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Posts posted by Jestunhi

  1. I did 5-6 the first day I was 50, and I ran the solo ones on Corrilia once.


    I have no intention of doing them again.


    It used to be that I was fine with that, my 2 augmented Columi implants could stack damage higher than Rakata anyway (+28 power augment) but with the 1.2 changes to augments I'm no longer sure that's the case (the same augment is now +18 power, +12 endurance, or something like that).

  2. This type of question is the reason why this game isn't getting fixed.

    Quit worrying about how your lightsaber looks, or if you can use force storm on an agent, or being able to quick travel 6 minutes quicker, and start working on problems with the game.

    How the game is right now, ROLEPLAYING CAN WAIT.


    FYI wanting to have your character looking a certain way is not roleplaying.


    I'm not roleplaying in a football game when I choose a kit...


    Also, do you think the people who design the textures / models are the same people who fix coding issues? Does Bioware just have one job role and require everyone to be able to do everything?

  3. They should have had full space game in at launch. Playing catch up now is something they wouldn't have to have done. How on earth they could have made a star wars game without space is something I'll never get my head around.

    And it's funny how they've been so quiet about it, but now it's come out top in the polls, suddenly they're soooo excited.


    Other than the X-wing / Tie fighter serieses (serie? What's the plural of series?) I can't think of a SW game with space free-flying at launch.


    And that includes SWG, the only previous SW MMO.

  4. Taking advantage of the free 30 days offer and the new legacy system, I decided to resub and start a new character. I was astounded to see starter worlds population are at an all time low. A whopping 7 people on Hutta most times of the day, hitting around 11 during peak times. FPs like Black Talon or Esselles seem to be the last thing anyone wants to run. Dromund Kaas or Coruscant peaking around 20, and unless you have a high level friend, getting those heroic 4's done seems to be a fool's hope.


    So ultimately what I take from this is that nobody is buying this game any more. 11 levels into a character and already I have unfinished group quests, a FP nobody wants to run, etc. As the months go by, more and more planets seem to dwindle in active players. Where are all the new players?? This game should be buzzing with newbies still, it's only been 4 months since release.


    When and in what timezone?


    Your post was done @ 10:35 am on a weekday (UK time) - hardly peak time (on EU servers) as most people will be at work / school. And I have no idea if the server you are on is one of the busy ones or one of the less populated ones.


    Not to mention that the starter planets only last for 10 very short levels, the only time I would expect them to be busy is when many, many people are making new characters.

  5. I've been sick to death of the bug and been thinking of cancelling my sub till it gets fixed. But if your fix works, happy days again. :)


    It's the difference between just CCing someone and doing something else.


    If I attack something then CC it as a Powertech I don't suddenly leave combat, if you do more than CCing it why should you be any different?

  6. No, they're not identical, but the same models probably get re-used quite a bit. In general in this game you see a lot of that, basically the same thing is taken, possibly a minor color edit is done and a new name is added and presto, a "new lightsaber".


    But if you check out http://www.torhead.com/items/catg/1/subcatg/7 you can see some 900 lightsabers - I have no idea how correct it is and how many exist in-game but even of those 900 there are tons and tons of physically identical ones with differing names and stats.


    If you click the items in the above list you can find a link on the main page of the item that says View in 3D or some such, if you want to see how they may look in-game. Of course some I clicked that had a name I know in-game didn't look at all like what it does in-game... maybe outdated data, no idea, but still.




    Not every LS has a unique model, but there are various models and colorschemes.

  7. Yes please. Now that the UI is fully customizable I see no reason not to.


    The people who only use a handful of abilities (and seem to see this as justification to limit everyone else) can always disable any additional ones which they don't want, just like they can with the current ones.

  8. or you could, you know, do some research. so sick of people who feel they are entitled to whatever they want whenever they want without having to think or plan.




    There's no more reason to add this than there is the ability to change main class, race, etc.


    How about you make a decision and accept the consequences? You chose your AC.


    As A Powertech I got nothing but nerfs in 1.2 (railshot procs limited to 6 sec = major loss in both DPS and heat management) but I don't see the need to demand I become a merc.

  9. Hi everyone. Although the resolution may not come with the next patch, we are currently working on a fix for Ashara's body, so please keep your eyes on patch notes in coming weeks. :) We appreciate your patience.


    Found this in the dev tracker, so not read the whole thread.


    Just want to make sure you include and female infected customizations (e.g. Mako) in this "give them a body model" fix if / when it happens.




    Given that it seems to be on the models that players can't play it' seems likely to me that it was just overlooked and full body models not designed.


    As such I worry about the amount of people who say it's low priority, as if they think the modellers / artists are the same ones who should be spending time fixing actually coding bugs...

  10. the problem seems to be the dancer outfit, not the costumization. I have had quite a few interesting bugs with it before, including my main character looking like mako does in the screenshot :/


    Mako without a customization (which is how I normally have her as I prefer it over the other customizations) works with the slave girl or imperial dancer costumes perfectly fine.


    It's only when applying this customization that it fails.


    And I know it's not the only time it occurs, I believe the Inq comp (who can be jedi or turned to the sith) has the same issue regardless of customization.

  11. Same goes for the reverse: if someone likes the Event, that do not mean that everyone will, and leave them the freedom to not participate. Personally, I would be chilling today if not for the actions of a Griefer on the Fleet.


    You have the freedom to not participate.


    If you can't afford 2000 credits for a vaccine all you need to do is run away from people who start the exploding animation to not get infected.

  12. Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


    If the paid for stuff was purely cosmetic and the income from the microtransactions was enough to cover Bioware's costs, then yes.


    If it's a case of pay to win, no.




    But I prefer a subscription over microtransactions.

  13. Simple Question....MMO = Socialy inspired game world, so why are so many activites anti social? quest clickies, loot chests etc...we aren't just competing with our enemies, we're competing with our allies too.


    Simple question, do you see removing competition and trade by making it BoP & unique improves how social it is?


    As far as I can see it would reduce it.

  14. It took me almost 20 purchases to get the companion customization that I wanted (and don't get me started on the six Corso Riggs customizations I was given - like I'll roll 6 smugglers on a server where I only have 4 Imperials!) and the end effect?




    Bioware - can you please fix the models that don't work with certain outfits? I spent a stupid amount of DNA samples getting this customization and now that I have it it looks like I'll never use it.

  15. What did I learn? Travel with guildies and prepare for war.


    What you should have learned is not to use AoE around flagged enemies.


    It's all about situational awareness.

  16. I have yet to be flagged for anything other than attacking a pub with a yellow name (i.e. someone who was flagged).


    No infection caused me to flag.




    I am currently standing next to 2 pubs and about to pop. Will see what happens.

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