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Everything posted by Aberd

  1. Thanks for the info on the fight. Sadly it is one of those fights where the strategy isn't "obviously" apparent. Add to that, people still learning to tank/dps/heal, don't have their full compliment of tanking, damage and healing abilities, and there is no HM version of the FP so people will be lucky if they do it more than 3-4 times per character.
  2. What I read in the blog. "Blah blah blah blah, new content, new FP's, gear etc. blah blah blah." How about fixing the current content to the point where it is enjoyable to play first. And while you're at it Jeff, how about adding SERVICES the community has been asking for since release in December 2011. i.e. Character Transfers. But who am I kidding, Jeff isn't going to read this.
  3. Max() is a spreadsheet function that outputs the maximum value in a list. In this case the list is only 2 items long. For example you have a level 12 toon, max(level,20) will output 20. Versus a level 33 toon, max(level,20) will output 33.
  4. I really like your post here Archilius, you obviously put some thought into it. However, I don't buy into your last argument that BW is big and doesn't have the time to make this fix. As you stated early in your post, the coding is not the hard part and wouldn't take too terribly long. Given what was done with previous merger, I do not doubt this. What irks me is the apparent time and effort BW is putting into new content, especially the cartel market. BW appears more interested in generating new color palettes for existing gear models than in fixing bugs and getting much needed services such as Character Transfers into the game.
  5. All of them that have the service. Even the first round of transfers here where basically instant (not that we had a choice on where we could go). There is usually a disclaimer saying to give them an hour, but experience has been just a couple minutes.
  6. We, the players have been asking, no begging for this for months and still BW's response is "It is coming in the future." So we know there are plans, we know it can be done, yet no-one can figure out the mind of BW and why this hasn't been done yet. Keep posting the need for it and eventually (hopefullly sooner rather than later) we get this badly needed service.
  7. So BW, the whole resetting the instance, and having to fight back thru.. BS, just plain Bull *****.
  8. Other options would include adding the drop to other mobs in the area and increase the drop rate.
  9. Needing for a companion without first asking is generally considered Ninjaing. Especially when using GF. If you don't at least ask or let the other know your intent, no one knows if you you are needing for a companion, off spec or to put on the GTN for extra money. Personnally, I'm not keen on people needing on such item, even if they ask. More often than not I have already greeded and there is a chance I could use for a companion as well. Or would like the oportunity to put on GTN. So in my book, if you are aksing, you are a polite ninja. To not ask at all is a good way to get kicked from a group and from guilds. We are ALL playing to win. I would personally like to see the Need button fixed such that if you, not a companion, CANNOT use a particular item, then the Need button is not available. WoW eventually wisened up and impletented this feature, not sure if other MMO's have done so, but it was a very popular feature and greatly reduced the ability for people to ninja items they can't use only to put on the auction house. And when it comes to materials, get rid of the need button entirely. You needing on it robs me of the oportunity to make credits on it. On a side note, with F2P out, I do tend to be a bit more lenient while running low level FPs such as BT, Essseles, Hammer Station or Athis, but have given people warnings and guidance on these unwritten rules. And yes, I have as a tank or healer stopped running a FP to kick someone for this kind of behavior.
  10. The point of having the nightmare option would be to make the falshpoints more interesting. Although I do also agree they are somewhat boring having run them 100 times each. A simple solution would be to add HM (and NiM) versions of FP's that currently do not have these options. I.e. Hammer Station, Athis, CWG, Cademimu etc. Also, few, if any, groups do the bonus bosses. I for one do not because the rewards do not match the effort of the fight. It would be great if the bonus bosses dropped Columi gear in SM, and Rakata in HM. A couple BH comms would also be a great incentive to get groups doing the bonus bosses. I know I would do them if the loot was worth it.
  11. I'm in a similar position as OP. Moving characters to the server I have the most 50's on would be counter productive for me. I have my reasons from playing on server with only 1 lvl 50 and not on the one with 3 level 50\s.
  12. I would be willing to pay a nominal fee. Fans have been asking for this for some time, it's time for BW to get in one way or another.
  13. I am still waiting for the opportunity to move to a server of my choice. For me it is less about being with friends and more to do with raid times. A few months back I moved from the US west coast to the east coast. As a result my availabilty for raiding changed significantly. Now I fin it hard to find a guild that raids at a good time for me. It would be nice to move my existing toons to an east coast server where the guilds raid at a good time for me. As is, I have started a few new toons on an east coast server, but with all the time and effort I've put into the toons on the west coast server, I have taken a big step backwards with zero (0) legacy perks. Please implement character transfers ASAP. I am even willing to pay a reasonable fee to move my toons. Thanks.
  14. I recently unlocked 2 new space missions, Sullust Interception and Polith Minefield (Empire missions). The description for Sullust Interception states that it will be difficult without Grade 3 upgrades or better (Same as several other missions including Mugaar Icefield). However, I have found it impossible without Grade 4 upgrades in all slots. Still, I have to get my ship doing acrobatics on the screen at certain points to survive. To date I have attempted the mission 6-7 times and only successfully completed it twice. I have several guildies who tell me they have maxed out their ship upgrades and still cannot complete it. Please BW tell us this is not as it is intended. For those wanting to know what I am doing to complete this mission. First, as mentioned, at least Grade 4 upgrades, plus power convertor and the Electronic Warfare Pod (EWP). The first part of the mission is about survival, using missles to take out fighters and keeping your shields up. Where I usually get owned is after the first Destroyer pass and that first big wave of fighters that come at you head on. Save EWP for this point, wait till you see the heavy Jedi Fighter to pop it, put power converter to your weapons, and throw everything you have at that heavy fighter (it hits like a truck). Pound that thing with about 6-8 missles and don't let off you lasers going after everything in sight. Meanwhile, get your ship to do some acrobatics (no joke), keep hitting space bar to do barrell rolls. I haven't conted but at about 1 roll per second, I probably do 20-30 rolls. And I'm going from one side of the screen to the other and back. (I would get sick if actually on my ship.) Doing all this, I will still come away with 25-35% ship health. If anyone knows an easier way to survive this mission, please let me and the rest of us know. Otherwise, we'll just have to wait for BW to nerf it. My suggestions to make it doable and still keep it a challenge and fun, reduce the fire power of the fighters 30%. Also, introduce the heavy fighter earlier, much earlier (I mentioned the Mugaar Icefield). While I'm at it, on the Mine field mission, we only get 1 1/2 good passes at the mine layer before we jump to hyperspace?!? This wouldn't be so bad if, with Grade 4 upgrades, it didn't take 3 or 4 missles and power converter set to weapons to take out each of the required parts.
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