into gaming the system to get anywhere close to equal rewards.
  8. I agree RN in its current state costs waaaaaay too much and is far too situational in use. Having said that the devs need to be careful if (when!) they modify it as AoE skills need to be kept on a short leash or they will unbalance both PvE and PvP very fast. My initial thought is that they should make RN more powerful and cost less but give it a much larger cooldown like 45s. That way when you use it in context it will be strong but you wont be spamming it as part of a normal rotation. In other things, when compared to Sorc healers Merc/Op output is far too resource constrained. It's not game breaking (we can still complete content) but it is pretty obvious. One way to adjust this would be to simply buff diagnostic scan to return more energy, heal for more and be usable while mobile.
  9. CEAF

    Solo healing is hell!

    Position, position, position. If you are being trained down by an org group don't get frustrated. That's just good play on their part.
  10. I am OK with them implementing this as long as they only pool low pop servers in order to allow them to grow. High pop servers should be allowed to have their own communities. I like seeing the same faces in warzones.
  11. Just stopping in to voice my support for this thread. For reasons already stated in the first few pages a healer playing in his specced role (healing/support) receives inferior rewards to both DPS and Tank spec players. Please change it. Thank you.
  12. I'm calling it right now: Concealment is actually underpowered at 50 in organized play with equal gear.
  13. No SS but a Sorc pulled 450K damage and 120K healing in my voidstar game this morning. The map really caters to AoE effects with all the bunching up.
  14. Keeping this thread at the top in anticipation of yellow acknowledgement.
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