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Everything posted by Daxer

  1. Mounts like the Desler mounts drops from the raid bosses on hard mode and nightmare mode. We did karagga and EV hard mode yesterday and 2 desler mounts dropped, our best player and guild leader won the rolls, fairness win XD
  2. I never had that problem? I was 4 - 5 levels ahead of every planet i was on and it didnt stop me from doing (all the quests in the game.) But since i played the sith warrior, being overlevelled just helped the story since im supposed to be epicly strong and mighty.
  3. There are a lot of threads about this lately so i will adress the issue and my ideas shortly. The current loot system that assigns items to players is flawed. It does not take into account if the player it assigns it to has the item already or that it would be more useful for someone else in the ops group. That is why i have a couple of ideas or solutions for this problem. 1. You keep the loot system and simply make the BoP (bind on pickup) items tradeable for 20 minutes, restricted to only people who were in that ops of course. That way you avoid upset players. This i could have used the other night when marauder legs and bracers dropped. I already had the legs and needed bracers and my friend already had bracers and needed legs, but i still got the legs and he got the bracers. 2. Second solution is you completely revamp the loot system. Make it need or greed in the ops groups that currently have the assign function. That will of course mean you might get reports of ninja looters. But i have to say most other MMORPG games ive played have had ninjas, and that actually just encourages people to form guilds and only raid with members from there. I hope you will consider and possibly implement this since the way it is now is not okay, i had a long chat with a gamemaster and he couldn't redo the assigned items so it was right either.
  4. To answer the question in the main topic of this thread, there are a lot of people out there who are bad at having a good overlook of your abilities bar, i for one do not. I like having many skills, oh and heads up YOU DONT NEED ALL YOUR SKILLS, theres like 3 or 4 skills that are more or less useless at lvl 50 unless your playing different roles (dps interrupter or dps solo'er)
  5. SWTOR has one of the fast levelling systems of all times, you can get from 1-50 so quick its unbelieveable. If you think its too slow then its not the game, its the player, thats the problem. So to sum up, if you think levelling is too slow, then YOU are bad at levelling.
  6. First off im a guy. But in my guild there are no girls either, and i always play mmorpg games with atleast 1 female in guild, it basicly comes down to, "women, cant live with them, cant live without them" except here its just "cant live without them". It gives a guild much more character to have a girl in there. Oh and btw, im glad you atleast play the game hope you find some more girls to play with. ^^
  7. Im just going to say it like it is even though everyone knows, A LOT of people are comparing this to games like "World of Warcraft" and are whining about how WoW can do this and that. They forget that even WoW didn't have most of its features after the release, it took them years to add onto the game (3 expansions and loads of patches) SWTOR could very well be compared to Vanilla WoW in its first months. Even though this was released in 2011 (almost 12) you can't ask for anymore than that, if you want this game to basicly be WoW with lightsabers then im sorry, they can not just go and outright copy a game. Besides, why did you quit WoW if you are just going to come here anyway and whine about how this could be like the game you just came from. I personally love the game, i've been wanting a mmorpg with a singleplayer based gameplay for a LONG time. I love it and i would gladly pay more money just to get more conversation / quest options with my companions. One more thing, if you encounter bugs, dont be afraid to go report it with as many details (even video and screenshots) how you think you triggered it. Now lets go back to play this game and even help improve it if we can
  8. The last bit about you saying you should get rare armor for buying the collectors edition wouldnt really be fair, you should only get cosmetic gadgets and so forth, if you had a gear advantage for paying more money is not fair to other players.
  9. browsing through what people want on ships, there are some big nono's among them: class trainers on ships? oh come on you know that aint gonna happen. GTN on ship? no, simply no, theres one on imperial fleet and on dromund kaas. Go there. Pole Dancers? Holo dancers maybe but else no, the ship is for use for your companions and you only, like a home, would u like to have a million people you dont know, standing in your house? what the ship costumizing should include: different colour of interior and wallhangings. Maybe a trophy collection from raids, that would however mean that they need to add a drop from raids, new furniture ? yes plz, more ornaments? yes, emitting colour (lights on outside and inside) hmm should be able to change it. These ideas however if implented would come at a cost. It should not be something you can get in one night.
  10. So i am starting to get really bored with the standard ship looks, my main char is a sith marauder but im getting tired of the fury being so black and grey all the time, i know its the empire standard but its MY ship. Maybe in the future add a vendor or something where you can buy (for a significant amount of credits) ship interior customizing. Maybe just new colours to the walls or something. Let me know what you think.
  11. that suggestion has my vote, or even just a share bank where you get the ability to buy a bank slot for say 300k credits that u can then share across all chars call it "family vault" or something
  12. cant talk for all people but i usually try to help out lower lvl players if i got the time. im playing a lightside sith marauder, and i am satisfied with my class choice. but what really matters is that you get in a good guild, im officer of a guild that was made day 1 of release (not early acces **** -.-) and were all having fun here and no i dont play on your server sorry.
  13. my valentines day will be me playing this game wondering *** i am doing with my life and making plans to get a girlfriend.
  14. This is whats frustrating me aswell, besides we all know that if you want to play this game DO NOT EXPECT IT TO BE "WORLD OF WARCRAFT WITH LIGHTSABERS DAMMIT"
  15. im a marauder, i have one cc ability, and its not good, give me more plz?
  16. haha, i agree, i keep getting these even though im at columni gear grade... anyway pets or even mounts would be nice.
  17. disagree totally, first of all the mods you can get from mod vendors and commendation vendors etc only have "so many" mods that you can get, being an artificer at max lvl i know that i can make around 30 different end game enhancements in epic version. And i like how they put the equipment vendor in aswell, helps me from being too undergeared while lvlin and give me a good start at the lvl 50 flashpoint farm BTW the daily commendation mod vendor only has like 20 mods that covers weapons and armor. So if you are at end game content like me, you know the best mods are the ones that are made. ps, owning karaggas palace with double pink lightsabers like a boss... on a unicorn.
  18. no thanks, i love how everything works atm.
  19. i support some of this, i have talked with a couple of guildies about this feature too, fact is, dyes should be made but the whole "add-stats-from-item-to-other-item-appearance-thingy" is kinda just saying you should be able to raid the hardest raid in the game wearing shorts, a t-shirt and a hat with jesus sandals. XD if this gets implemented, it should be restricted. But i still support this!
  20. i did not read all replies so im not sure if this has been said but MAIN HAND WEAPON TOKENS ARE EXTREMELY RARE IN A PVP EPIC BAG i opened around 40 or so before i actually got a offhand weapon. im almost in full epic but im still using the correllia commendation main hand saber, which i have just modded to epicness.
  21. Okay, so i have been wondering one question for several weeks now and i think it might be just something you have saved for later, but with the sith warrior pvp gear, you get armor that ressembles the armor in the trailer, with the sith masks and everything, there's just one feature i would suggest you add, in the cinematic trailers for the game, you clearly see multiple siths wearing those masks WITH HOODS, now the pvp marauder and juggernaut armor have hood if you disable the "display helmet" feature under social options, but you can not have the hood up over the mask like in the trailers ( ITS EVEN ON MY PROFILE PICTURE RIGHT NOW) so if you could i would atleast like to have the option to have the hood over those kinds of helmets (face masks) maybe a set privilege kinda thing. Hope to hear other peoples thoughts about this. ps: yes im aware it will take a great deal of work and fixing hood collision and stuff like that.
  22. This game is fun to quest with friends in, you will encounter a number of quests only groups of people (2 and up) can do, when you are in a party with a friend they will be able to enter the group based area you are entering, now heres the interesting part, normally this option is auto turned off, but you can find a option that allowes other players to enter your story area and vice versa, though in story conversations the "guest" of that group will just be spectator and not have any conversation options. I would try rightclicking playerportait while in the party and see if the option is still there, if not then click escape and choose preferences and search around in there, you will find it eventually ps: if you choose to be dual team of sith warrior and inquisitor you will have the same starting planet (same with jedi knight and consular) but if you are fx. a bounty hunter and a warrior you will have different starting areas but will go to the same planet at lvl 10 / 11'ish which you can get to in an hour maybe 1½ hour.
  23. i will sum up a couple for you: light red (magenta) after an artificer get the recipe off world bosses he needs a rare crystal among other mats to make it which has to be gotten thru a series of secret stuff. the black crystals are different as the () is the glow they have while having a black core. Black (green) if you buy swtor computer stuff off razers website. black (yellow) got the preorder version of the game black (red) empire rakata gear black (blue) republic rakata gear purple: champion pvp gear and columni gear (i think) white: unconfirmed but found on loot table for alderaan world boss. ps: Magenta is empire only while the "cyan" that i did not mention is republic only and i have no idea how to get the Cyan. hope it helped
  24. Basicly people are saying they want all wows features in swtor, isnt there a word or phrase for that? oh right ripoff? i think they game is great.
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