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Everything posted by Kelbun

  1. No, even then, we have freedom of speech. Sorry:( However you are right that those kinds of post dont tell the dev's anything constructive. Plenty of the post in here do. And you are forgetting the other side of the equation: Even IF every player puts constructive statement in the forum, the DEVs have to listen and utilize those constructive ideas. I however get the feeling that one of the following is whats happening behind the scenes: 1) DEV's dont care or 2) The DEVs bosses dont care and they are running things, not the DEV's.
  2. I have Two questions: 1. Will there be account wide bank access in the sense that I can put and item in the bank on one toon then take the same item out on another toon? 2. How many Cartel coins to get no lagging or Disconnects?
  3. If you have an idea for expanding end-game content, in addition too and outside of FPs and Ops, lets hear it. Cuz grinding raids...sorry...ops, HM's, and the same dailies over n over is kinda boring. My ideas: Crafting dailies. Companion quests/missions. Expand PvP and Space combat and make it better.
  4. How to fix resolve: Stunned, knocked back, slowed, or CC'd in anyway once, resolve becomes full and you cant be stunned or controlled again until determination is off cool down. No more chain CC's and now players have to chose the right moment to CC someone instead of using CC's as a mainstay of their tactics. FIXED!
  5. AMEN! Tie the objective to the mobs you have to fight to get it.
  6. Well, try to understand that not everyone plays the game for the same reasons you do. People also may not have the same schedule as you. People may have a group of friends/guildmates that they reserve there lockouts for. there are other things in the game to do other than what YOU want to do. The qeue system is screwy as well, I can see why peeps dont like using it. If they made it cross server that would be nice but they cant even get it working 100% in single server, they may well destroy the game if they tried cross server at this point. RL example: Many people would chose to hit the bars New Years Eve, I'd rather find a secluded cabin in the woods, bring my dog, a couple of good books, my day pack, a bottle of Makers Mark, and a few good friends. Neither I nor the bar hoppers are 'wrong' we just have different tastes. EDIT: Opps forgot. What irritates me about this game is they followed...no...outright COPIED the WoW model. Yet they failed to copy the parts that kept people into WoW, whatever those may be. Probably different for each player I guess. Eg. PVP: They copied the mechanics of WoW's WZ and picked the crappy ones. Why couldnt they copy AV?! I loved Av. Huttball is the only original WZ they have. And bravo on that BTW. Its challenging even with a compitent group. I wish they had held to their guns with some of the original ideas they had when they first started. Talent system is another one. Its is WoWs. Copy/paste...BOOO! I say take a look at TSW talent wheel system, and apply that to the base classes and get ride of the advanced classes all toghether. Just use more actives and passives. No need for dual spec when you can just swap out your abilities on the go. No need to rerun a class story, unles you liked it and/or want to see how it plays out light and darkside. ( Which I am doing with the IA).
  7. I am not trying to insult this person, and we are all probably guilty of doing this at one point or another: Making statements like 'the vocal minority'. That is presumptive. Often I see and myself do this where we make statements on behalf of other players. So maybe a public poll is better. Make polls about different aspects of the game and let people vote and see the results. If players dont visit forms make an ingame way to vote on server topics. One way to do this is be honest with players. We know you guys have been hemorrhaging staff nearly as fast as subs, so make a pole like this. " What would you like to see next: Pick one: A) Space combat PvP in 6 months, B) A new PvP battlefield in 2 months, C) A new FP in 3 months" That way youre letting us know what you can do in how much time then you let us decide which way for DEVs to go. This relieves you of the burden of people like me who get grumpy because we got better looking grass but huge lag due to a patch. I am sure if you had a poll asking if players gave a damn about how good the grass looked, you could have saved yourself some time and money.
  8. Or, when hoods are upp Lekku wrap around the neck. I mean DUh!, Why havent they doine that already. Oh thats right, we needed better looking grass.
  9. One thing I just noticed, they havent even fixed the Codex entries. Not huge, I know but its an example of this strange left over concept I learned in the military: Attention to detail. We are getting a new companion, we just got better looking grass. Yet stuff thats been screwed up since day one is still screwed up. chugging along on my speeder and I nudge a rock and it stops me cold. I have to turn 90+ degrees to get the rock to 'let go' of me. Velcro rock????
  10. He/she is probably the player you have to keep running back for because they have to attack EVERY mob. Though personally I let them die. Just like the GOGOGO marauder/sent tanks. I dont even try to pick up the mobs, and my healer wont heal them. We stand back until he is dead.
  11. I too LOVE that set and use it, but the white and grey versions I have seen on NPCs is also Kickka**. NPC's get all the cool stuff!
  12. More variety is obvious, but also remove set bonuses from the sets themselves and put them on Armors, or make them a seperate mod all to gether. In the beginning modable armor was supposed to be so players could control how they appear and it was a good idea. Yes special sets/appearence items for NiM ops, just dont have the set bonuses on the armor set, but the mods/enhancement or wht have you. More learnable ones for crafters and get rid of the class restrictions so we can outfit our companions a bit easier. As it is, Armormech and Synthweaving are really only relevent in the game for the Aug's they can make and modable gear. My Armormech and Synthweaving toons dropped Underworld Trading because it stopped being relevent to the crafting, and picked up Cybertech on those toons. My Cybertech is the only one with UWT now. Which also needs to be fixed since the number of missions for metals is always way lower than missions for fabric.
  13. yes!!! EDIT: It will cost 70 million credits though, so you will have to grind dailies for weeks on end. This is the time sink aspect of the game which we will getting more of under the viel of 'new content'.
  14. Well at the rate we are going we will gt HK, then probably more twinkly stars in space combat.
  15. 1. Not a meter watcher myself but sounds fair. 2. Also a good point on Pvp, my addition is this: to get into a recruit match you have to were ALL the recruit set. You cant go to a WH match until you have the entire WH set and are wearing it. That would be awesome. You get the entire recruit set for free so this should be easy. 3. Cartel Coins: Agree but not game breaking for me. 4. BH comms: Not really following, but I think you mean the cost in comms from one set to the next higher set is too closely priced. You may be right. 5> Set bonuses: They should be on the armorings, not the gear. The whole point is to be able to control your appearance and remain relevent to the players level. It should be cheaper, if not free to swap out mods from aquired gear into gear you want to wear. Different, and better set bonus is a good idea. Or how about a fifth mod slot FOR the set bonus? Cripes! One more thing to make!..LOL.
  16. Latest Forbes magazin says George Lucas is distancing himself from the Star Wars franchise because of the SWTOR embarassment, and he was glad to unload it on to Disney.- JK!
  17. 1. Game Health: Could be better. Frequent ENORMOUS lag spikes and DC's. Glitchy qeues. Got worse after the "grass imporvment update". Last patch added some new graphics shader or something and they had some post about how the grass looks better. Looking at the picture, I couldnt really see the difference nor do I care in the grand scheme of the game. Piss poor space combat, mediocre PvP, run of the mill raids, the same endgame gear grind you can find in any other game, huge lag and disconnect problems. I dont care how the grass looks. 2. What went wrong? Epeen envy. You COPIED WoW TOOOOO much. Sure, keep it close enough that WoW player who give this game a shot arent completely disoriented, not take wow and throw star wras art on it. Geez guys. I suspect corperate dipwads had something to do with this. Huttball is the best, most original PvP theme you have, the rest are cheap wow ripoffs. You couldnt rip off AV then? Cuz THAT would be great ! Raids are pretty standard fair which I a problem. What happened to " We are not going to have a bunch of guys standing around beating on one guy." Hmmm? In heroic movies in general what do you seen teams doing? Spliting up to achieve multiple different goals at the same time. What happended to No trinity or a soft trinity? My suggestion would be look at TSW's ability wheel and apply it to the classes in this game. And overall, Yes new content, but also fix what you already have. Remember this principle: When you just keep adding thing to the end, its not an expansion, its an extention. An expansion make the game overall, and all around, bigger. That would be nice. Hell, why not a new string of planets to level through instead of the same path you took on your last imp or pub toon. THAT would be awesome. 3> Whats going well? I like some of the class stories, Love the others. Thats definitely a plus. Companion system and its affects on crafting, farming, solo content and combat is damn good. 6 at level 50 is plenty, however. Not that I wont go get me an Hk, but I would have spent that developement time on fixing what we have and other new content. More companion related quests would be cool. 4: Developement: Better, more diverse and dynamic Pvp with larger than 8 person teams. Better Space combat to include: Guild ships; group spacecombat content for both Pvp and PvE. More complex raid system: more than dodging trash, kill a boss, dodge some trash, kill a boss, dodge some trash, kill a boss. Edit:
  18. SOOOO true. The price isnt the issue as much as they think. I can play wow for $15 dollars a month, which since I subscribe to SWTor, I guess I am. They followed the wow model so closely guess what we got? Wowtor. Not that there arent things in swtor that I like better than wow, and thats why I am still playing swtor. It is however pretty much the same game. I use the Pork fried rice analogy: I dont like onions, so the place that makes their pork fried rice without onions is where I am going to go. Really though, pork fried rice is pork fried rice where ever you go. EDIT: End game gear grinds, PvP gear grinds, stacking stats, ....its been done. Yes the stories are good, some are great. Yes companion systems is fairly versatile and useful in game. Thats the big inovation? I watched these forums for a longtime before I signed up and watched the dreams of something different: No trinity, Statless modable gear, get dwindles down by corperate doche's into Wow in a star wars skin, which for all the "innovation" is what we got. I've said it before a, here it is again: To want to emmulate Wow success isnt bad, but you copied their game almost to the letter in mechanics. My initial impression of Disney's emphasis on games in their business is, it doesn't look good for this game. I could be wrong, and it could go eitherway. They certainly have the money. If they care and have the balls and brains to come tear it up maybe this game can become something more than a passtime.
  19. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=542526
  20. And yes, I am that guy who RE'd a green to get all the blues I could from it, then RE'd all of those blue untill I had all the purples I could. Its kind of crazy the number of recipes you can get from one base green. Three blues recipes, "overkill", "critical" and "redoubt" versions, each of which I got atleast 3 epic recipice from.
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