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Everything posted by Draconax

  1. Sadly not yet. Would like to see this fixed, I really love the 3 charge FL casts.
  2. I find this problem is even worse for diplomacy, when you have to deal with first getting the proper alignment, and then the proper mission type. So frustrating opening the panel and seeing only light side missions, or having only 1 darkside mission to choose from, and its a companion gift one. Really wish it would just list all the missions at all times.
  3. I don't really understand the point of the OP. Of course certain attacks bypass shields. Did you see warriors using their shields to block warlock dots and mage fireballs in WoW? Shield generators are only meant to work against certain types of attacks.
  4. Leveled 10-50 as bodyguard, zero issues, still managed to level faster than anyone in my guild. Played with gault til torian, torian til blizz, then did the rest of my leveling with the little Jawa tank. Had zero issues with any class quests, 2+ heroics, or elites/champions solo. I never found my damage lacking, being able to keep a kolto shell on blizz while I dps my face off is beautiful, and I have real heals in case of emergencies.
  5. Ya healing flashpoints as arsenal is pretty much a no go. Having nothing to cast on the move (aside from weak *** rapid shots), no hots, no instants is brutal. I wouldn't waste my time trying.
  6. Just turn off dark side corruption in the options? Not that difficult. My BH is dark 5, and I decided I didn't like the look anymore, so I maintain dark side morality, without the corruption.
  7. As I understood it, all the BoP crew skill recipes are found as hard mode flashpoint and raid drops.
  8. Ya this has definitely been fairly tedious having my quest log filled with over 15-20 quests from lower level planets that it simply won't let me abandon. It's getting to the point that I often can't pick up new quests in a questing area, forcing me to complete a couple, then return back to pick up the others.
  9. It's funny, my girlfriend is a huge WoW fangirl. She is not a fan at all of the Star Wars franchise, never played KotoR, and was certain she would never play this game. I got her a beta invite, and she was instantly sucked in. She *loves* the roleplaying, and hitting on her male companions. We are now having a blast playing the game together, and both greatly appreciate the *roleplaying* brought into the MMO *Roleplaying Game* genre.
  10. Space combat was placed in as a mini-game. Keyword: MINI. It's a very small aside, it's not meant to be an entire game unto itself. It's a tunnel shooter ala Starfox. Don't like StarFox, don't play the mini game, and play the actual MMO itself. They aren't going to divert huge amounts of resources and programmers to completely recreate a whole new Space Combat game, resources that could be used to increase and improve actual game content.
  11. Who are these many people who hate Blizz? I have yet to find a single person who doesn't find him to be adorable. I get half a dozen whispers every day from randoms in the Fleet asking about him.
  12. I honestly haven't noticed the CC all that much. It tends to help that most classes have only a single CC they can use in pvp. Compare that experience with classes like warlocks, mages, or rogues in WoW pvp, where you're often facing multiples stuns, disorients, and/or roots back to back.
  13. Yes, you don't need to do any Heroic missions. They are entirely optional, but great sources of gear/xp. Often the stories related to each are relatively minor to the overall story of the planet.
  14. I would very much like to have some sort of damage/heal meter in the game, without an announce feature. I don't need to stroke my epeen, but I do rely quite heavily on damage meters to improve my performance and fine-tune my rotation.
  15. There should be no argument against UI mods. People like to customize their UI the way they want, and it has no affect on anyone or anything other than the person using it. As for damage meters, I can honestly say that they are the only thing that made the ezmode dungeons of WoW at all enjoyable, since the only challenge came from beating my own previous numbers, and competing against the players of my group. I'm all for having no "announce feature", I don't give a **** about epeen stroking, but I do care about approving my performance as a player.
  16. From my experiences, Blizz is superior in pretty much every way. In terms of style, this is a huge "duh". In terms of actual combat, Blizz again feels superior, having the much better aoe threat (emp blast vs cleave), and the same defensive mechanics (20% armor boost and 25% dmg redux cd). I honestly have no idea why we get skadge, he isn't anywhere near as cool, and is basically the same tank with weaker aoe threat.
  17. I haven't had any issues with Blizz. Ran with him today doing the heroic 4 man on Voss (First Commando's Call), and he tanked the entire thing np, with me healing, and 2 dps.
  18. Emergency Scan is amazing, sorry. It heals as much as a Rapid Scan, instantly, for free. FOR FREE. It costs absolutely zero heat. That's a big, big deal in keeping your heat in the sub-40 area, while still putting out a bunch of healing. It's also our only real heal we can cast on the move, which is something the class badly needs. Our only other instant heal, Kolto Missile, does not put out near enough healing to be relied upon for keeping someone up while we move out of fires/explosions/etc. Warden could probably be a bit streamlined, but for a healing class that loves crit far far more than alacrity, the increased crit sizes will put you at or around 100% crit heals with a bit of surge under your belt.
  19. It depends on which slot you put it in. An armor mod of 100 will provide more actual armor in a chestpiece, than in gloves, for example.
  20. a) Treasure Hunting boxes make money on 80% of the missions I send my companion on. b) Treasure Hunting actually provides mats for your profession, slicing does not.
  21. I am a fellow slicer, and I can certainly agree that slicing was too good in the first iteration. However, it has been nerfed so hard now that I rarely even break even, let alone make money from a profession that gives me nothing besides money. It *needs* to at least provide more than you put into it, otherwise it's just a waste of a profession slot. Have missions *always* provide slightly more than you put in (like 10%), and a chance to crit for a decent return. Blam, its viable, but not providing huge sums to people in a very small timeframe.
  22. Healing bullets are amazing, period. Love the ability to do a free heal on the move. Doesn't heal for a ton, but it's free and instant, and stacks the canister for supercharged gas, so it's all around awesome.
  23. This guy is soloable, I promise. I went into the quest with half my gear in yellow, and by the time I got to the Jedi, I had a broken weapon and 3 pieces of broken armor. I still beat him with just Mako and myself. Killed his padawan, then beat him. Ya, he healed, but after that I got him down *fairly* easily (read: panicked heals a couple of times due to broken gear), and that was that. Took me probably about 6 or 7 minutes to finish the encounter due to mostly healing myself alot of having less dps than usual without my 2nd pistol.
  24. Unlike in WoW, it is *much* easier to catch up your crafting skills in this game, since you can be in any level zone, and be sending your companions out on low level missions no problem. You won't be able to harvest nodes in the game world for a bit, but you will still be able to collect mats through crew missions, and eventually your skill will catch up to what you need to harvest game world nodes.
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