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Everything posted by Kricys

  1. Yes, that's logic right there. I don't like being bad at something therefore I'm addicted. At least you're good at making super awesome hybrid builds!
  2. I like not performing horribly, if you don't mind being mediocre by all means, enjoy your "real build". Hope you don't raid with that, I'd hate to have 7/15 people carry me.
  3. Post some wz ss's, i'm curious how much less damage you do compared to an real build lol.
  4. No, just no. That's horrible. Why would you do that to yourself. First of all gore is 6 seconds. By the time you use it and your next global is up you have 4.5 seconds left on it, thats 3 globals if you time it perfectly and don't get cc'd, knocked back, rooted etc. In your amazing "rotation" when you get to ravage gore will have expired. No ataru form, no blood frenzy, no massacre, exchanged for a weak obliterate. Hybrid builds do.not.work. Stop it. Carnage performs bad enough but you managed to gimp it even more, wow. I hope to god this is a troll.
  5. 150k eh, what are you... doing nothing but assault entire game? I average 400k in hutball with no heals.
  6. Kricys

    Nerf down the sith

    You can also see reflections of imperial fleet when you look at certain objects at republic fleet. We are simply amazing, deal with it.
  7. Play the game, that's how you gear up. Buy a champion bag while leveling, have 1000/1000 saved up. Hit 50, 6 bags. Grab your daily/weekly quests, head out to ilum, finish weekly. 4 more bags. 150 centurion coms and 70 champion coms without ever setting foot in a 50 warzone. Que with some friends who are geared, finish warzone weekly, 4 more bags. Day 1 of being 50 you'll have opened 14-16 champion bags (depending on commendations from warzones) giving you a possible total of 240 centurion/112 champion. Enough to get your entire centurion main set and a couple champ items, maybe more if you got lucky and got an unassembled item. They could not make this easier for you people.
  8. Kids just won't be satisfied until they get a full set of epics mailed to them the second they ding 50.
  9. Guildie started a merc and hit 50 2 days ago, he's got full centurion and several champ items. I've never seen people go from greens to epics this fast in any mmo. He had 1000/1000 coms saved up so the second he dinged 50 he had a bag in his inventory and 5 from coms. Now he's pumping out 300k damage a game. Stop. Crying.
  10. When the class requires a brain to play you can ask for buffs.
  11. All bm gear except for rakata belt and matrix cube. 1513 str in pvp set, 1690 in pve.
  12. I was expecting more... This isn't that entertaining.
  13. Dps sorc/sages are free kills for me. Tracer spec mercs are second.
  14. BUT WHY ARE THEY SO FUN TO LOOK AT!?! <3 large numbas
  15. Ive never noticed a miss on a non tank. Just farming up more bm gear to swap out the mods for the acc/power one since i dont need these many surge enhancements now.
  16. http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff435/Swsss/Screenshot_2012-02-16_21_24_26_206446.jpg
  17. http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff435/Swsss/Screenshot_2012-02-16_20_40_23_606298.jpg Yes, they had that many healers. :cool:
  18. Right now i'm at 316 crit rating and 294 surge. Prob gonna drop my crit/surge enhancements for battlemaster acc/power ones. Haven't adjusted pvp gear since the surge nerf.
  19. All battlemaster gear except for rakata belt and matrix cube. Bout 11.5% from expertise.
  20. Just got lucky and had heals with me. Wasn't a premade and wasn't on vent with them. Totally could've broken 700k if i didn't die twice... qq. Other side had 2 trooper healers. I'd totally go repub to have an army of trooper healers botting me.
  21. Holy accuracy batman Oh, do you really reach all the way up there to click obfuscate, saber throw etc..
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