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Everything posted by Alxandria

  1. I have a question: How will we be affected (if any) if say we are on an origin server, but have no desire to move, either because we like small servers, or we just don't want to deal with the xfer process?
  2. If it wasn't sexual harassment I would kiss you! Instead I'll let this little guy do it:
  3. When will we know if we are getting copied over?
  4. Nope. Q&A from a few weeks ago confirmed each affection level gives +1 crit for total of +5 crit at max.
  5. Some Questions: 1. Math Check, 2 BHS, should only be 10 companions for a +100 presence bonus+100 from human for 200 presence not 300. 2. Are you SURE that having the same class twice gave you the extra +50 presence? The way the whole picture lock thingie appears makes one assume that the bonus for Mako would only count once for her, not twice. I have no doubles on my account so this is probably the only thing I can't personally confirm myself. 3. I have no idea where you got 800 from...
  6. I'm up to 14 companions unlocked. My Imp. Agent (5/5), my Smuggler (5/5) and my Inquistor (4/5) and the presence bonus stacks. On a side note, damn you Ashara for being so picky....
  7. Your Math is Wrong. There are 5 companions per class. Presence bonus per class is 50. There are 8 different classes across both factions, total bonus from companions is +400. Add the human unlock bonus, total bonus from legacy is +500 presence. The presence buff stack so long as it is from different companions. For example, if you had unlocked the companions for an Imperial Agent and the Smuggler, you would get +100 Presence. You would however only get the reduction in HM cooldown, lengthening of HM duration, and the special bonus to healing, crit, surge etc once. If your third character however, is another imperial agent or smuggler, then you would not get an additional +50 presence because you would already have unlocked that companion on your previous character. Basically to get the full +500 bonus on your legacy, you must unlock human and play each class once. EDIT: I wanted to clarify, the +10 bonus is once per companion. Thus +10 for Kaliyo, +10 for Vette, there are 40 unique companions across all 8 classes thus +400 presence.
  8. Can we get a detailed (or as detailed as possible with examples) breakdown of the affect of Presence on our companions? I'm specifically targeting info that would explain if the bonuses are weighted (Meaning an even improvement across the level up process) or static (meaning a more meaningful effect at early levels, with diminishing effectiveness as you level up)?
  9. Yes, especially since this was said once, in one interview, on a system that isn't even on PTS, yet it still triggered a reaction that instantly brought you to posting this thread.
  10. Are there plans for a revamp to the crafting UI for more ease of access to the vast database of schematics some of us have?
  11. From the Q&A The Q&A is specific to 1.3, add in the assumption that there would be no logical reason to even answer this question in this Q&A other than to make a quiet connection and what we have is: 1.3 Hunt for the Secret Method to obtain HK-51! Am I right or do I need to wear my tin-foil hat?
  12. You are misunderstanding a few different things going on. Pre 1.3 Augumented Items: Two things will happen, if there is NO augment in the slot, then when 1.3 hit, it will change to it's level appropriate augment slot. Example: Level 20 Orange with Augment Slot but no Augment in it will probably become a Mk 2 Augment Slot. If however that same Lvl 20 orange item has an Augment in it, then the augment slot will change to match the augment in the Augment Slot. Example: Level 20 Orange w/Augment Slot & Level 30 Augment would probably become a Mk 3 or MK 4 Augment Slot. Level 20 Orange w/Augument Slot & Level 49 Augment would become a Mk 6 Augment Slot. Post 1.3 crafting: By default, when you crit craft an item, the default Augument Slot would match the level of the item. Example: Level 20 Orange crit crafted will come with a Mk 2 Augment Slot. Level 50 Orange Crit Crafter will come with a Mk 6 Augment Slot. The last thing, and probably the most important thing you are missing is that you can at any time apply ANY AUGMENT KIT TO ANY GREEN OR HIGHER ITEM. Which means regardless of what it came with default, you can take any orange, use a Mk 6 Augment Kit and give it or upgrade the slot to a Mk 6 Augment Slot. I read dulfy religiously and I think you were just missing that last point because her info is spot on.
  13. The Heroic Moment Cooldown, Duration Bonus, and special bonuses (+crit, +surge etc) only work once per companion type (ranged tank, melee tank, Healer, Melee dps, ranged dps) per legacy. So you cannot say max out two healer companions on different bonuses and see the cooldown, duration bonus and special bonus stack. The presence bonus however DOES stack across the legacy, so yes, +400 i think presence bonus when you have all 40 different companion pics unlocked.
  14. Augment Kits can be used on it seems ANY item. So while an Artificer cannot make the kits, you can still use it on any saber you want of green quality+
  15. Holy Answers Huntman! Thanks!
  16. Anyone know what that hint about the purple crystal is referring to? I'm curious for my mid-by Sorc who I really want to have a purple crystal as soon as she can.
  17. I had a question regarding presence and it's exact effect on our Companions. The bonus health on the tool-tip is obvious, however the bonus damage and healing is not. Are these stats flat numbers that lose their weight the higher in levels, or is it supposed to be a scaling buff of sorts that is as effective in higher levels as it is in lower levels? Also, besides health, does Presence have any other effects that would say be useful for a tanking companion (armor, defense, absorption etc)? Really the more detailed you can get on Presense, the better! Thank You
  18. I swear, when I first read this it said, KNEEL PHEASANT, KNEEL! I've got bird on the brain.
  19. I'm sorry I can't source my info, I forget if it was a Q&A or a dev interview, but I remember BW mentioning they are working on a system that would make Social Armor "Auto-Adjust" to the highest armor type you can equip. Meaning the Containment Suit while worn by a Sage/Inquisitor would be light, the same suit put on a Sentinel would be Medium, or on a Guardian, Heavy.
  20. What was the design reasoning behind choice of mods/stat combination on commendation vendors during the level up process? Most of what is available seems to favor +Endurance across the board with very few options for those who want to maximize their primary stat during the level up process. Usually if someone wants say a barrel, armoring or hilt that favors something other than Endurance, we must settle with a lower item score, if it's available all.
  21. I am unsure if this is intentional, but yesterday when I started the event dailies I was unable to do Passenger List. I had not done the dailies on Sunday. Today I can do Passenger List but not Hybrid Strain. Does this mean that if I don't do Hybrid strain in the next couple of days I will have to wait a day until I can do the next daily? I'm curious if this means if someone starts the chain too late in the week they will be unable to complete the chain before the event ends? Please clarify!
  22. I've noticed minor difference from the NPC standpoint. Some choices give unexpected responses, other actually change the quest (Korriban, Sith Guard's Son, LS choice ends quest then and there w/reward, DS choice takes you back to cave to fetch reward) Grand Scheme, no difference that I can see. I like aplying different stuff out cause I like my responses, also voice acting is different so helps make it a different experience. I enjoy playing alts.
  23. One of my favorite combos, especially a group of silver and weaks, is Force Leap, Statsis, Sweep. The 100% increased damage+Auto Crit is just delicious. I have been spoiled only leveling in a group so I am underusing abilities. I will work in Cauterize and Pacify as I know for a fact I underuse those. Thanks for the feedback. Next time I have to solo when we break up to do our own class thing (usually at the end of mini arcs where you get a class specific dungeon). I'll respec Watchman and try it out. I think this is the first time ever I have a personal reason for Dual Specs.
  24. So I am gonna hijack this thread, what the hell am I doing wrong? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501ZZGbRrzrRzMz.1 That is my spec as far as I remember. I am level 35, and I can't take out a Gold without it being damn close. Example is Start of Act 2, Tatooine Class Quest, the Gold Mobs, you have to kill three, I can't do it. I couldn't finish Act 1 without a my healer friend. Normal Play - I have the luxury of leveling with 2 other people constantly. We only play these characters with each other. Trooper Tank and Consular Healer, I am DPS. I feel like I have great damage when we are together, but as soon as I try and do anything on my own, I am just getting owned. These mobs are green, but I feel like I have no survivability. My gear is fairly decent, I have up to date Hilts since I make em myself. Is it me? Is it my spec? Is it my tree? Is it the class? By the way, as our trio, we just **** face, it's not even funny. This is a cry for help in how to play better, because the better I get, the better our group gets IMO. Thanks!
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