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Everything posted by Kelbun

  1. Kind of like renting a car and when you need it they decide to rotate the tires and change the oil.
  2. They said the same thing about guild ships pre launch. I am sure if it goes in the Cartel Shop for $20, it'll get in though.
  3. Because they dont want you to grind up a good set of PVP gear before you get to 50. I mean what fun is it to fight someone with equal gear? REAL pvpers play to pawn those who have bad gear.
  4. Is Rubix too obvious? Or a TM infringement?
  5. Ya, exactly. You want to see a lot ( though not all) of pvper's /ragequit? Make all instanced pvp tiered by gear sets. War Hero only vs War hero only. Equal gear requirements and equal team size requirements.
  6. Oh yes, we ABSOLUTELY would love legacy bank tabs. Or make it a separate bank even if its only accessible on your ship. However, for us crafting alt-o-holics its MUST be accessible by companions for crafting as our regular banks are for mats and the ability to have companions take mats from you (or other stuff) and bring them to your bank of choice would be REAL nice.
  7. /agree, but that patch will shut down tor for two weeks.
  8. /agree. Its enough of a gear grind already.
  9. LOL, for better or worse, I think you are right. There is a text book definition of the phrase MMO, but there is also everyone's personal idea of what it means as well. I think unless you are a WoW style gear grinder, this game fail to make many other personal definitions of what a MMO is.
  10. This is true. I agree totally with devs.
  11. 1. Not so much. This isnt wow, or D&D. 2. Awesome idea and I would add crafting missions and companion based missions. 3. Not a bad idea but not game breaking for myself. Easy to see how many would like it though. 4. Also not a bad idea. On arena style pvp, lets start with one on one, for the same comms you get in grp pvp. I dont EVER think one pvp venue should EVER give you access to better pvp gear...EVER. Personally, I think players should be required to have a complete set before wearing it, you should only be allowed to be in matches with people with the same set on: ie if you only have the recruit set, you can only go into matches with and against other player who are wearing ONLY the recruit set. Same for the other sets. 5. Again, not a bad idea, same as my #3 response. 6. Same as 5 or 3/ 7. Completely apathetic to pets, otherwise, see 3, 5, and 6. 8. Keep in mind that the game needs to be reasonable in respect to player skill, and gear. Not all players are game savy, but I feel ya. Maybe a hard mode for storyline quests? 9. Yes. 10. Also a great idea. I imagine it would be a developing nightmare, even before the game came out. 11. ABSOLUTELY! Large...no...LARGE raids, comprised of multiple smaller units with focused objectives that require coordination and timing. HELL YES! Ex. Ship assault: Team one stealthers sneak in to security hub, disable internal security alert systems: Team two: Troopers and slingers take over engine room, a mixed team head to the bridge while another group head to the Darths quarters to confront him. Well, not the best ex. You get the idea however. 12 also great idea. My personal idea: They call them expansions, but if you don't add content to level one through 50 just add 5 more levels of stuff then its not and expansion, its an extension. I want expansion. How about alternate leveling venue. Crafting based missions for XP, creds, and rare mats. Crafting based dailies for rare mats. Last but certainly NOT least improved, group and mission based space combat. Stand alone AND incorporated into PvP, and PvE both. Its Star Wars folks. I'd go as far as to say, and forgive me for doing so, but I'd pay for it as a separate add on game that is optional but still a part of this game and at least as well developed content wise. A Friends idea: have a chance for companions sent on missions to get in trouble and you have to go rescue them. Some may think this is a P.I.T.A. ( Not the animal protection grp, Pain in The as...) and I couldn't blame them but I think it would be fun/funny. Maybe make it a guaranteed crit for having to bail them out.
  12. How about Craftable recipes for CC? Oh wait then you cant charge real world $ for each one...nvm. Darn, now you probabley will add them, but in packs, randomly, and they will be crap blues recipes. I mean, you gotta keep the hampsters on the wheel right?
  13. How so? I like the crafting system in this game but agree that A: Crafting got little love from the start and B: Hasnt gotten any love since and C: The cartel +41 stat crystals certainly hurts Artifice, and purchaseable armors hurts the armortech and synthweavers, which had already been reduced to being nothing more than a means to pad stats with augs, and meager means of controlling your appearence. I may not be seeing it, but how is it screwing Cybertech? The end game ship mods? Is That it?
  14. Ya, didnt I read somewhere it was supposed to be better creds? Its a double edged sword though: YES, more dalies! But on the other hand ewwww, more dalies...
  15. ^ This mostly. The set bonuses arent that great but as a tank you may want ever edge you can get. Personally, I dont bother with Tionese, I use it for my companions. If you google Columi drops, you will find a website that will tell you where each piece drops and farm them. Also, do the dalies and you will get armors, mods and Enhanements that will do until you grind up Columi stuff in Hard modes.
  16. Ooo..mindless gear grinds. Some end game.
  17. My thought exactly. I am a sub but when I tried the PTS and saw that F2P's would have to by additional hot bars, I couldnt believe it. Atleast give them the first two for crying out loud!
  18. Kelbun


    Actually, I take that back. Well sort of. Anything they can add to the game that: A. Players may enjoy even if I dont personally, and doesnt interfere with other player game is fine. B. Make this game a little less like WoW. So, go for it, I say and nevermind my reflexive grouchiness.
  19. Kelbun


    Your housing is your ship. SWG is dead. Get over it.
  20. They are mailable. So, if you start the quest chain on another toon, you can send them the parts and it'll be one less part you have to hunt up. In theory, I believe you can farm up most or all of the parts and send them to another toon. Edit: Most of them came as a part that appeared in your normal bag space and in this state ids mailable to other toons in your legacy. If you had the mission, you could click on it and it would shift to a part in your mission bag. If you didnt have the mission, you could not click to shift it to your mission bag, so your options are save it until you have the mission on this or another toon. I hope this is more specific.
  21. I am prone to negativity. I certainly think somethings in this game could be better or flat out lacking. HOWEVER, I am thrilled with some of the changes/new things brought by 1.5. There are somethings I think are silly nonsense, but they are optional things and if other players like them, more power to em I say. So, overall I have to say BRAVO.
  22. The Number part of these code must be done on your number pad BTW.
  23. If you do a web search you can find huge lists of codes for different characters. If I was home on my PC, I'd share the link but I am at work
  24. If Disney/EA/BW made an add on for extra space combat content, would you buy it? How much would you pay and what would you expect for your money? Myself, if they came up with some PvP space combat with either small fighters, our personal ships or with guild ships, I think I could get behind $25 purchase. Maybe guild ship PVE missions. What do you guys think?
  25. Actually...this is World of Warcraft. What? A thin coat of paint and you dont recognize it? http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/11/09/the-daily-grind-whats-the-worst-thing-a-cash-shop-can-try-to-s/
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