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Everything posted by CrispenGray

  1. Zeltrons would be pretty awesome, and I would assume they would not require nearly the work that Cathar did. It's just humans with different skin color and hair color. Give them some sort of social ability, and bam, done. I'd also love Wroonians, but people might get them confused with the Chiss.
  2. The Gree were created for the Star Wars expanded universe before the Rakata by several years. The Gree first appeared in West End's "Star Wars Adventure Journal 8", published November, 1995. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gree_(species) The Rakata first appeared in KotOR, released in July, 2003 -- over 7 1/2 years later. You may not have been aware of the Gree, and that's fine, because they were pretty obscure. But frankly, I love the weird little cephalopods. I love the fact that SWtOR is mining some of the more obscure corners of the established Star Wars lore and tying it into the game. That's fantastic. And when I first saw the Gree referenced on Coruscant when the game launched, I was thrilled. As for the Gree "taking over" -- they have a questline on Coruscant for one faction, a repeating Event, a warzone, and an Operation. The Rakata have a questline on Tatooine for both factions, an entire planet, a separate daily area (what do you think the Dread Masters were going for on Section X? Forgotten Rakatan technology), and an Operation. The Rakatan species may not be extinct, but their civilization is over and done with. The Gree civilization is still going, and will continue into the movie-era. Not to say that I wouldn't mind more stuff with the Rakata, because I love them too. But to imply the Gree are brand-new is not true.
  3. Tchuukthai are pretty awesome -- though they're also a sentient species, too. Still, it'd be interesting, definitely.
  4. Mounts come from nowhere, vanish to nowhere, are capped at 27 mph, never need to be refueled, the living mounts never tire or eat or excrete -- and your problem is, "A Bantha looks like it should be slow, so I can't accept it as a mount, because that wouldn't be 'realistic'?" There's a certain level of suspension of disbelief you've got to have when you're playing the game, and filling in the blanks with your imagination. I fail to see how "the bantha looks like it ought to be slow" as an excuse for why they can't have them as a balanced mount in the game. It's one of the two animal mounts from the original movie. I'd love to see a bantha mount; they're iconic parts of the Star Wars universe as beasts of burden, and hey, my character dressed in Tusken Raider gear could use it.
  5. Never mistake size for slowness. Elephants can run up to 25 mph, or 40 kph, and banthas were played by elephants in costume in the original Star Wars. Someone has calculated that the 110% speeders are roughly 27.3 mph, which is barely faster than an elephant's charge.
  6. I think requiring, say, max level, AND the achievement for having picked up all the datacrons, and perhaps even a Legacy-level requirement (even 40 or 50) would be a decent compromise. It wouldn't unbalance anything, it would be achievable with work, but would still let players skip those datacrons they really, truly loathe. But by having the achievement for having picked up all datacrons (even those faction-specific) proves that you CAN get all of them -- you just want a shortcut because it's simply not enjoyable to you. That should address the concerns of those who think Legacy-wide datacrons would make the game too easy, while still allowing those who hate the hunt to gain the benefits once they've put in some level of effort into it. A fair compromise, I think.
  7. It would be nice. I was rather surprised that there are no simple swords in SWtOR. They're either massive and ornate ala the Cathar Honor sword or they look like practice weapons. This isn't to complain about those weapons -- I love the Cathar Honor sword, and the new blade from the new daily area's rep vendor -- but it'd be nice to have something simple, elegant, and straightforward for a non-lightsaber blade, definitely.
  8. Giving this a little more thought... from the expanded universe, the Cracian Thumper might be kinda cool: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cracian_thumper It's supposed to be a relatively common beast of burden in parts of the galaxy, it first appeared in the original tabletop RPG, and it's appeared in a few of the novels, though never in the movies.
  9. They sort of do. Dress up your character as a sand-person (three sets to pick from: social Tatooine gear; the Cartel set; the set from the Chevin event if you were around then). Run around and grunt at people as you attack them. Done! Really, all that's missing is a proper bantha mount...
  10. Banthas, banthas, banthas. Dewbacks, too, but mostly banthas. Akk dogs and/or nexu or some other feline warcat-type creature could also be pretty cool.
  11. I suspect the OP is annoyed that the community was told that SGR companions were "on the way", but now we have a new companion that does not relate to that, and there is no further news currently. I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed we're not seeing that yet, either. I'm a straight male, but that doesn't mean all my characters are, and I enjoy a good love story mixed in to my RP here and there. I was actually hoping for Cytharat and Doctor Avesta to be the next companions, honestly. Treek looks fun, and I'm definitely picking her up, but I'm sad that those waiting for SGR companions are waiting a bit longer.
  12. Characters introduced on Makeb: Lord Cytharat (Imp-side) and Doctor Avesta (Pub-side), as companions. I'd also love to see further conversations with existing companions, absolutely.
  13. You can get a GTN and a mailbox on your ship already. But the OP is right -- being able to get a mod station on the ship would be wonderful.
  14. No, it never becomes unbound. But when you unlock the set, you can draw out extra copies of it for free to other characters in your legacy. Those extra copies are also bound, so you can't sell them, of course, but you can get as many copies as you want anywhere on your Legacy.
  15. I love Revan as she was originally intended -- as a woman. I actually find the plotline around male Revan less interesting. Sure, yeah, Leland Che at Lucasfilm eventually declared the "canonical" Revan to be male, fine, whatever. (And they messed up the Exile by making him female, too -- far more interesting as a male character there.) George Lucas also has insisted Greedo shot first. I don't have to necessarily accept either in my own head-canon. So, yeah, I lost interest in the fan film the moment they said they were doing Male Revan.
  16. I'm not sure, but I'd love for it to be fixed -- it's the last thing I need for the Beastmaster title. I've even got the Sand Demon and the Mutated Colicoid entries -- which were pains to get, but technically possible. Loremaster still needs a few planets, sadly.
  17. I wouldn't mind other Event-based gear to be like that. The Sand Person gear or bowcasters from the Grand Acquisition Hunt, the Rakling pets... all that stuff would be really awesome.
  18. As a general rule, if it's by Tim Zahn, it's worth reading. The Rogue Squadron is also good. Beyond that, it can be hit and miss -- some stuff I personally love, some stuff I hate, and a lot of forgettable stuff. The New Jedi Order series is extremely controversial. Some people love it. Some people -- like myself -- loathe it. I haven't met many people who are indifferent towards it. As far as comics/graphic novels, I strongly recommend the "Knights of the Old Republic" comic series and the "Dark Times" comic series. Also, the Rogue Squadron comics, which tied into the novels, too.
  19. I loved the old Star Forge robes. I'd love to see something similar show up.
  20. Cytharat and Lemda? Yes, please! I love BOTH these characters, and they'd be great additions to all my crews.
  21. I've picked up codes for a friend of mine in the UK. Best Buy and Gamestop both worked without a problem. WalMart had an issue, though.
  22. It's been suggested before, but I'd love to see holocrons as "rest" items (like the Life Day Orb, the Remote Control Starship, the Kolto Tank, and the Carbon Freeze Chamber). You could have both a Jedi holocron (more cube-shaped), and a Sith holocron (a pyramid)... holding it out in front of you and meditating with it to recover energy and HP.
  23. I generally don't like PvP. Therefore, I don't play a lot of PvP. Simple as that. I'd love better load times, but it wouldn't affect my PvPing. And plenty of my guildies who do enjoy the occasional PvP match queue up without complaint while questing. I know, right? Now if only more people on the boards could spell "Wookiee" correctly...
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