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Everything posted by Amaste

  1. Pretty much this. I got mine when I was playing Aion, and it was damn near necessary with how many skills there were/ how fast top level pvp was there, with sins tossing 4 skills and auto attack weaving between them within 1.5 seconds and just melting people. Here it's merely a convenience and force of habit, only have to use maybe 1-6 and 10-12 on a regular basis, good chunk being basic targeting and vehicle pops x.x.
  2. Hottie has a good intro guide to yoloque on the op/scound boards. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=821478
  3. tbh I had the opposite experience pve leveling a gs and sniper, granted it was with the 41 power and crit collection crystals. The MM bonus to suppressing fire's surge/crit chance with the 25% damage increase from utilities w/ double crit crystals makes it insane at lower levels. ._.
  4. Just got the newer version of the black widow ultimate after my original one drowned one too many times. ;x Kinda miss the multi color scheme the old ones have, the greens not easy on the eyes for me. Have an old merc stealth as a back up incase something happens to my keyboard but I don't really like the feel of it tbh. Razor naga for the mouse. Tried one of those game pads back in the day but just couldnt get used to it in a timely manner.
  5. I like to imagine he's still out there in the world, patiently waiting at the first LS / DS option to make his choice based on this thread to this very day.
  6. Fair notice that I don't pve/raid and only have tool tips to go off of on that note, but countermeasures is a threat dump for operatives, as well as the skill used with utility point rootbreak we can get. The roll has the double use of mobility and burst defense as mentioned by Anishor (long time no see btw ) and a few others, which one would think is used for avoiding PvE mechanics as well since it's an up close in the middle of it all DPS class. My thought process would be tying that burst defense to the 45 second threat dump skill may cause unintended pve issues that would be hard to work with, with BW spending significant time trying to balance the defense buff without hugely nerfing it or throwing threat management into chaos on the pve side, and if theres one thing i've learned from MMOs it's more types of things you add to a single skill the harder it gets to balance properly. But I could also be so far off base on the pve stuff I'm in the nosebleeds, but that's just the first thing that popped in my head about it. xD
  7. Problem being attaching that to countermeasures would have a pretty big impact on PVE, would it not? :/
  8. Teamwork is overpowered, BW has it in the pipeline for nerfing.
  9. This. Its much easier for them to delay your cap on their natural node than it is for you to take it right off the bat, giving their people at mid a numbers advantage (unless the enemy team is total derps and in which case tactics fly out the window anyway). Control your natural node first while pressuring mid to start, adjust your strat as needed. Being predictable in pvp isn't a good thing, but attempting to secure the easiest to defend nodes first is more often than not preferable compared to 2 people running off thinking they're God's gift to ninja capping and totally ******** the bed for their team. ><
  10. this. The old recruit gear for example gives you like 800 expertise, which is a huge gimp in the same horrible idea category as wearing full 198's. If you have the basic comms to spare you can use the 50 set bonus armors and weapons/offhands in the supplies area. Those relics are tempting but dont bolster as well imo as others, so at 150 comms per i'd avoid them unless you're desperate and want to just play the sell back timers. Just make sure every slot is filled, everything besides your weapon/off hand is below 162 like talchia said, and don't mix expertise modifications with non expertise ones. After that you'll be fine to get the new gear.
  11. Amaste


    It's normally a popularity contest, but the ones who vote 'properly' usually look for more than total damage/heals or medal count.
  12. That's what I was suspecting, but good to see some numbers ran to be sure. This simplifies the whole 2018 ranked requirement without a goudge on our mobile aoe heal, but Im going to miss playing around with different mods and enhancements in that 2p for some fun.
  13. Amaste

    Gunslinger Explanation

    10/10, would read again.
  14. Ugh, I love these threads because I'm a music nerd but I hate these threads because I'm a music nerd. I could waste my whole day thinking about theme songs for the classes >< lol. The 2 that most readily come to mind are these though; Jugg Sith inquisitor
  15. How do I get some of that luck? Would you mind bottling it for me? ;o
  16. Sounds about right tbh, though gear stat min maxing may help even it a bit more for ya. MM is about quickly overwhelming and dropping a target, where as most DOT builds suffer from fluff damage syndrome which can artificially buff your damage, kinda like the Force Storm spammers with 1.9m damage and next to no kills. Pretty numbers which will pressure the healers, but not as effective in dropping targets per say.
  17. hm, may play around with this tonight for some fun.
  18. QFE. Darth Pinhead is all I could think when I first heard his voice in the game, and it was glorious. Also pulled that real strong demagogue sociopath vibe from what little we've seen so far, which is far more unnerving than the -10,000 Dark Side Generic Baddie A we're used to for most of our villains. The kind of person who will speak calmly and properly to you but has the look of cold calculations, death and a total lack of empathy in their eyes; total assurance of their own view of right and wrong and willing to destroy whatever it is that stands between them and their seen 'birthright'.
  19. As a side note, tossed together a 25.w/e% crit, returned to 4.highw/e% alacrity and 72% surge set and did notice it was much easier to keep a decent HPS average. Ducky likes lol. Gotta adjust my keybinds though, do you bind target group members for quick slot targeting or prefer clicking the names?
  20. I'll take a look at what my sets doing when I get off work in a bit, for some reason when I rock that i'm only hitting around 23.5% or so for crit on skill augs and crit/surge enhancements. I ADD hop between full power builds w/ overkill augs to skill augs for fun so much im broke lol. Currently sitting on the power build with 1295 bonus heal, 3.14% alacrity, 74% surge and 19 or 20% crit or so. Do you still run the 2p PvE or are you thinking it'll be worth it to start planning for the new 6p changes coming? Come 6p changes I doubt I'll be running it anymore with that nice cdr on nanotech, should provide a higher HPS.
  21. But it's also the most predictable burst in the game, with a well timed roll and evasion completely destroying your burst window on an Op. >.>
  22. I remember back in the old days having the 25% crit chance when we had the innate 5% alacrity and i know the large chunk of our healing comes from sustained HoTs over big number injections and what not, but do you notice that large of a difference in your HPS in 3.0 going with 250-300 crit over a straight power/alacrity/surge setup? ;o Idk where my stat issues were, but I feel like I get more out of the less crit more power approach, though my rotation is still very shoddy at best, consistency is never my strong suit in any game lol. Where abouts does that leave your bonus healing numbers with that build?
  23. Ive got a sudden desire to queue GF and watch the TOR movies as well.
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