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Everything posted by Ortof

  1. It happens OP. Not only in game but real life. For instance, I live in a small town of about 3k people. A couple of weeks ago I was buying some food and whatnot from the local grocery store. This woman comes in screaming "I'm not even kidding someone needs to get their a**'s out there and count my bottles because I am late for work and the machines aren't working properly." Needless to say, they sent out some poor high school kid to shut her up. Moral of the story was that she didn't have to go to work, the machines were operating just fine, but she was simply a "you know what". Some people love misery and misery loves company.Don't let it get to ya.
  2. "Once you become eligible for the title and have surpassed your 30 days of game time included with your official Game Product Registration Code, you will be notified by email. The Founder’s medal will be delivered to all your characters through in-game mail. From the in-game mail, simply right-clicking on the medal to unlock the “Founder” title to your character." Taken from the OP's link I saw your post before you deleted it. Just thought I would post it again for those that were agreeing with you as it in fact does say it in there.
  3. **shocked voice** Nothing in any of these games has ever been one thing and turned into another..... Who knows, on the 1 year or two year etc anniversary date the medal could turn into something cool, lame w/e but something. If not, oh well, does it really affect your game play that much? Here, I'll send ya 20k credits to expand your bank inventory... Better yet, go to IIum for 5 minutes and get the 20k yourself. lol Not trolling, but sheesh guys. 1 space taken up in your inventory and a title and people think it's a huge scam/conspiracy.
  4. Ya just like wow did right before the release of one of their expansions right? Oh but instead of a title they were giving away literally hundreds of dollars worth of hardware and the like. But ya, it's only Bioware. So yup, total scam that a company can see a distant future and those in the next couple of years sporting the "founder" title can in fact prove how long they have been around. Ya, nothing to do with that though. Actually it's probably a bit of both. lol
  5. The discussion wasn't about who could or couldn't PVP guys let alone who is good or bad or even how a match will turn out base don premades or pugs. All those things are factors that consist of the player for the most part or players *team*. With that said Royal, I read where you have been doing 50 PVP for a week and have nice PVp gear. Now it is my understanding that you can only have one bag on the way up to 50 and you are required to be 50 to open said bag. So, how is it that you have nice gear already with only doing PVP at 50 for a week? I did PVP all the way up almost every day for the daily, got capped at 1k warzone tokens (which bought me 1 bag that gave me 2 Centurion tokens). So being a fresh 50, how does one step right into PVP gear with expertise? Just curious because I am pretty familiar with PVP. I enjoy it quite a bit and have so since before I played an MMO. I am not an e-peener by any means and don't get a big head or even think of it as an e-sport (heck, it's a video game, which in my day/book means just that *video game*and in no way shape or form consists of a "sporting" nature, but that's another can of worms.) But I am just genuinely curious as to how a fresh 50 steps into PVP gear with expertise. Because, truth be told I have a bunch of people on my server that went to level 50 in roughly 2.3 hours after launch (I know, exaggerated, but you get the point) and started PVPing to get gear while the brackets were still merged. So I don't think that a fresh 50 "not really knowing" should have been in your previous post, because there are a lot of us that do know what we are doing, but our hands are tied due to the system the way it is now.
  6. Give them time. Gotta figure they are still probably scattered a bit trying to fix core game issues (still have the problem with the dual cores). This is a fairly simple fix from the sounds of it which may put it on the back burner for a bit. But in time I imagine it will be fixed.
  7. To the bold, try being a fresh 50 having turned in all 1000 marks and you get 2 Centurian tokens. Then go into a warzone and try that grind where the opposing team is rocking 16-18k health pools already (I play Imps btw). Makes for all that much more pain man...
  8. Also, as someone said this isn't a plea from PVE'ers to be able to faceroll with PVE gear nor is it a plea to make PVE equivalent in PVP. This isn't about making the top tier or top two tiers "easy to get" as well. However, the first tier of PVP gear should be an entry level (which it already is) more easily obtainable so when you hit 50, you aren't at such a huge disadvantage. Just to clarify.
  9. The scaling isn't the issue so much as the ability to obtain even PVP gear is. Once people have the PVP stat it isn't "that" big of a problem. However, when you are left with such a grind to even get the first tier of PVP gear, it puts a huge gap between the two.
  10. No worries man, and your not alone.
  11. To the bold. I was going to make a similar post to this. I just hit 50 a couple of days ago and have yet to even win a match let alone complete a daily for my pvp now. At 49 and below I could go toe to toe with any class/spec and it was fairly balanced, now that I am a fresh 50 with no PVP gear at all, I literally explode. Not saying PVP gear isn't a good thing. It is, it really is. Nor am I saying that those that rushed to 50 and started grinding the system should deserve the gear they have. What I am saying is that all the marks I turned in I am a long LONG way from being able to get my first piece of PVP gear now. Coupled with the rate at which I am now able to obtain them, I look forward to getting my PVP set done by about mid 2013, no joke, a bit exaggerated, but 8 months isn't a far guess from truth. To the Italic. Good point. Every time I have been out to IIum it is either Emp or Rep in a huge number just gathering missles in the middle for hours. I sat in the middle for about 3 hours the other day (first day at 50) and did nothing but circles trying to beat out other players to get these missles. I finally got so bored I left with only 13. While I will say I hope they change these things in time and I am confident they will. None the less I felt like voicing a glaring issue with PVP at the moment. Not ranting, just voicing.Other than that, great game so far and I look forward to the future here in SWTOR.
  12. Again, you're adding and not subtracting a lot of the refund abilities. We are fine in regards to heat, I assure you. Try a different rotation or specing differently. EDIT: I will put it this way, in PVP I safe vent heat to give me health......
  13. Your not Merc Spec? Only thing in our tallent tree is Terminal Velocity. 100% chance to vent 8 heat max of 3 times. This still works out to only 24 heat which is 1 missile. I do not see anything in the tallent tree for Merc that allows the cost of Tracer missile to be 16heat costs. your rotation cost you just posted tracer, tracer, heatseeker, unload, rail shot = 25+25+16+16+16= total 98 heat. Your still missing key Dps moves Explosive dart, Power shot, Both offer huge dps. With the rotation you just posted you could not even look at using those moves. Currently running with Full Columi Eliminator Set 5/5 You are completely ignoring the venting effects from certain moves as well as venting in general. If you keep it below 40 you are running at the max venting per second we have (figure yourself doing a Recharge and Reload). You can't forget those. You are adding but not subtracting anything.
  14. Your rotation is a bit off. Why are you using explosive dart more than once in a fight? I only use that at the beginning of fights. My rotation looks about like this. Explosive Tracer X3 Heatseeker Unload Rapid Shots Tracer - trying to get Unlaod reset with 25% increase to proc Tracer - trying to get Unlaod reset with 25% increase to proc Heatseeker Rapid Hitting Unload and Heatseeker on Cooldown. I work in railshot as well as a filler. I generally don't have heat issues "unless" I am nuking with tracers seeing as I have Rapid Shots in my rotation. Try to keep under 50 and you'll see your heat reduction between 4 and 3 (if I recall, it's close to that) and you can maintain that. Outside of that if you run into heat issues. Instead of being capped at Rapid Shots and stuck. Hit your "next ability costs no heat" (sorry can't remember the name at the moment) and if speced right you can hit Unload and it hopfully will discharge more heat without costing any. I read somewhere that if you try to incorporate Rapid Shots into your rotation you safe a lot of heat. Can't remember which guide, but it has for me.
  15. I'd go back to playin my facebook games. Off topic but in regards to the OP's post, why is it people expect or even bring up getting their money back. You don't get your money back from going to the movies and not liking them. Heck, you don't even get your money back for video games from walmart if it's defective, don't like it etc. So why do people even bring that up? Someone spare the "it's a product, I'm a customer blah blah" that argument holds no water in this. They (companies) can and do refuse to give refunds.
  16. OP this has been hashed time and time again. They have listened seeing as they are doing "something" to space combat at some point. Just gotta wait and see.
  17. Why do people do this? Is it such a far cry that some servers are actually balanced rather than the "whoa is me, we are so out numbered and it's because the other side is favored by the devs"? Come on man, you guys are sounding ridiculous. Ya there are probably server imbalances on "some" servers, but not all.
  18. Welcome back Papa. Thought your sub was canceled a couple of days ago...... On topic, I like the game. It is very nice with a lot of great features, both current and up coming. Still needs work, but over all I would say 8/10.
  19. Then provide one gaming name that had zero bugs. In all your "research" you most certainly can provide that now can't you?
  20. That is why you are here complaining about this game then right? Na, figured you are just trying to get the most out of your 2 cents an hour that you're being charged.
  21. On the flip side of this coin people will literally p*ss away $60 to boast at their income IE watch a movie they knew was a bad one, yet still bought the tickets, popcorn etc or something similar yet, when it comes to an MMO game and the internet forums, people "demand", they "think" the customer is always right, they "know" they are right all the time, they have "no patience" seeing as the game was in development for "X" amount of years (still don't know for sure, but people who are like this LOVE to throw out factual numbers with no backing). From what I have gathered those that make the excuses for an MMO at launch are simply tired of hearing people do nothing bu complain. And complain over the smallest little detail that may or even may not pertain to the majority, IE what suits them and only them. While they feel this is their right, it really is not seeing as it was rather obvious that BW doesn't stand for trolling topics and does ban accordingly. Those same people that started all the negative with no backing in turn took that as BW trying to hide a failure. Go figure for internet spin doctors, so to speak, the trolls not BW. Bottom line is, ya there are issues with the game. Is it playable? Very much so. Are people enjoying it? Despite what "you" might be feeling, yes there are people enjoying it, go figure right? Considering there are bugs in every video game to date and the "fact" that there always will be just goes to show what people try to expect for a measly $60, yes the same amount they threw away at the movie theaters. Mind you this boils down to *incoming numbers* figure $15 a month for the sub (don't know yet what I am getting charged, but I'll go 15/month. So that is for 688 hours of game play. That is minus the 32 hours for maint. Boils down to roughly 51 cents a day or just over 2 cents an hour. So for the one night out at a movie theater with someone and an additional .02+ cents/hour people "demand" perfection when in fact it is unobtainable in this industry. Pretty silly if you ask me, considering the amount of entertainment this game does provide. But hey, who am I to judge people on their hard earned 2 cents?
  22. I actually have seen an increase to be honest. By roughly 20-30 people. This is based on the imp fleet. During peak times we would average about 140-150 people at a time. Now we are at 170ish. Even the zones have a few more people in them. Where Hoth we would have 25-35 we now have over 40. Though this is a poor way to base a server population off of seeing as people leveling or traveling.
  23. Fixed that a bit for you. You know what the poster meant when he posted, but yeah. So I just figured I would clarify it for you.
  24. I could say the very same thing about oh, I don't know, every "Joined Nov, Dec 2011 with no avatar" that have literally done nothing but hash the game from day 1. I see the bugs, faults etc in this game. However, as a whole it is very playable and "I" am enjoying it. So if because I actually enjoy the game means I am being paid by BW to defend them, lol, ok cool I have a side job I guess. Though I will say thank you. Yet another "you like the game and didn't hate it immediately therefor your a fanboy" type response. Seriously, laughing at how hypocritical some of you guys are.
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