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Everything posted by Rincewend

  1. DPS sorcs are amazing (Madness or hybrid) Lightning is still the same, just no stun bubble on team mates.
  2. Pretty much covers it, but does this add up to better or worse PVP/Wz's on live. Depends if the WZ's are going to be stacked with the new fotm. I think ranked will not change that much if you liked ranked before you will like it after 2.0 goes live (because a good rank team will adjust). I think pug matches will continue to be what they have always been some times you are the boot sometime you are the ant.
  3. Funny I thought you had a immunity to knockbacks after leap do to all the crying from people being punted before they could get a smash off or was it fixed that ounce you started the cast even the people in the area do knock you back it still landed? I will have to test with a friend again. I remember adjusted my tatics a few patchs back.
  4. I know I have, I thought that was part of the game, paper beats rock. Concealment turns my PT into a ventriloquist dummy. But if I get you out of stealth and pull you, I turn you into bbq.
  5. I have to agree with this, even time they add something to the patch that was not tested (as we know because at least it was not on PTS) that went live introduced large bugs ifnot game breaking bugs. Do we not remember the patches that came out never going to the PTS?
  6. Well TB on the Sorc Lightning tree has a auto-crit (with afflection on target) but it still hits at best for 4k, I use it in PVE end game, but in pvp unless they are dumb enough to leave me alone it is too slow of a cast time to use while kiteing. So I would say this even hurts some AC's with auto crit attacks (as they are not always in our line up).
  7. that would be funny, but there would have to be a link between the two different accounts so you could tell who they were in game. Would be funny if someone did the same thing here.
  8. Seems the Wz's are full of incompetent opponents, guy labeled me a hacker last not because he was not able to DPS down a jugg that I was healing. He left me alone the whole time trying to bring down the Jug, he would die and run back to us at the node and start again. He spent the rest of the night calling me out for hacking in General chat on fleet and saying he is reporting me, and telling others to exit the WZ if they see my sorc on the other team. A fresh PT in recuit gear is not going to dps down a skilled jug in Ewh with a pocket healer, this is not hacking nor is either class OP. What I can tell you is that is the only time I did not have a Force management issue.
  9. they are doing this like TV shows, I would suggest no one expect to see a ending other than the servers shutting down when it comes that time. I would love to see more story and would pay to see more in expansions, but it seems that is not their focus. If you want them to do it, I suggest starting a thread in suggestion area and getting people to sign it.
  10. But if I forget too feed it will it cry into a corner and die, and just be one of many smells on the forum?
  11. Been the nature of the game since 1.2, do some searching about who left BW around that time and it might make sense. Only sorry the failure of a CEO for EA lasted as long as he did. Wish he would of been pushed out two years ago.
  12. I would still say wait and see, they have changed things in the down time between the PTS and live. But as it is now, I read from dulfy that they buffed some abilites just a little for lightning sorcs, ops, merc's, but they killed crit and boosted hp for all. So I would say the buff has turned into a nerf (major or minor) we will have to wait to see when it goes live.
  13. I remember reading this too, a long, long time ago. No idea if it was offical or a drive to make sure it did not go this way. Would be nice if it was a expansion reward but they would lose out on all those people who would pay extra for it. Just want to ask who is going to clean up fleet? I can see the hairballs already starting to pile up in the corners.
  14. I would assume it comes down to production costs. People are already complaining that the next expansion was ~9 usd. Would you pay more for a expansion that included more of your story? I would if it was of the same quality as the first 50 levels. But I am just one person.
  15. More expertise gives you survavibility, and a boost to your dps output. But learning your toon, keybind, playing smart will do more for both. also learning the other types help a lot too, might reduce the amout of threads calling cheats too. (yeah only a dream).
  16. The way I saw it too, basic cry for a sniper nerf before they flood pvp killing all the smashers who flood pvp after it got a buff.
  17. Normal BW nerf, they were aiming at the smash spec (because of the endless threads about smash and crit) but instead of a nerf to smash they buffed it again by nerfing everyone else. guess they forgot to notice that smash was a auto crit and DR on crit do not matter for this ability.
  18. I am sure they have thought of that (likely phase 2) after people get tired of recolored speeders, and armors. Or guns with glowing bits and stop buy packs.
  19. Always worked that way on my artiface for enhancements, was good news when leveling Khem was always sporting good enhancements. For Arms, but BH Re's on barrels seems to be fast, always 2-3 greens and I get the blue on reflex and skill. But for the knife's forget it, I guess that is what balances the numbers out.
  20. that is correct, they announced it a week or two beforhand just like those huge speeders and some of us in game stocked up on them if we had the credits (because it would drive the price up). They are making them craftable in 2.0 but will require rare mats (everything does). However +41 purples for power can be found in the coulmi mainhand for snipers was a nice surprise when I leveled my sniper all that time ago.
  21. Logic works here does not, this is the pvp forum, if said person can not 3 button kill every class (even 2 on 1) clearly someone needs to be nerfed.
  22. Lol, because I had someone say they were going to report me for hacking because I was able to heal the smash jugg faster than he could dps it down.
  23. In the game are we not in the same place now? Most of the recent ops have been cleaning up internal messes, If the republic had half a brain they would not raid TFB and raid us instead.
  24. did we have rich interaction before? I gave her gifts she liked me, we got married, than I got a short clip. (not like I wanted to see my sith lord type 4 naked butt) It would be nice if we still had some interaction of some kind, otherwise just switch them to robot's after we complete the story. Because other than dressing them up like dolls (yes I am talking about the people who put the last hand maiden outfit on khem). What else is there? Kids would be fun, if they were based on our game choices? I would love to see 4-8 of my kids running around fleet baby smashing people, and praticeing force choke on the droids or shop vendors.
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