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Everything posted by Aberd

  1. They weren't when I posted. Also, Eric needs to update the information on their page.
  2. Where are the new GRAVEYARD DECORATIONS: NEW DIRECT SALE mentioned here? I really like the look of the Large Ancient Burial Ground, Ancestral Graveyard, Rising Corpse Grave, and Uncovered Grave. Really looking forward to putting them in my Sith Academy on Yavin 4 (SH).
  3. Here's a thought, buy the Iokath Recombinators, then sell right back to the vendor for a tidy little profit. You make a couple million doing this with 3,000 Command Tokens. Best yet, not a glitch or bug, perfectly legal to do.
  4. Not bugged, it is BROKEN. With KOTET they revised who could be romanced and broke it good. There is currently no intention that I am aware of for them to ever go back and try to fix.
  5. A different way of decorating without using hooks isn't going to happen, would take too much time and effort on the part of BW and I'm pretty sure they don't have the time or manpower to do it. I agree they need more options on how the hooks can be configured, especially the centerpiece and starship size hooks. As for being universal, I don't think this is necessary, rather BW needs to review and revise what size hooks decorations fit on. There are too many that simply don't fit on their designated hook size. Some are too big, other too small, some that could fit multiple size hooks are limited to just one. BW needs to also do a better job of QA on hook placement and decoration design with regards to how the decorations fit on the hooks. Movable hooks is, IMHO, beyond the programming abilities of the developers at BW, so that is not going to happen. What would be nice is the offset amount decorations are moved. For medium and smaller hooks, I think what is in place works for the most part. However, for Large and bigger hooks, the offset needs to be increased; either allow offsetting more than 20 units or adjust the offset unit to be a percentage of the hook's size. The ability to scale decorations would also be a great benefit and give us decorators more options. The scaling wouldn't have to be near infinite as I've seen in another game, but allow us to go from 25% to 200% would give us so many more options. As for selecting hooks under decorations, move your camera to view the hook/decoration from a different option. The only place I've run into this problem is with Cargo holds on small hooks on Large Hooks, my solution is to select the Large hook, and change the hook layout which automatically removes decorations on that hook only, no the entire SH. I've only run into the problem you mention and it not be a large hook with smalls. Eventually and I couldn't tell you why or how, but I did eventually get those decorations changed without resetting my entire Yavin SH.
  6. When taking the Sky Deck Speeder from the far side of the PvP area (North side on map) back to the starting side (south side), the speeder has been dropping me off inside the carrier at the elevator where you enter the carrier from the Hideout.
  7. Excellent suggestions. Was just messing around with a couple of guildies and we were thinking the same thing.
  8. Time to give this a bump and add an issue I have with a number of the hooks. Hooks on round platforms are NOT centered. The round platform to the east of where you come in is not even close to being centered to the point that placing a maximum number of decorations on the large and small hooks is impossible and still keep it looking good. Photo Photo With the increased number of slots to fill, we need to use every available hook to get to 100% complete. Even if the hooks don't get a complete revamp (which is needed), the least they could do is relocate the existing hooks to be aligned with surrounding elements. Can we at least get another row of hooks on the outside of the fountains to mirror those on the inner side.
  9. Factoring in the sizes of some of the planets and number of planets, this is not going to happen. There are really only a handful of planets that flying mounts would even be useful. Alderaan, Hoth, Tatooine and maybe Voss. Planets that may be big enough, but wouldn't really work are Nar Shadaa, Corellia, Taris(?). With the ability to get Quick Travel CD down to 0 min, most everywhere on a planet you want to go is within an easy ride of a QT point. Edit: Now if you rally want to make areas more accessible or quicker to get to, reduce the cost of the Speeder Piloting IV and V skill by 75%+. 600k and 1.2M respectively per toon is more than most people are willing to spend despite the current flow of credits. If they were global unlocks, that would be much more doable.
  10. Unlike ALL other windows, the Combat Proficiencies window does NOT close when hitting the ESC key. Seriously, how hard is it to fix this?
  11. So for the fun it, took it upon myself to try to learn Aurebesh so I could read signs and such. Such hilarity all over the place, especially the HK meatbag poster. lol Then I get to Iokath and .... well ... apparently BW doesn't know which direction is North on a map. I have yet to read a map (real or otherwise) in which North is not up or the top of the page, (building plans don't count, and even there you have a "plan north" which is always the top of the page). At Alliance Base on Iokath, if one takes the time to read the holosigns to exit the area to the Imp/pub bases or the Fleet Spire, North is apparently the left hand side of the map with East on top and South to the right. How about fixing the signage to be consistent with world accepted norms.
  12. It's called BW logic and it makes government logic look good.
  13. Hell YEA! this needs to be done. Along with fixing all the other stuff the screwed up when they gave conquest an overhaul. Conquest was much more fun before they this **** show.
  14. Aberd


    What is API for those of us that donot know what that is please. Mods aren't gong to happen. BW has been absolutely adamant since before launch that mods will not be allowed. Don't expect them.
  15. Some of us are completionists and it annoys our sense of order to have a SH at less than 100%. Plus there's the default ranking on the listing boards.
  16. Agreed, having it on more planets would give players more incentive to use the seeker droid and do GSI missions. Something else to help get people doing seeker droid treasure hunting would be adding decorations to the possible loot. Currently the only real loot worth getting is the speeder parts, and there simply doesn't appear to be much interest in getting it. To really get people using their seeker droids, gear tokens! One last thought to get people to do the seeker droid and macrobinocular missions is to make the final missions soloable or doable with just 2. Finding a group is a real challenge, just not enough interest. People have done them once and don't want to do it again.
  17. SSSHHHHH!!!!!! If you want to make your personal conquest objectives on multiple toons or in one day, this is the way to do it at this time.
  18. Here's my list of requested changes: Critical Missions: (Any Planet): Change from Daily Repeatable to Infinitely repeatable. Operation: Take Them Down: Remove this. With the variable difficulty of the various operations there is no incentive to do anything other than EV and KP for this since any other operation is too difficult for the casual player for the rewards. Instead break it up into multiple objectives with specific operations the objective. To motivate players to do all bosses in an operation, make the objective per boss and Infinitely Repeatable. This will make longer operations such as Scum and Villainy more appealing. Also increase the points rewarded for the more difficult Operations such as TOS, Ravagers, and Gods of the Machine. War Supplies: Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Infantry Supply Kits: Add the construction of these to list of objectives. For Non-crafting week, objective should be one per character per day. For crafting week, infinitely repeatable. Reduce the material requirements to make these. Preferably return to pre 5.8 schematics. If this is unacceptable, then reduce the number of Attachments, Grafts, etc to an equal number of each. Also for Supplies requiring Grade 3,5, 7 components, remove the Grade 8 component requirement; Sim for Grades 2,4,6, remove the Grade 9 component requirement. Return planetary bonuses. If a guild is going for Tatooine for example, increase Tatooine Rampage rewards by 25-50%. More Planets! With just three planets the three/four largest guilds are the only guilds capable of competing and winning the planets. Get rid of the Small/Medium/Large Yield planetary rewards and make amount of rewards based on conquest points earned. I.E. this week's planets are Tatooine, Rishi and Section X. Fix such that guilds making between 200,000 and 549,999 get the Small rewards; 550,000 to 1,129,999 get medium level of rewards, 1,130,000 to 4,999,999 get Large level rewards, 5,000,000+ get more rewards (Large Box of Grade 10 Augment Components a given rewards instead of choice, and 2x Flagship Plans)
  19. Well, maybe because there are already numerous threads on what could be changed, really no point in starting new. BW, despite repeatedly saying they will listen to the community, has completely ignored the community's suggestions and done jack to improve conquest.
  20. I agree, far from "a cave". It is, IMO the best looking SH currently available. If you need decorating ideas check out mine on Jedi Covenant server, Isanía's Sith Academy. I hear the new Rishi SH is gong to have PvP areas, I would love to have such functionality in my Yavin, would make the academy much more realistic.
  21. With respect, I think it died off because the devs were ignoring it. they requests and changes in it have yet to be implemented despite the devs constantly saying "We're listening and will consider your requests." Months later, we see how well they listened. In one ear out the other. It's no wonder the community is absolutely f'n pissed off at them.
  22. I am okay with this bug and other objectives being reset by gong to a SH until BW fixes the other things they F'd up in conquest with Patch 5.8. This is currently the only means by which small and medium sized guilds have a chance of trying to compete with the larger guilds. And maybe get the bigger rewards.
  23. I don't know if this is a bug per se, but because the game is not treating all items equally, it looks like a bug to me. While most items autostack when placing into Legacy Stronghold Storage (LSS), select items do NOT. If I attempt to move these items and place directly on an existing stack I get an error: Both items have a different bind timer and cannot be merged. This does not make sense; when testing this I remove a potion of a stack into my inventory, then attempt to restack in LSS I get this error message. Note: there is NO issue when placing these items in the normal Cargo Hold. I have not tested these items with Guild Cargo Bay. Problem items are: Jawa Junk, all grades Gray Helix Component Unassembled Component Golden Certificate Rakghoul DNA Canister Legqacy Supply Crates, all 4 types Eternal Championship Trophy There may be other items I do not know about, but as of 7/14/2018, these do not autostack/merge. On a side note, it would be most convenient when placing stackable items into LSS autostack with the same item regardless of the Bay the LSS stack is in. For example I keep crafting mats such as metals, crystals, biochemical components in different bays of LSS for organization purposes. It would be nice if, when unloading my Inventory to stay one Bay 1 of LSS and have the items autostack with items in Bays 2, 3, & 4 without having to change Bays.
  24. What a wonderful idea. Please BW.
  25. They've lost a lot of subscriptions by not fixing the old bugs. Just imagine how many players would return if they fixed bugs and did other things the community wanted (like fixing conquest to have more objectives setup the way they were pre-5.8) Look at Rakghoul event which is gong on now. The tunnels still work as they did before which causes problems when players of various levels try to group. Community has been wanting BW to fix the tunnels to work more like the planets for some time now. But have they? NO Will they? NO
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