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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. Having over 6 million copies sold when this game came out and only having around 500k subs scares me.


    F2P doesn't bring in as much money compared to subs, even with the Cartel market.


    Anyone else fear for the future of the game?


    First off they never sold 6 million copies. it was a little over 3 million. If EA is staing 6 million its 3 million more downloads from F2p. Secondly the future of this game is its cartel market it simply wont get quality content updates unless they nickel and dime you to death at the CC market with DLC. Im disappointed in this very bleak big buisness devolpment of MMO's the new thing is kick starter some of these uber talented devs that were the actuall brains behind the MMO genre have broken away from big publishers and are making their own games .

  2. I keep hearing about new features being added like a new race and a barbershop, but they are not included in my subscription? My $15 a month is paying for you to develop these new fun features, so they should be included. It really makes me feel ripped off because $15 a month is a lot more than $0 a month. The cartel market should purely be for things that you haven't been developing to add to the game. The cartel market should be for only free to play people to have to use. My $15 a month should include any new races because we are paying you to develop them. So I don't get why you are nickle and diming us when we are paying you $15 a month. I could understand if our subscription was $5 a month, but it is $15 and my $15 a month includes any new races and any simple barbershop features in World of Warcraft. Please consider that we as subscribers are paying you to develop all these new fun things. And if we have to pay extra for fun then why are we paying the big amount of $15 a month?
    your not gonna get anywhere with these folk. Premium use to mean premium, and subscription meant if you dont have one you dont play. Right now EA is grinding every last penny of their customers, its the reason they were awarded the prestigous worst company in america two times over. Though i dont agree they are the worst their are several other comapnies that are border line Satan whorshipers EA is still pretty slimmy.
  3. I think it's fair. I think EA released quite a few top notch games...Bioware adding to that list. I still think it rightfully earned the worst company in America rating though. One of the few companies (Sony is one of the others) that flat out misleads it's customers IMO.


    Sony is not where near as bad in the misleading department. but they are far stupider in the direction they took SOE for the last 5 years.

  4. Same here but I'm reserving judgement until I actually see what sort of games start coming out.


    No one really knows how this is going to affect the Star Wars games franchise at this point but consumer trust and loyalty has to count for something rather than just the quality of the games themselves.


    If EA manage to get this right they could start building that trust again which would be nice to see.


    Time will tell if they bother to do that though or if they just treat this as another cash grab like SimCity with no regard for the consumer.


    Hopefully the New CEO will have more of a connection to his customers. Obviously Ritchtello had zero understanding of his customers wants and needs. He severly underestimated the MMO player base and their expectation for online gaming products. I don hold much hope for TOR being any more then what it is nor do i expect a full blown expansion that enriches and expands the game. But i do think EA will think very deeply if they venture into another AAA MMO and realize you cant make a pure theme park MMO with limiting linear game play. As for a cash grab thats exactly what game companies are doing . Neverwinter is a perfect example of F2P models going way to far ,the price point for that games cash shop is absloute robbery.

    I dont hold much hope for MMOs now, they are no longer a premium service they are carnival that charge you for admission then fleece you for every last cent you brought with you. I do have high hopes for all the Kick starter projects moving the Genre forward in terms of game play and hope to see more independent studios blossom like trion did.

  5. Having played SWG for 5 years and since Beta 2, I can tell you that this sorry lot of spoiled, selfish, self-entitled SWG whiners are some of the most emo people there are with an axe to grind that they will never let go of - if their target of ire ever does go away, they will simply blame-shift to someone else till the day their miserable gaming life ends.


    This was voted on in their heyday as the worst community in all of MMOs, which is saying something when WOW was in full swing.


    And a little hint for you - before they found out Bioware wasn't making SWG with better graphics, they all WANTED SWG to die, because they hated SOE. Now they hate EA, because they needed a new target.


    Its the standard sad M.O. I saw it for 5+ years and nothing you say will change that. They are beyond hope.


    That said - SWG had some innovative systems and an awesome social element...


    But as a Star Wars game is was pure boring crap on a stick unless you liked space, which was the only real long-term redeeming part of the game.


    SOE can make a better MMO then BW EA, with out a doubt. Problem is they tried to corner the market by buying everyone elses Bullcrap niche MMO's to try and corner the market on the niche lol. the MMO community is ready for sand box elements .

  6. I bought multiple copies of SWG, all the expansions and had multiple accounts for years and now the game is shut down. Such is the way of life. Neither SOE or BW owe us anything more for the money we've spent than what is presented to us when we spend the money.


    The business model has changed, as is their right to do by EULA, pining for money the money you spent 16 months ago isn't going to change that. If you don't think having a sub is a value to you then quit. It's really not hard to comprehend.


    Life is too short for me to get all indignant about a company wanting to charge me for things. If I'm not happy about it I don't give them more money. I've never felt nickeled and dimed by Bioware, I'm getting value for the $15 I spend every month. More than I get from spending $15 to eat fast food for lunch or going to see a movie.


    Ya im odne with EA .boycotted every releases since Dragon age 2,aside from TOR . wont buy anymore of their products i odnt appreciate the buisness practices. Customer service is horrendous , and the managment has zero intrest in pleasing them. ************ on the forums does nothing, if your unhappy dont support them bottom line.

  7. Not twisting things? Then accept that this was a small expansion. It raised the level cap and provided about 20 hours new play per faction and that excludes the new Op and the time spent gearing up. For the price its a very good deal.




    To stop people gearing too fast which means that you play for a longer duration which means that new content patches have time to arrive. BW have a very, very good idea of the MMORPG audience. If you want to play more hours then play on alts (you can then send gear to your main and gear that one up quicker).




    And you don't know what the MMORPG audience is like. The days of hardcore raiding and playing 5+ hours are gone. The modern MMORPG audience wants their game delivered in session sized chunk that can be completed in a couple of hours maximum.




    Better luck finding any MMO that caters to a tiny fraction of the market that wants 5+ hour raids etc.




    Most casual players won't hit the cap, many players have multiple alts so even if they do put in a lot of hours they won't hit the cap on all their alts. When people hit the cap there is still other things that they can do. They might even consider helping guildies gear up by running Ops that they are overgeared for.


    I dont think it was a good deal at all . Look at what Rift provided with their expansion its absloutely ridiculous amount of content. it was easily 60 hours of content minus the gear progression

  8. My wife and I were just talking about how this "expansion" would be a "content patch" in any other game. It is way too small to be a expansion.


    This expansion obsoleted more end game content than it added.


    It is about a months worth of content, 2 for casual players, then we are left with no endgame to speak of.


    Absloutely this was supposed to be a free content upgrade according to james Phlen 9 months ago its was their promis to customers actually. He made this statement to try to appease the massive end game exodus after launch. Probably why EA fired him.

  9. Translates: blah blah blah game is a failure blah blah blah Expansion and blah blah could have been better than Wow. I for one think the game is doing much better than it was before.Sure it is still bug ridden and the devs have made bad decisions but I think it is getting back onto the right track. And I also quite enjoyed the new content. But if you are going to critique the game could you perhaps try to be original as these critiques have been done to death.


    Though his delivery was lacking. He is absloutely correct i am a casual player and TOR being driected at the casual market i do remeber the previous genrations of MMO's being able to keep hardcore players striving and still accessible to the casual. Personally i dont even think its about casual VS hardcore anymore. its painfully obvious that Corperation have got their greedy friggin hands in game devolpment .Now consumer is victimzed to gimmicky content, misinformation about content devolpment, outdated concepts like food stamp gear instead unigue items, when they do produce something unique its availble in a gambling system designed to make you pay hundreds of dollars to obtainn it. No offense to anyone disagreeing with this guy but the longer as consumers we allow corperations to take our money with sub par products and stifle talent and innovation, the longer we will playing WOW, 1,2,3,4,5 and so on.

    This game is nothing like it was in closed beta , making Free 2 play players pay 20 dollars for 10 hours of content ? and then milk the living lights out of sub player with the cartel shop making unique items that are not obtainable in game shows no intrest in their customer instrests. It's no wonder EA is doing so poorly

  10. Making credits in SWTOR is very easy and you can do it in many ways. If you can't make 60k, you are very incompetent to play this game.


    Point is you shouldnt be forced to grind repetive dailies that suck horribly when the main part of anything good in this game is HM FP or OPS. the content should be harder not make it harder to actually do the content. This game is azzbackwards in devolpment its a chees way to extend the life of avery shallow end game.

  11. This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


    Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


    Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


    Win - Win

    First off how do we know your not the retarded player. As a tank i am always blown away how fast the group automaticaly blames the tank while the break CC , dont use CC and fail to focus fire any targets. half the time people dont follow you when your leading them through short cuts and expecting tanks to control 8 to 10 mobs on 2 gold 4 silvers and 4 minions. there are several pulls in HM FP's that require CC and just general paying attention to the mobs. Jugg tanks have very little aggro management for multiple mobs and horrible DPS to hold multiple mobs so CC'ing is a must. and if your in an un expierenced group take charge mark targets explain mechanics . Behaving like a Douche and taking peoples loot who need it makes you the newb . though repair costs are a ridiculous money sink thats not the players fault its EAoware and the azz backwards devolpment of this game. you would have never survived in a game like early EQ 2, you would have been run off the server.
  12. Err.... it rains credits in this game, even for casual gamers, and you don't have to do an inordinate amount of dailies.


    A previous poster had it right. If you want to run Ops you have to get up off your butt and prep some creds. It doesn't take much time to earn the creds and if you are in a well organized guild, you have the guild bank repair to back you up.


    Lots of whine and cheese here.


    Its not the fact of making you do something for the credits or the repair costs its the ridiculously stupid content they make you do to grind it. make FP and SM ops drop more money. id prefer a corpse run to the current situation of running dailies over and over to fund raiding . the content on the planets absloutely sucks aside from the class quests and the lvling expierence. its not whine and cheese its the fact your forced to work at K mart every day so you can raid once a week and if your doing SM ops for comms and FP from the group finder your guaranteed exorbident expenses to gear progress. Make the content harder and the repair cost less , the cart is Before the horse here in devolpment .

  13. I pay the monthy fee so I can play the game my way. Part of the definition of "my way" is that I do the dailies maybe once a week for the weekly BH coms. I don't always though. I don't play the GTN cause that's not my bag.


    It costs me 150k to repair my gear. I don't earn that much in a week of playing this game.


    so ... sucks for me, yeah I get that - I know I'm not the only one.


    Hopefully there's a fix incomming. Needing to do 2 days of dailies to pay for 1 night of raiding is ... well ... it's bs. No other way to say it.


    1).From day one this game was devolped with azz backwards approach. From enrage timer with very little actual engaging mechanics. making the content easily done in all tiers.until you hit the final tier of HM ops. Completeing HM FP's should pay much more then they do to give an alternative at least FP's are only half as boring as those ridiculous dailies. At this point it is very clear EAoware will just continue its regurgatation process of its devolpment process, Yay recolored vanity items for the win!

    2). Money sink was the primary reason i unsubbed back in febuary 2012 and did not return until recently. the only reason i have any money at all is because i had to do dailies to grind for the new relics. For those of the player base that are comfortable in their gear progression and working on the final HM ops you are forced to do those lame dailies to continue in raid progression.

    3). there is very very little end game as it is. it would have been more pudent to remove purchasable set gear and make the Drops rare in HM FP's and OPS with a tier between Blue and purple. i dont consider orange a tier as it is used primarily for looks. forcing our repetive grind on easy mode daily quests over and over is the most horrid concept of MMO devolpment ive ever expierenced. at least Rift hid this much better and forced the content into its instances with amuch broader gear progression.

  14. I agree with both of you, that said you cant always control or communicate the proper tactics with people in the GF. We should have some comparable abilitiy or abilities to PT and assassin for large spread out mob placement. I am not suggesting Juggs are broken but we know full well what happens with new content coming up here. When its no longer in exercise in how fast but how good people will always go with what ever makes their job easier. People will automatically want Assassin tank or PT for new content and that will be rough on the Jugg mains that raid and do HM FP's.
  15. Um, who can have possibly done any worse than the original devs? They went horrendously over budget, yet still released a hurried, incomplete product, then showed such total ineptitude at fixing bugs and releasing new content that they were forced to hand out free game time, before losing 90% of their subs and going free to play.


    The new devs are at least releasing stuff, and probably on a tiny fraction of the budget.

    I am curious as to what the break down of the actuall Dev dollars were minus the VO's and Marketing and cutscenes. The hero Engine was realtively cheap for them. I suspect that BW just had completely flawed focus groups on how to structure the game and what features to include. I do agree they could not do any worse as far as devolpment but it makes zero sense because Ohlen is for all intents and purposes a phenomanaly talented game designer. And so was most of the leads in this game. It's quite possible EA gave them the recipe and they just added ingredients .
  16. TORtanic never had direction in the first place.


    What the people wanted was an MMO, we wanted a game like SWG one that would let us live the life of someone in the Star Wars Universe. We wanted to make our 'own' characters and make our 'own' stories with those characters. Not being force fed a boring storyline that belongs in a book or single player game. We wanted BioWare to come in and look at everything that made SWG so great and take all of that and put it into TOR.


    We didn't get that, what we got is a watered down boring single player MMO with none of the ideas that SWG had. Or really any of the great ideas that other MMO's have had over the years. We have an over priced cash shop that just sells recolored armors and the loot boxes. Space battles? We have a copy of Starfox, nothing like SWG that let you go out and explore space or the worlds you set foot on.


    And there are so many other MMO's doing so much better. The Secret World for one is growing every month as tons of new players come in and see what an MMO should be. The Dev's there talk to the Players and treat us like people asking for what we want in the game. Here? The Dev's barely talk at all they just pop in to tell us no to whatever ideas we have, and how we will love everything they are doing. Well along with the normal lines about how well this pile is doing and how proud they are to work on it.


    Unfortunately there is a lot of truth in what you say. From pre launch and opening of the forums in 2008 many community members posted with there concern in the linearity of completely driven by story world design. and the lack of any actuall MMO feature set being talked about , all we heard is were not stupid of course we know how to make a MMO.

    The only company thats even remotely talking bout Sandbox features and hybrinding the theme park content is EQ next , sony seems to be the only company willing to put millions and millions into a game with sand box features which is odd as that was what really made MMO's so popular. The facts are anyone who had talent from the BW left a long time ago same with the war hammer franchise.

    The largest of the talent pool right now is at Trion and Zenimax studios , though in all honesty TOR is thriving even with its lack of content and path of cookie cutter item drops into the cartel market. If EA were smart they would of held onto those people and threw another 50 60 mil at this game to expand it and put some cool features in it to keep even the unsubbers interested in coming back. I suspect though they just now broke even on thier initial investment of 300 mil. I dont know why they would spend 500 million on bioware and then fire everyone . EA has the reverse effect of midas touch lol, they esstinaly have some of the coolest IP's to date and no ability to do anything with them. Im suprised they have not tried to by Lord of the rings and D&D. :rak_02:

  17. BioWare's new baby, (Cartel Market) is where all their attention is currently stored.


    this is true there has been more itmes added to that market then bugs fixed in last year, now they are gonna deploy a content patch with out it being on PTS. For all the failings of rift generic game play and clone wow and EQ 2 game play the dev team over there is solid gold, not one MMO devolper can claim the content rift has added for free let alone a massive expansion that Dwarfs most games intial release.

    I seriously fear for the MMO genre corperate americas saw WOW's success and now every MMO has become a new fast food franchinse its absloutely discouraging same damn menu with different names and no nutritional value. tastes good the first time but you cant digest it in the long run. Truth is if if TOR would have spent less money on Advertising and voice overs we would actually be playing a full fledged MMO instead of a single player CO op with bolt on MMO features

  18. The direction of the game has been planned from before launch. I don't think many of you even know what you're talking about and are just trying to throw out buzz words to sound smart.


    They have changed the order we got some things and even threw a couple surprises but rest assured, the general direction is still there. Most MMos are planned up to a couple years in advance.


    This i do not doubt. but a year into the game the direction and content quanity of patches is severly underwhelming when you compare it to games like Rift that just pump quality content out and have a very open door policy about what they are doing with upcoming patches. That said TOR is a fun game but BW was very slow in adding to game and now the game being under EA control i am sure it will become even less consitent and very generic. i doubt we will ever see a qrtr of the features BW promised as the soon catagory like Guild ships, Dual specs , customisation on ships and such. I d put a years sub on this game we will likely never see those features in this game if they do it will be years and years out. TOR was a very stripped down game in the MMO feature set pre launch their were some very vocal community members that were warning BW about the lack of actuall MMO features in game in closed beta. Its a fun game but at the last anaylsis its a Co op single player with bolt on MMO features. i dont expect much of anything from this game in the coming years, its a decent default game to fall back on as it requires no commitment to it our its community .

  19. Exactly. To call this content update an expansion in my eyes would require that all in the above post mention. New level 55 FPs and WZs new daily areas, new crafting recipes, new Operations, new skills, new gear. One planetary storyline does not an expansion make. Until more information is released regarding what will be contained with the final "expansion" I will continue to call it what it is. Downloadable Content Update.


    They are just milking people now at this point. i played at launch for six weeks and am not a huge alt guys so when i capped with my main there was very little to do but grind HM 8 mans for rakata so i quit for a year.. i am a resubscriber for the time being now, the F2P is really to limiting. if they have any hope of reinvigorating this game they need to devolp a full blown expansion with 3 new end game planets 7 new FP and 3 new raids plus a plethora of new features. id pay 40 bucks for it if they did a traditional expansion like rift just did. Sadly though EA is involved youll see TOR got the way of Warhammer i am pretty sure.

  20. So now we've gone into february and the info/news about the Rise of the Hutt Cartel "expansion" that's suppposed to launch in the spring is few and far in between. Am I the only one who has a very bad feeling about this? (and weren't we actually promised a steady steam of info "soon", not long ago?)


    From my experience it's rare for games to withhold that much information when we're this close to launch. Which makes me wonder if there's actually a lot more info to give? Or maybe there's a delay announcement incomming, pushing it to summer of autumn? You'd think they'd want to start building the hype if they want to continue brining new players to the game, and existing players back and not just be satisfied with the revenue created from the Cartel Store.


    This game has been mismanged start to finish . i wish the original pre release forums were still here so we could necro some community concerns. But that said there are really good aspects of the game that are invetive and original i still like tha gme it just holds very little end game longevity

  21. Its,..2013 and I think we all can agree something needs to change. I am talking about the old, worn out and tired system of Tank, DPS, and Heal. It really is obsolete in this day and age,...everyone...EVERYONE no matter what class you are ....wants to beat on the bad guy,..they want to slay,..ok.....they don't want to follow rules in fights...they just want to beat on stuff and watch stuff die


    This notion that you have to have dps, heal and tank in fights is old school...it's past its time


    Ask anyone...ANYONE...and they will tell you...they just want to Tank n Spank and get hell outta there and collect the commendations. In and Out..simple..fast and done


    As it is now,...what do people do in flashpoints? Lol...they skip trash and go directly to Boss and kill for the phat lewt. Spacebar commandos and don't you dare listen to the story...rush to the Boss...get your objective and done


    Dps fights stuff that the tank isn't even fighting ROFL...healer is healing the dps'rs instead of the tank ROFL...tank is has no clue what aggro is ROFL.....i mean it is total chaos in mmo gaming now days. It is rare to find a coordinated group in traditional tank, heal and dps roles working like a swiss watch



    1. Give everyone a natural heal buff over time duration

    2. Give everyone heavy armor

    3. Give everyone an equal amount of dps

    4. Get rid of need and pass and make all loot drop particular to your class and automatically go into your inventory


    If you disagree with this post....see the thread titled....Don't Get Discouraged by Jerks in Pug's, FP's and Op's. I am offering a solution to eliminate jerks in mmo's,..well no way to totally eliminate jerks but you get the idea


    This is not the answer. Elimanating roles completey waters down team play. Look at gw2 everyone is a dps class dungeons are zerg fests on bosses. If is the worst group.play expierence ive ever had in an mmo what we need is more roles not jus tank heal and dps. We need to return to 6 roles adding true cc and true buffing and debuffing. We have totaly lost what mmos really are.

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