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Posts posted by Jestunhi

  1. Not quite. Or are you really trying to claim that all those Republic missions that involve killing Imperials, or the Imperial missions that involve killing Reps don't exist?


    Technically there might be peace, but that is literally in name only. And as has been pointed out, by the time you hit level 50, the war is well underway. One of the class stories (SW I think it is) even states that the war has started, and that is well before level 50.


    Plus, you have (while levelling) the invasion of Taris for the Imps, and the invasion of Balmorra for the Reps. If that's not war, then what is?


    Can you link to a quest on Torhead confirms the treaty has ended and pub & imp are at war?


    I'm looking specifically at Taris atm, but will accept Balmorra too.

  2. I received an email saying on the 24th I was gonna be getting free 30 days game time as well as a Tauntaun ram pet on April 24th. When I didnt hear anything about either on the 24th I made a ticket. They replied saying I was going to get both on April 25th. I still dont have my pet or my free 30 days that they promised. Was it some joke they were playing or something? Is it really that hard for them to deliver on their promises? :confused: Anybody else not get theirs?


    Take note of what timezone that date relates to.


    It's not the same date throughout the world at all times.

  3. I'm surprised that after all this time, BioWare thinks that adding in small, buggy world events meant to waste a ton of time ("oh, go find these 12 broken ship parts hidden all across the giant desert mountain world! Oh, you wanted your title? Too bad, you have to wait for a fix and then redo parts of your title.") will keep people more interested in their game compared to merging servers and having a much bigger community to play with.


    Yeah, no one wants content! :rolleyes:

  4. Not quite. Or are you really trying to claim that all those Republic missions that involve killing Imperials, or the Imperial missions that involve killing Reps don't exist?


    Technically there might be peace, but that is literally inname only. And as has been pointed out, by the time you hit level 50, the war is well underway.


    How about we let Bioware decide when it's set instead of deciding ourselves?


    There are minor conflicts going on, but there's a reason why lots of the storylines involve people who have defected from their factions to continue fighting, etc.


    I don't recall being involved in many (if any) major troop deployments, nor major fleet deplayments. It's all been small-scale battles.

  5. Well thats not true, if you reach L50, all-out war is breaking out


    Actually it's entirely true.


    The Treaty of Coruscant acts as the basis for the setting of LucasArts massively multiplayer online game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Treaty was first mentioned in a short page reviewing the game's setting on The Old Republic's official website, but was later greatly developed in other features of the site, particularly The Holonet—an in-universe collection of reports and stories from The Old Republic timeframe. The events surrounding the Treaty were also elaborated upon in Treaty of Coruscant, the first in a series of online video timelines on The Old Republic site. The timelines are narrated by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, whose voice is provided by actor Lance Henriksen.
  6. I think there are the numbers out there, personally. People pay for eve, people paid for JTL. But hey what do any of us know for sure? Time will tell, assuming it happens.


    Not sure I'd include Eve as a flight sim, it's not quite the same thing.


    As for JTL, I'm not aware of the number of people who bought the game due to that (i.e. new customers who bought it because of space) or the number of ex-players who returned (for more than just a short period to try it).

  7. we will see.





    Hey everyone on the other side of the world! The character transfer process has started for those of you who were eligible for inclusion. I wanted to give you a heads-up on what to expect during this process and a few more details.


    As previously mentioned, this is the first version of our character transfer process, and it is mostly conducted manually. This means that the process will take a little while. We're proceeding carefully, monitoring the process as we transfer batches of characters. We're transferring people based on when they initially signed up for character transfer (after the page went live on April 17th), which means if you filled out the form early, the chances are you'll get transferred a little earlier, too. Please don't ask for an estimation on when you'll be transferred; as we stated at the beginning of the process, it'll take up to a week for all transfers to complete (but we're hoping less than that).


    The transfer process has to occur when the servers are online, and we're doing it during office hours here in Austin. That translates to very late at night/early mornings for Australia and New Zealand (apologies to other timezones, they're the two I know sort-of-off-hand!). Here's what happens from your perspective as a player:


    - If you are in-game when the transfer process starts for your character(s) then you will be disconnected from the server. You will receive an error message that's tagged as 'Error Code 6'. If this happens, it's time to take a break from the game for a while!


    - If you are not in-game, you may attempt to login and find you are unable to.


    - In either case, you will not be able to login to the characters you are transferring while the transfer is taking place, or create new characters on that origin server. You can create or play characters on other servers if you wish.


    - The transfer process can take up to three hours, but should generally take less.


    - After your transfer is complete, you will log back into the game and should find that your transferred characters are no longer listed on your character select screen. That's a good sign! You should then back out of character select and go back to server selection.


    - At the bottom of the server selection screen, click the Asia Pacific tab. Select the server or servers you elected to transfer characters to; you should find them waiting for you.


    - As described in my previous post, you may need to rename your characters. Please refer to that post for (hopefully) all the info you need.


    - If you are still unable to login and find your transferred characters over three hours after the process intiated as described above, please contact Customer Service for assistance.


    That's it! If you still have questions, please feel free to post them in this thread. I'd also ask you to review the existing FAQ as well as my previous post about renaming characters.

  8. Thats exactly the problem. 3D space combat is very hard to master. You need good spatial imagination and reflexes. Also, in games like X-wing or decent feespace you had to memorize more than 30 key bindings which took days and weeks to master. Even harder with "real" physics like you said (like in I-war for example).


    So its completely different from the rest of the game.


    Mmm, very few spaceflight sims actually use proper physics, although I love games that do. :)


    There's also the question of how well the engine which they chose would handle free-flight space and physics.




    It is, but think how many run around with a sword/lightsaber MMORPGs there are.


    Then think about how many 3D space environment MMORPGs there are.


    The first is much more overcrowded than the latter.




    Plus when you factor in Star Wars, you're hitting a demographic that is bound to be more interested in space than most other demograhics.

    You don't really see, hear or expect "space" as a Tolkien fan, but you rather do as a Star Wars one.


    It's not a question of how many people would play a SW spaceflight sim, it's a case of how many would pay monthly to do so. Of course some people will want to do both the MMORPG aspects and the space aspects. But the pool of players which you are aiming for has to be willing to pay MMO fees, otherwise they won't be interested anyway.

  9. ATM,do we need legacy system or character trasnfer?


    Moot point, we have one and the other is being worked on.


    They are not ignoring it, they are actively working on it, as shown by the fact that they are using a prototype system to move oceanic players to their new servers.




    You can't complain about the game being rushed out without a feature then demand a feature is rushed too...


    Well you can, but you look foolish doing so. :)

  10. I am an architect. When you design something, you should look to the examples that made before. You know why?. Because, if there is a problem or a good thing in previous example, you can see it and you start to design your building with these parameters. But i dont believe that bioware didnt look wow. This is the q. If they didnt look. They are big amateurs.


    And in your world no buildings are ever modified after the architect finishes his blueprints, right?


    No changes, no repairs, just built and left.


    Adding a garage or converting a loft just doesn't happen!

  11. what kind of a future? 1-2 month? or 1-2 year? Future word is a big lie. They see us like aggresive dogs, and they want to control us. Thats it.


    How about you make your own MMO with not only every feature currently known but every feature anyone could possibly say "this should have been in at launch" to?


    Or you could be realitic and accept that it takes time to develop a system that will transfer your characters, their inventories, their titles, their achievements, their storages, their talent trees, etc?

  12. DR, apart from the "its all about story" line. Well if we are looking at this as a story first game, and many here have said you cant have endless supplies of story, then why is it an MMO?? Why am i paying to replay content?? Unless they focus on other aspects to give us justification for the monthly sub.

    Endgame is the life blood, because in a year or two once you've played the stories through your goin to realise exactly why this isnt an MMO. Thats where bioware has shot themselves in the foot with this, lifespan.


    Which MMOs have endless new end-game content?

  13. so when that server is so full that nobody can do anything in the game, then what?


    You seem to be under the false delusion that there is only one server with a decent population.


    Once again, I advise you to actually look at the server list (during peak time for your timezone) instead of making nthese assumptions.

  14. So everyone should play on fatman then?> ? ROFL


    That sure will fix this games problems!!


    Everyone should look at the server list and decide which server is best for them until/unless Bioware offer server merges or character transfers.


    Short of removing players ability to select a server and automatically placing them on the one with the lowest pop or worst faction imbalance, I fail to see how else to deal with this.

  15. Everything is "niche", how many people of the worlds population play MMORPGs to start with.


    I'd say a decent space expansion would be similarly "niche" to a basic run around with sword/lightsabers ground MMORPG.


    I think it's debatable how many people would pay monthly for a (space)flight sim, as opposed to how many would pay monthly got an MMORPG.




    I should clarify, I'm certainly not against the addition of better space combat, but I'm not sure it's the best use of dev time currently.

  16. How is it available to those with the collector's edition?


    I actually have that, but I still don't know how to get it?


    Is it in the VIP lounge? If that's the case, everyone has access to it, you just have to pay a lot to get in there.


    Presumably it's on the CE vendor, not the VIP one?

  17. Roleplaying is killing the game, sorry to say it.


    The majority of the players dont roleplay, and have no drive to roleplay.

    The more this game goes towards role playing the worse off it'll be.


    I don't want to make one of my own characters my own father, its dumb.


    Please explain to me how the option of setting up a family tree has ruined the game for anyone?

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