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Everything posted by demotivator

  1. Why do you decide if I have the right to get something or not? For the record, I do not join such groups, I am not your slave.
  2. How about you stop looking and actually start acting? It is still broken half the time. And it's not like I don't know the location, I have done it on 7 characters but I'm just stuck with this quest today, even switching instance.
  3. And why should I work for you as well to help you get it? If you don't have the manpower to kill Dreadtooth with your guild and you need extra hands, why aren't they allowed a shot at it too? Or are you saying that these pugs (it's funny when 2 persons LF6M+ call the other pugs) are only there to get your shiny. Finally, no more "LFM Dreadtooth, mask reserved".
  4. Granted it was at lvl 70, vet was the only harder mode back then, so I can't tell how it is balanced at lvl 75. I have only run KOTFE in MM, I started KOTET but lost interest. I've cleared everything solo until there on my scoundrel heals but hit a wall on Chapter 1 right off the bat, I might try with a DPS now that I have geared a few. Anyway back to the GenoHaradan Leader fight, having a 1 minute CC will help a lot in vet and MM, so I'd advice to switch to a class with access to one. Place the Leader in focus target so you can track the abilities that he is using: - Ultimate Shot, 16s channel (has a distinctive sound), it's a one shot, interrupt it - Hail of Bolts, this one hurts, pop a DCD if need be, it is best not to stand right next to your comp so that only you is hit by the AOE (notice how I killed Acina at the end by moving stupidly in a direction where she was hit as well) - Fire Mine, put Acina in passive, keep moving, be ready for his Grapple - Missile Salvo targets a pretty much small area, just move away - Aimed Shot and Grapple, just deal with these CC one of the 2 Hunter adds, focus the other one with Acina, they have less HP than the Leader so will die faster, keep an eye on Ultimate Shot. Once the first Hunter is dead, focus the Leader and move to the 2nd Hunter when it awakes (or if you have a 1 min. CC, just use this). Once it is dead, unleash everything you have on the Leader. I play heal like 95% of the time, so I always have my comps as DPS (I only switch to tank for the single bladed Paladins in vet SF, these guys hit like a truck). If you play DPS, it's probably best to have Acina as heals unless you can have your owns and you can melt this trio fast. Pull numbers to be the one with agro, you better control the fight that way, moving away from an AOE targetting you is a better choice than putting your comp in passive to avoid the AOE. One thing is sure: don't use a tank in these modes, the damage is too high and you'd have to constantly heal them anyway, while the bosses don't die.
  5. If this is not an oversight, it clearly shows they have no understanding of how their classes work. Just an example, try to do the GenoHaradan Leader fight in Chapter II: Run for the Shadows, in vet or master. The only way I survived this was CCing one of the 2 hunter adds (the Leader is immune). My point is that sleep is part of survivability of the class. Remove this and your class is now gimped.
  6. The end of the year expansions/updates have been a constant issue, with the team understandably going for holidays for weeks. I don't understand why they can't delay them to spring. For the record, the game was released in December 2011 but they had a team on deck to respond to the launch issues (clearly it is suicidal to launch an MMO with your devs on vacation, why can't the same logic be applied to updates?). The first expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, was released in April 2013: that's how you do things. Then the hellish spiral started, Shadow of Revan launched in December 2014 and all the subsequent expansions/updates followed the same pattern. TL;DR Don't release a major update when your team is gone for the Holiday season.
  7. The crates are for the bonus. It's just a nice hidden location with a bunch of crates.
  8. If these are facts, that design is stupid as hell. There's a simple way to ensure that the same Calendar doesn't show up twice in a row... Rotate! A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C ...
  9. I am pretty sure that the Calendar that just ended was "United Efforts". So I am taking a look at my achievements, I have completed "Aggressive Negotiations" 3 times on May 26, completed "Strength in Allies" 3 times on June 23 (which is also the new calendar that just started) but never hit 3 times on "United Efforts" so I guess it was only our second one? If that's so why are they not alternating? Why didn't we hit 3 "United Efforts" in July?
  10. What the hell is this crap?! Working on the weekly Star Fortress running 6x SM since SM is actually more interesting than heroic (faster, easier and you get 4 decos per run instead of 3 in heroic, because devs logic). Just as I picked my 6th mission the "door" is orange instead of purple, can't get in because apparently I have hit my maximum of phase resets. How is completing a "flashpoint" (since SF are considered flashpoints) equivalent to resetting a phase?! If I haven't right click on my portrait to reset, I HAVEN'T RESET IT.
  11. Considering I stopped queueing for GSF, warzones and vet flashpoints the second I hit lvl 100, I'd say it certainly didn't work for me.
  12. I believe this is a limitation of the game where dynamic visual changes don't appear in cutscenes (as well as character selection screen). The Infamous Bounty Hunter helmet has exactly the same issue: the reticle doesn't appear in cutscenes neither on character selection.
  13. As a matter of fact you don't even need to move your character, just moving the camera makes you active for the game.
  14. Any update on this issue? I have contacted CS about it but they can't help with removing the decoration and I certainly will not take chances in resetting the room (which anyway already counts a very high amount of decos, it is the entrance area of Manaan) only to find the whole stronghold reset as it has already happened. The Floor Medium Narrow hook can no longer be accessed once you use an Enclave Brass Three-Way Column (same issue with Gold version) because this hook is smaller than the base of the decos. The other columns dropping from the flashpoint have a smaller base thus don't have this issue. Can you reduce the base of the decoration to match the other columns or restrict this deco to Floor Medium and Floor Large hooks?
  15. Honestly I think that the Black/Color crystals are quite ugly and the Black/Yellow one certainly wasn't the reason why I pre-ordered the CE. I must have used it for like a few days at launch and I couldn't care less if it was available to everyone.
  16. It's really GSF. My audio went off a few seconds in and went back as soon as I exited the match.
  17. The good ol' days of fighting Vitiate and making it alive!
  18. "Activity Finder: Pinnacle" conquest objective is for completing 10 random flashpoints, uprisings, warzones or operations with the Activity Finder. But the flashpoint Secrets of the Enclave doesn't count toward it. I am only queueing for random, had 3 of these this week and they never counted. Also probably related, its story mode from Activity Finder doesn't teleport you in the instance. I am currently farming this mode for the achievements and I need to travel to Odessen to get in.
  19. How is gearing complex? You have only a handful of stats not hard to prioritize and your gear is handed to you on a plate doing any kind of content. And if you want to make sure you are not making mistakes, you have plenty of guides to help you. Which class design is hard? You only have to READ the skill tooltips to figure which ones synergize together. There is nothing hard in figuring a basic rotation, guides all over the web will help you refine one. What "extreme difficulty of associated content" (extreme?!) are you talking about? I am still taking characters through the last bits of story content. While I still have no clue what the hell is happening in the Valkorion part of the Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae boss fight, despite 8 toons that went through it, it is simply impossible to die unless you decide to /stuck in combat. That's how far the game is holding your hand. If we are talking Master modes, the least that people could do is be up front with their lack of knowledge... I can't count how many times I have seen people being knocked off the platform in Lost Island only to ask why they died.
  20. And your point is? If you have 1M of Prestige available to you and you fill your whole stronghold with Basic Chairs and Basic Junker Lights and only these, you will hit 1M Prestige. Yet your stronghold looks like utter crap. Reason why we are saying that Prestige is actually meaningless.
  21. There's no difference between decorations. An unlock will be worth 100 Prestige no matter if it is a gold CM deco or a basic couch you bought off a vendor. Then it is 2 Prestige for each use of the same deco. The thing is that server merges were supposed to take your higher amount of Prestige but instead added them. You had 999 copies of one decos on one server, 999 on another, you ended with 1998. Prestige already didn't mean much back in the days (you could have a bunch of a decos, hence high prestige, drop 600 couches in your SH and there you hit max Prestige... yet your SH looks like crap) but it is utterly meaningless today.
  22. On the other hand if people were willing to group... I can't count how many times I have had people rejecting invitations and still trying their best to get the first hit on mobs.
  23. What stories are you talking about? Niko's "story" is preparing a drink at a cantina, recruiting Ranos is chatting with her for a couple of minutes, etc.. And then you never hear of them ever again. Niko might have been in a trailer before release, as a player you never experienced anything with him. The only companion that kinda has a story is Shae but she was an existing character at the time they allowed her to join you as a companion. Yet not only her recruitment is a 30 second chat, having her as a companion or not changes nothing story-wise.
  24. Have noticed the same thing for quite some time now, lightsabers at her belt but lit up.
  25. Haven't noticed any difference. A decent group should have no issue with the fixed Veteran's Edge.
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