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Everything posted by lovefool

  1. I dont mind gay people at all and I think they should be allowed to do "their" thing and I was happy about the same sex romance possibilities (lesbian agent yay) but just for fun I tried the sith male kissing option and it was done so badly. I mean they could have picked a better opportunity for that couldnt they? I don't really remember public hetero kissing going on, it was usually private with little to no bystanders....why do I have to be kissing a guy in front of a squad? It was just badly handled but yay to all those that enjoy it. To be honest I was expecting more same sex flirting than with just 1 character...then again I didn't get far so are there more npcs you can "flirt" with?
  2. The only reason why I play this game is Star Wars. If there was no SWTOR I would not be playing mmo games at all.
  3. First 2 hours of me trying to log in were for posting reasons, the other hour got me to change my reasons to try to log into my account on the website, the reason cancelling my sub. If i have to go through such a hassle to be able to play a game a pay a monthly sub for, then I won't pay at all.
  4. Another poster thinking him informing us about whether he will stay or not and whether BIOWARE will get his measly $15 a month is of any interests to people. I always have to laugh on the inside when I see these kids of posts. Thinking that one player leaving and him announcing it will make BIOWARE cringe. This is an mmo....there will never be 100% satisfaction so you might as well keep it to yourself since it is a normal as breathing. Good day to you.
  5. People always find something to complain about. This is a perfect example how MMOs can never satisfy everyone. Ever since the double EXP started people in game loved it...all of them....yet there has to be always a poster who has to put his "valuable" opinion and contradict the majority. Get over it. It is a good thing.
  6. I don't see any difference between those two apart from being "up side down". Don't pay that much attention to it either.
  7. Ehm, that is exactly fair. You don't seem to be understanding this so I will try to explain simply. - DPS A joins the LFG at 14:00 - DPS B joins the LFG at 14:05 - DPS C joins the LFG at 14:06 - DPS D joins the LFG at 14:09 - DPS A gets a group invite and so does DPS B - DPS B however is AFK and does not accept the invite - the group that got the invite but DPS B didnt not accept should get DPS B replaced by DPS C so that DPS A and the rest of the group can start the dungeon (now thats how it should work) - what you are saying is dps A should lose the spot and the next invite should go to dps C and dps D? That doesn't make sense since DPS A was there first. What I think you meant to say is, but misunderstood that we were talking about the same thing, is that when dps A, the first dps in th LFG gets and invite but dps B doesn't respond, should get into the next group first and our answers was yes. But you thought that we were claiming dps A should go to the back of the queue am I right? However what does tend to happen for some reason is; Tank A DPS A DPS B Healer A get an invite. dps B does not respond to it and all of a sudden the LFG dungeon system is playing bingo and picking random people from the LFG to form a new group instead of following the Replace dps B with dps C rule.
  8. Exactly, that is what people pointed out. Not only does it affect negatively the high lvl player, it also lowers the exp gain for the lower level players. And I am not sure if they didn't fix it because they don't know about this issue, in which case it is good there is a thread about it, or because they simply think its insignificant, in which case it is also good that there is a thread about it so they don't think that anymore.
  9. Also I would be intrigued to know what the cause of the following scenario is. Group finder finds a group, tank accepts, healer accepts, dps accepts except for 1...so the group has to wait for about 2 minutes for the other person to accept which is fine. But when the time runs out, you would expect the LFG system to replace the afk dps and yay lets continue with the dungeon. Only it doesn't. For a miraculous reason, the tank and the dps I was supposed to start the dungeon with all of a sudden disappeared and I was sent into the queue again. I took down the name of the tank and asked whether he left the group finder to which he said "No, still in the queue". So instead of replacing the missing dps and letting the group get finally into the dungeon, the group "gets disbanded" and put into the queue separately again?
  10. If you want to get good gear run flashpoints, pick up the daily for flashpoints at the fleet to get the extra commendations and do hc missions on the respective planets, again for exp and gear/commendations for gear. Do not spend your money whilst levelling on buying gear from the GTN and especially not NPC vendors. Save your money for when you are lvl 50 because, quite frankly, that is when it matters and that is when it is needed.
  11. This is a help for new players forum, your first sentence disqualifies your post. You might want to try your luck in the general discussion forum where people like to share their "feelings and opinions".
  12. It is usually bad players trying to up their epeen by killing lower levels in worse gear than they. But once they get into a bg with pre-mades or people that know what they are doing they get their asses handed to them and the come onto the forums and QQ that class X is overpowered or that their class Y is utterly underpowered.
  13. Well I am not happy that many other people have this issue as well, but at least I am happy that you get to voice the problems and hopefully we will get enough to gain their attention. Who knows, maybe we can do something about it.
  14. I'd rather spend an extra 20 minutes waiting than 40 minutes in a dungeon that doesn't give me any noticeable experience. Not only does it make ME mad...it's also discouraging towards other players like today. 2nd attempt to get into either colicoid wargame or red reaper, but get thrown into The Foundry..now those guys are happy that they finally got a healer but A) I left because I didn't want to play a grey dungeon with grey mobs B) Even if I did enter and wasted my time, me being too high reduces their experience intake doesn't it? The solution to this problem would be, at least in my opinion, to make more separate groups of dungeons or better said pairs. 1) hammer station + athiss 2) mandalorian raiders + cademimu 3) boarding party + foundry 4) colicoid wargame + red reaper 5) FE, B4I, D7. and not Hammer Station + Athiss + Mandalorian Raiders in the same group, do not let them overlap.
  15. Dear devs of Bioware, I have come across a most irritating issue with the LFG "daily" reward system. This is only for levelling Flashpoints, so prior lvl 50 and HM. Apart from the daily quest that you can pick up at the "supplies" section of the Fleet, there is a "daily" quest within the actual LFG. I will be more specific to my case so I can make my point. I am lvl 44 on my healer. Currently at this level my "daily" LFG for Voss commendations FPs are The Red Reaper, Colicoid Wargame and The Foundry. Now there is nothing wrong with Colicoid Wargame, even though it is for 4 lvls lower than I am, it still is a "green" quest and so I will get moderate amount of exp for both mobs and completion. That is fine and after I do it once I can just queue for Red Reaper. However The Foundry, is too low lvl for me, its grey, both the mobs as well as the quest itself, so in order to get the bonus commendations and the "daily" for the LFG done I have to run this exp-less flashpoint ( I know that I do not have, I also do not have to breathe if I don't want to, but I want the daily commendations and I am unfortunately being constantly thrown into that low-grey-non-exp FP. And this would not be the first time, same thing happens on my lvl 23-24 BH tank that gets thrown into a lvl 15 FP Hammer station. These combinations are just bad and I beg you, rework them, don't let the level range be too big otherwise you create more frustration than incentives to do dungeons at that level. Make smaller groups, 2 dungeons at once, and not 3 that span for 10 lvls. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  16. You gain reputation by completing lvl 50 daily quests. However the rewards from reputation in this game is mostly purely cosmetic since the items that you can get are only skins without any stats. So you can do them for the looks but don't have to do them as they do not give you any practical bonuses.
  17. That is your problem, you are too low level for the mobs there. Hoth is from 38-41 and Belsavis is from 41-44. That is why you are having a bad time levelling. Are you a f2p or a sub? Instead of questing ahead, mix up your questing with pvp and flashpoints, don't forget to pick up the dailies for the flashpoints (extra 14k exp per day). Furthermore do bonus missions on the plants, as far as I recall all the planets have bonus missions apart from the starting ones and Quesh. If you want to lose the restrictions...pay a one month fee once, level up, and then unsub. Also what the person above me said, rested exp helps a lot, what you can do is roll one imp character and one rep character. That way one of your characters is stored in a rested zone (cantina, fleet, ship) while the other character that already has rested exp gets double the exp. And change between them depending on rested exp. Though for that effect to have extra exp gain you require to be a subscriber I believe, not entirely sure on that one. Also, if you do indeed have rested exp, then questing or FP are a far better exp source than pvp. Unfortunately you are at a lvl where FP do not yield that much exp. Colicoid war game, the FP coming up when you ding 39-40 is terrible for exp as the amount of mobs in that FP is rather bad...but then Red reaper is great. Good luck
  18. You might be better of searching for a guild in-game. Furthermore there are usually players even outside the guild that are willing to help/guide or answer your questions. Don't let yourself be fooled by low levels. A class might seem awesome to level at first but then turns out to be quite weak at lvl 50 and vice versa. That is the case with the marauder. They are "slower" at the beginning and a little harder at first, but they are currently the best melee dps there is and also in a very good spot in pvp/ However if you do not enjoy the play-style ( I didn't, feel free to re-roll). If you have any further questions, feel free to ask/
  19. Doesn't sound very "Sith-like" to me, if anything it reminds me of the South Park episode with Al Gore and him saying "Excelsior" haha...but meh, 5/10 for me at least. Sith Juggernaut: Maltis
  20. Hmmm lets have a look... SW - Broomark, Pierce, Jaesa (I regret picking her as dark side, she is an utter psycho) Trooper - Everyone but Jorge (levelled as a healer with a friend) JC - Iresso, JK - Doc (levelled as tank with a healer friend ), Rusk, Scourge
  21. Awesome idea!!! I would change my Jaesa from psycho ***** to emo jedi right away!!!
  22. Furthermore....now you don't actually have to have any legacy...just purchase stuff via the Cartel Market
  23. no you paid more...just an example subscriber: monthly sub is £9, expansion price is £6, together you pay £15. free to play: expansion price is £12 so yeah...there you go
  24. £6? You go to Tesco, buy a meal deal and an extra bar that altogether costs £6 and then guess what...you poop it out afterwards...your £6 turns into excrements do you complain then as well? Its an expansion, added story, added planet, added missions and more to be revealed, god damn it ITS £6 for x's sake.
  25. As a DPS juggernaut you should focus on dps stats. Those are Strength, Accuracy, Crit, Surge. As a DPS you do not look at armour rating, as a matter of fact you dont look at armour rating for PvP either. There are pre set armour ratings for types of armour, light/medium/heavy which you cannot really affect. So be it either PvP or PvE as a dps you dont really take Armour rating into consideration, with that being said, don't run around in medium gear. Furthermore in PvP you will want to have Expertise on your gear as it is a must. Its about keeping a good balance between those DPS stats.
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