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Everything posted by Spuck

  1. Yes that is the main answer folks are looking for!!! We know how the other ties are broken. What about not making it past first door?
  2. Pro: I like the augment changes, social gear changes, group changes, ranked warzone changes, warzone changes (i.e. voidstar fence), legacy perks added per character, Gunslinger changes Con: I do not have one yet.
  3. They can give away 10million credits to anyone who creates a character in both factions on the same server... I'm not playing Imperial!!! Evil Bioware, you can not draw me to the darkside... no matter how hard you try!
  4. And I do not want to purchase it on all characters. I have characters that I do NOT want the bonus for.
  5. I do not understand why folks keep messing up with this. I also do not understand how folks could be upset about this. As for messing up... accidently purchasing, thinking it was global. As someone else already pointed out, the description of each "character" perk specifically states "per character" not "per account" or not "per server". Character Perk is NOT Global Perk. And as for being upset because they are per character and not per server/account... If I purchase bonus xp for a character, then that does NOT mean that I want bonus xp across all characters. Hence, the Per Character and not Global. And the prices per character are fairly reasonable overall.
  6. You are correct about bikes and ship parts. But I sell Armoring, Mods, and Earpieces quite frequently. I do fairly well I think. And there are rarer occasions when ship parts and bikes do actually sell As far as augments and augment kits. I think it works pretty good just how it is currently. Armormech can sell some armor, but it's tough most of the time because a great majority rather have moddable gear. And once they buy that orange piece, all they need is the mods then.... not the Armormech. And the same goes for weapons. So giving Synth, Armor, and Arms the ability to craft augments and augment kits was a great idea.
  7. I agree that PvP warzones should give a little better in credit payouts. But you do NOT have to do dalies to make credits. Craft... Sell!!!!
  8. The "per character" Legacy Perks added in UPdate 1.3 are nice. I totally agree with them being "per character" too. If I pay for xp bonus, then I want it for "that" character... not all of them. I do not want bonus xp for all of my characters that I create.
  9. Exactly. In my opinion, if you can not make money crafting, then you are doing something wrong.
  10. That is false, false, FALSE. I do none of those things you mentioned for credits. I craft and sell crafted items.
  11. I can't afford the big credit legacy perks... yet. But majority of the lesser ones (200k and under), I can afford just by selling my crafted goods. Everyone keeps saying "do dailies, do dailies". That could work, but I have no interest in doing dailies. So, I craft! And I sell certain things I craft! (Armormech, Armstech, Cybertech and Artificer). All 4 of my crafters make good money.
  12. I do not do any dailies. All I do is PvP. But I craft my own things. The items that I do purchase, is with money I make by selling goods that I craft myself. I have 4 characters that I play. Each one has made over 1 million credits since transfers.
  13. I dont see why they couldnt do expertise ranks or valor ranks or something to that effect instead. The level 50 bracket is just as bad as it was when it was 10-50 only bracket... sometimes.
  14. Spuck

    PVP & MMOs

    I agree with most of what the OP said. As to the other responses in this thread regarding "other" games. They are not scifi! Therefore, my interest, even if I play them, will fade fast due to the MMO market always being FLOODED with medieval style games. I want futuristic like Star Wars, Star Trek, or hopfully something new in the genre.
  15. If you are in the middle, then you should know that grass is west/left and snow is east/right... correct? Oh, but wait, then that kind of dumps all over the whole just use grass/snow. Hmmm!!! Just sayin!
  16. I use east & west... whatever. I go along with those who use the grass & snow thing while in the warzone. At least I know who on my team, most likely, plays on the Imperial side too Because they are the ones who started all this snow/grass thing due to their orientation from their ship. Never trust an Imperial sympathizer!!!
  17. I used to buy pvp weapons to get the expertise enhancements. The weapons start at like lvl 32 or 34, I think, and go up to level 46. The expertise gets a little better each level of weapon you can get. But since they made the cost of weapons even more and added Recruit Gear at 50 after Update 1.2, I felt it was not worth it on new alts. As for the leaving the warzone early to stay in 10-49 bracket, I do not do it. But I also see the point of those that do it. The 10-49 bracket can be more fun. My Gunslinger had no problems from level 10 to level 49 in that bracket. I continuously kept myself well modded/geared at every level with my crafters. Whereas in the 50's, you basically suck until you get Battlemaster or War Hero gear. On a side note, I think they should remove Recruit Gear and allow crafters to make grade 22 Armoring, Mod, and Enhancements with expertise on them. For on a PvP server, Grade 22 mod(s) barely sell because everyone just gets Recruit Gear.
  18. Please do not let the elitests make you unsub. There are plenty of players out there that PvP with 12 keybinds on any class and still do well. You figure out what best suits you and then work to be as good as you want or can be. Do not let others belittle you into thinking you will never amount to anything with only 12 keybinds... that is a little crazy!
  19. Spuck

    PVP leveling

    Yes it does take a lot longer. And you can level so much faster doing quests that you've already done. I get more fun out of doing warzones repeatedly than I do repeating planet quests.
  20. Spuck

    PVP leveling

    Approx. 75% of my leveling on all alts now is through PvP You can get xp if you lose matches. And you can stop queuing to do crafting and such. lol
  21. I was referring to the post I quoted talking about driving directions
  22. I tell ppl to turn left or right depending on their orientation... which takes in to account that whatever direction they are facing is their "north". Left or Right is easier on directions to most people than East or West.
  23. Resolve is for stuns & knockbacks, not slows.
  24. I disagree. Snow is on both sides. Yes, I know that one side is "covered" in snow and one has grass. But both sides are surrounded by snow. But I have found that more ppl get snow/grass confused than anything else.
  25. I love Huttball. Petition NOT signed!!!
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