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Everything posted by Daxer

  1. Made it past launcher 15 min ago, now I can't even log into the launcher and I get the "login service unavailable" message. Going to assume this is a serverside problem.
  2. Interesting, I agree with it now that the max affection level being 50, I think thats an excellent idea.
  3. Bump, this would be a great addition to the game!
  4. Bump. I was fine with Hardmode flashpoints being max level only and tacticals being lvl 55+ but I am not fine with every single flashpoint being turned into KDY 2.0. I do see the dev point of view though, you want both new and old players to be able to experience all flashpoints with some gain. However instead of making a max level option for each and every one of those flashpoints, you set it to max level and bolster lowbies? NO. Why? Because low level players do not have the abilities the flashpoints originally expected players to have at their respective level intervals. You have forced me to be what I used to hate, a person that after the first wipe leaves the group because it is a waste of credits and time. At first I didn't think too much of this feature as I thought it was a chance to bring new players into the fray quicker. But I realized that those goals clash with the goals in the minds of max level players. HOW TO IMPROVE THIS: Just make a simple checkbox option for lvl 65 players to check off/on saying something like "max level only". That way all the low level players would be together and the max level players together, all having a good time. Because being the only 65 in a group and having to explain to people that "standing in that pool of goo / fire is bad for you" 50 times before they listen, is extremely frustrating and simply way too stressfull for veteran players like myself, who has been here since the beginning.
  5. While I agree with this to a point, I was just wondering if you have any confirmation that we will just "be given" hk55 and not do a quest to get him? And yeah this was stupid to me altogether since having an HK droid felt exclusive, you had to spend hours on a quest chain to achieve this. And now people get one for the simple "sub = free stuff" principle. Not good. I will be getting 55, but honestly I never cared much for him, I would never use him because my favourite and only used companion ever is 51. I don't need 2 hunter-killer droids, but atleast I can have them standing guard in my stronghold.... But hey, with everyone running around with HK-droids soon, you can just whip your 51 out and show people how mediocre theirs is? XD
  6. No. Your old companions stay at the amount of affection you had with them before. HOWEVER. Before Kotfe max affection level was 10, it has now been raised to 50, which means you have 40 more levels of affection to go through with each companion.
  7. I have completed KOTFE on 4 characters (warrior, inquisitor, agent and bounty hunter) and gotten my main characters alliance to rank 20. I like a lot of stuff that you introduced in KOTFE but the alliance system is only so well, you don't really have anything interesting to do, all it is, is to do weekly heroics, hand in boxes, get rewards and repeat. Maybe if it was voiced or maybe if with each rank you got a quest that gives you a good conversation with the specialist in question (kind of like you did with the voss girl) but more, like i would love to learn more about Hylo Viz, and I liked my BH's reference with Gault to Hylo and how she responded, more of that please! I do realize all mmorpg's at their core are focused on grinding repetitive content. But I believe the trick is to make the grind not feel like a grind, like give it enough diversity to make it feel like you are not doing the exact same thing over and over again. To do that maybe add another way to grind alliance influence, like KEEP the weekly heroics the way they are but also add another option something along the lines of (just spitballing here) spacecombat // exploration // flashpoints - ops // crafting // treasure hunting (maybe something along the lines of a couple of treasure maps on different planets that change every week OR just seeker droid // GSI (this could be an opportunity to incorperate the old GSI quests into the new expansion // incorperate old dailies ie. illum / black hole / section x dailies with alliance crates. This was just a few ideas to make the repetitiveness of the current gameplay more diverse.
  8. I have completed KOTFE on 4 characters (warrior, inquisitor, agent and bounty hunter) and gotten my main characters alliance to rank 20. I like a lot of stuff that you introduced in KOTFE but the alliance system is only so well, you don't really have anything interesting to do, all it is, is to do weekly heroics, hand in boxes, get rewards and repeat. Maybe if it was voiced or maybe if with each rank you got a quest that gives you a good conversation with the specialist in question (kind of like you did with the voss girl) but more, like i would love to learn more about Hylo Viz, and I liked my BH's reference with Gault to Hylo and how she responded, more of that please! I do realize all mmorpg's at their core are focused on grinding repetitive content. But I believe the trick is to make the grind not feel like a grind, like give it enough diversity to make it feel like you are not doing the exact same thing over and over again. To do that maybe add another way to grind alliance influence, like KEEP the weekly heroics the way they are but also add another option something along the lines of (just spitballing here) spacecombat // exploration // flashpoints - ops // crafting // treasure hunting (maybe something along the lines of a couple of treasure maps on different planets that change every week OR just seeker droid // GSI (this could be an opportunity to incorperate the old GSI quests into the new expansion // incorperate old dailies ie. illum / black hole / section x dailies with alliance crates. This was just a few ideas to make the repetitiveness of the current gameplay more diverse.
  9. Well nothing would get me to pvp, because if I wanted to challenge other players I would choose a different game really.
  10. Since the release of 4.0 it seems a LOT of the forum posts now are about bashing KOTFE story content, mostly this comes from players who prefer OPS / FP's or PVP rather than the actual story. Then there are the people who feel with the new updates that the game in itself is not challenging enough. (Even though you can forcibly dismiss your companion and play on your own, i guess none of them knew that). Personally I love KOTFE, I love everything about it, this is what an mmorpg should be like, in my opinion. Im not a hardcore raider, I don't like to do OPS every week or focus all my time on trying to get the best gear, nor do I like running flashpoints each day. I like exploring, seeing new things and on the way experiencing a story where I will want to know what comes next. And so far, KOTFE has delivered. I understand that there are lot of people who think that a game should be challenging, meaning that there should be some sort of privilege or prestige in completing it, well don't play an mmorpg like this then. You want a challenge? Equip gear for lvl 30 when you are lvl 65 and play with that, without having your companion out. The only thing that i disliked about this entire expansion was that there will only be 1 new chapter every month, from what i heard. And in the first 9 chapters they didn't introduce back to us, all of our companions, through the story. Although it makes me excited of whats to come. Thats it, just some thoughts on the whole KOTFE is good vs bad situation that this whole forum seems to focus so much on.
  11. Yes. This is what i really want. I grow tired of running the same OPS and FP's over and over again to get better gear to do the same OPS on a higher difficulty. I love the story part of this game, which was advertised since before the release back in 2012. Thats what makes this game stand out compared to other mmorpgs, it has a great story aspect. I do realize some people will yell "Its an MMO!" and to them i will say - Its also an RPG which means that story can and will play a big part of it.
  12. Can't remember if this has been suggested here before, but just thought I would throw this in. Being able to have several outfits for your companions aswell would really make me happy, seeing as all my companions are in the Yavin 192 gear and the only better thing would be to gear them in elite or maybe basic comm gear. So giving them outfit slots like our characters so they could still wear what we want them to, without the stats decrease, would be nice. Sorry if this has been suggested before.
  13. having several chars of each class in the game i would probably try a lot of different paths etc But yeah i imagine my sniper as the one only few highlevel people of the republic and empire are aware of, and who is unkown for the rest of the galaxy, coming forth, saving it, only to disappear again. While my marauder will most likely challenge both the immortal emperor and the dark prince, and they will fall, like so many others have before the Galaxy's Wrath And my first BH will most likely just ask "how many credits for taking him down?"
  14. It will probably mirror SoR alot with the only real difference is the variety of dialogue options depending on the class, they all say something slightly different. Remember we are all supposed to be "the outlander". I don't care though, this story has the potential to be awesome. All it says for our background is that we are a veteran of the war. Good enough for me.
  15. I used to be like OP, then I learned an important lesson in mmorpg gaming, basicly the bottomline is, survival of the fittest. Yes its annoying when other people take your chests, but then you should have planned ahead or checked the area before attacking, or let your companion get aggro first so you can quickly take the chest yourself. If you gave another player ample opportunity to steal your chest, then its your fault for being slow. Sorry but thats how it is.
  16. Most likely all you have to do is complete your story quest + makeb story + shadow of revan story, to get caught up on references that might be made, for example makeb was referenced a couple times in shadow of revan, even though some of my chars never set foot there.
  17. Easy call, Vette is my favourite female companion!
  18. Disregard what the dude above me said, republic side feels run down and downright boring while imp side feels more modern star wars like where all the action happens xD
  19. Or at least let us change his personality to one of 3 modes or something, I hate playing a good guy sith and having my own droid pal being scared of me...
  20. Mygeeto! Also would love to see Kamino and Malachor V
  21. Im still just happy I can finally get rid of Quinn, that stuck up **********************, but yeah will be cool, that way you can set up so you don't just run around with 1 companion and the rest are on the sidelines, although I will still be all for HK-51 100% of the time..
  22. The deal with purple lightsaber crystals is that they are only obtainable from players who reverse-engineered them back in the day and now have the artifice recipe, i can make purple hawkeyes only. But then again i can craft alot of those so the next artificer can R-E them and learn the recipe aswell. Basicly my answer is, they are craftable.
  23. Very simple, if you already have 4 strongholds and refuse to deactivate any of them, well thats it then, no new stronghold for you. They said from the very beginning the system had problems if the limit was higher than 4. Personally I disliked the Tattooine homestead so I never bought it, which means I can get the Yavin one. If you are still in doubt, I would personally deactivate either DK or coruscant stronghold since they are so similar in layout and faction specific.
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